A Quarter Marathon

sounds amazing right?

it’s a fancy way of saying 10.5 KM.

2 of that is on the beach.

3 will be up hills.

The rest will be along the dikes and through the village. I think… That “blue” stuff you see on the photo? That’s the North Sea. I’m crazily running near the sea, in January, in the Netherlands. Think Wind Gales, people.

I’m kind of excited. And scared. But I’m a runner. It’s what I do.

Tomorrow 10.30am. Wish me luck!

4 thoughts on “A Quarter Marathon

  1. Just wanted to wish you luck!! And of course fun!! Be proud and chin up! I’ll still be reading your blog and may actualy start writing more myself now. Drop by for a read anytime! I’ve got much out of twitter, focusing elsewhere right now-but will still be reading alot! Enjoy the run :-) ps…..love the new blog!

  2. I know already from Twitter that you finished!

    Did you like the race? They say the half of Egmond is the toughest of the country.
    At least you had great weather, much better than last year :)

    1. it was so cool! and I can understand just by looking at the parcours that it’s probably really tough!!

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