Friday Five – Fitness Decisions and Goals

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I am going to try to do the Friday Five, to engage with more bloggers and hopefully get to know them a bit better (as well as “you” getting to know me as well!).

What’s a Friday Five? Well:

Every Friday, Mar at Mar On the Run and fellow Washington, DC area bloggers Cynthia at You Signed Up For What?! and Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC to host the Friday Five linkup. Anyone can join with their own Friday Five post (note, it must be a Friday Five) then you link back to one or more of the hosts. The idea is to visit other blogs on the linkup, comment, share and engage!

The Themes are:
In months with a FIFTH FRIDAY, it’s another FREE FRIDAY – woot!!

So let’s get started, shall we?

Since it’s the first Friday, that means I’ll be talking about Fitness. It’s a fresh new month as well, so why not map out my fitness decisions and goals for the rest of the year?

1) To Bootcamp or not To Bootcamp, that is the question.
I’ve been going to bootcamp the last couple of months, and I’m really enjoying it. It’s challenging and it’s with a group of women (and the odd man occasionally) who are all pretty much at the same level. I’m in the beginner’s group but let me tell you it’s NOT easy. I’m not sure if I’m going to continue though. I’m really wavering. The cost is not so bad, but I already have a gym membership that I’m not using (because… I’ve been going to bootcamp) which makes it the same price as my old beloved gym (that I quit to save money). I’m thinking I am going to stop soon because I am honestly not sure I want to work out in the park when it’s cold and dark out. So… perhaps this is not really a goal, but a decision I need to make.

Have you ever done anything like bootcamp or crossfit? (I know the biggest difference is bodyweight vs. weights)

Arnhem City Bootcampers at Food Camp
Arnhem City Bootcampers at Food Camp

2) Change gyms? If I decide to stop bootcamp, I do know that I need a gym to go to. I tried to like my new gym but frankly it just sucks goats. I don’t need fancy but man, the staff at my old gym were so great and it was always easy to get a personal trainer to help now and again with form or function. Also getting a specified training program was free and they checked in with you every 4 weeks to see and discuss your progress or make adjustments. My membership is up at the end of September. I think I would go more often if I ACTUALLY LIKED where I was going. Definitely a dilema here.

Do you go to a gym? Do you think it makes a difference if it’s cheap and bare bones versus a little bit of luxury (as far as getting yourself TO the gym)?

3) Daily Rehab Foot exercises. Recovery is not going that well from my foot operation. Two days ago I was given some exercises to do to strengthen my foot muscles. So somehow (admittedly I’m terrible with working out at home) I need to find a way to incorporate doing a few exercises EVERY DAY for my foot so that I can finally recover from my operation. I started Thursday. I know it doesn’t take much time so I just have to do it.

This is actually a really great site for different foot issues: ePainAssist

4) Kettlebells – speaking of home exercises, my kettlebells are collecting dust. I want to use them to strengthen my core more to help with running in the future. I’d love to have any and all tips for kettlebell workouts in the time range of 15 – 20 min per day (do those exist?) If I don’t go to bootcamp then I need to do my core stuff at home OR the gym. A while back I was going to the nice gym and my core was tight (and my weight was down too) and I felt like I was running stronger. At the moment I don’t feel like I’m very strong at all.

Do you use kettlebells to strengthen your core? Have any kettlebell workout tips?

5) Planking – Last but not least… I was participating in a 5 minute plank challenge in August. I did not complete the challenge. I did make it to three minutes! I would definitely like to reach that goal of 5 minutes before the end of the year. 3 months! Plenty o’ time.

Do you plank? Can you plank for more than 3 minutes? Do you do variations of planks or the good old fashioned regular plank?

this plank I can probably do for more than 5 minutes.
this plank I can probably do for more than 5 minutes.

Do you feel inspired by a new month to have new fitness goals? Or do you like to check in with yourself occasionally and tweak the ones you already have?

Don’t forget to visit the one or more of the hosts with your own Friday Five!

16 thoughts on “Friday Five – Fitness Decisions and Goals

  1. Thanks for joining us! I definitely feel inspired by a new month. But somehow we’re 2 days into it already. Geez. I love working out with kettlebells. I need a gym and/or fitness classes. I have zero motivation to workout at home.

    1. why is it so hard to work out at home???? ugh. seems like it would be easier but I guess when everyone else is working out around you it’s more inspiring?

  2. I used to take a bootcamp type class that was outdoors. And actually did it for 2 years. It does suck being in the dark and cold (and rain and snow), but I found that it made me stronger doing those things in elements I didn’t like. I did end my session with them and started a gym membership. The only reason I’m still with this gym is because of the functional training class I take. It’s like bootcamp but it’s indoors. The best of both worlds. :)

  3. Good job on making monthly goals for yourself! I’m terrible about working out at home, except for running. I have one gym membership that is good for basic spin and zumba classes, and treadmill time. I go somewhere else for kettlebell classes. Going to kettlebell class keeps the variety up, pushes me to be stronger, and gives me the individual/small group attention for form and function. The combo of a cheap gym plus more expensive classes balances out to what an expensive gym would cost. And you can totally do a 15-20 minute kettlebell workout- it just might get a little boring after a while. I checked out a library book on kettlebell workouts last year- maybe check amazon or your local library for resources?

    1. yes I like that too. and that’s one thing about my current gym – I have to go between 7am and 5pm. I thought I could manage going early/ during lunch / before 5pm but it feels restricted. Plus I started a new job last year (around the same time as my new membership) and with work it’s just not always easy to go between those hours.

  4. I’ve hosted a running/body weight exercise boot-camp and it was a hit! There’s something about getting together and working together with support! If you do a bootcamp I would make sure it complements you’re running. It every bootxamp will make you a better runner! Hope your foot rehab picks up quickly. I know working out on your own at home is challenging to get going! Eye on the prize. I’m just excited for fall=hopefully faster running times! Happy weekend!

    1. originally when I joined bootcamp I was hoping it would compliment the running. I was told that I probably would just have to try it to see and in actuality it has complimented to some extent. I’m definitely doing more core work, lunges and squats with bootcamp. lots of arm work too. but I think with the state that my body is in, it may be too much. So I really need to figure it out. And I need to recover, but that will have to wait until after Athens… definitely looking forward to cooler weather and maybe even just running for fun rather than a schedule!!!

  5. I wonder about the diminishing returns on planking – you know, if after a certain length of time the benefits start to level out? Just curious. I do like to think about what I’m setting myself up for at the start of a new month :)

    1. I often wonder this too! I mean, what is more beneficial, 1 – 5 1 minute planks or one long plank?

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