Fit Five Friday – Five Things This Week

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t’s that time of week again! Hopefully you’ve been enjoying this new link up with your FIVE amazing hosts – me, My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude,  Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida ! Feel free to join in on the fun!

Five things that helped me this week

This week I want to talk about 5 things that actually helped my mental health (and this IS a part of fitness my friends!) this week, while it seemed like other more negative things were trying to win. Spoiler Alert: These five things won!

In essence, I saved a cat

I didn’t save the cat personally, BUT… while I was walking into town I saw this poor kitty in the neighbourhood. I called him over and he came to me but he was dirty and crying and generally looked very unwell. But he didn’t seem like a street cat because he came to me and gave me that look that a sad kitty gives when it needs love.

I took a few pictures of him and posted it to my neighbourhood giveaway group just in case the cat was missing and belonged to someone.

He wasn’t anyone’s cat, but someone from the group went and got him and took him to the vet in case he was chipped. Sadly he wasn’t. They then took him home and gave him a good bath and gave him some food and water. Poor baby just wanted to curl up and sleep for a while. Slowly he started to eat and drink.

Somehow or another after a few days, Mr Kitty made the rounds on other neighbourhood groups and his person was found! Turns out the cat was 18 years old and accidentally got out and likely became disorientated. Both Cat and Person are very happy to be reunited.

I felt so bad that I couldn’t do anything for him personally at the moment I saw him, but my faith in humanity has been restored with my neighbourhood coming together for this little guy.

this sweet boy broke my heart when I saw him – so happy he’s with his person again!

I had a job interview

While I obviously can’t say much I had a positive experience with a applying for a position I saw on LinkedIn – I got an interview almost right away!

I did feel like it was a good discussion but I’m unsure of the total outcome right now. It was fine until they said at the end that there were a lot more interviews to do and with vacations coming up it could be a while before I heard back… ah, ok. So maybe it wasn’t that great? Ha!

It’s ok no matter what, it’s just good to get back into practise again.

I was one of the first 100 customers at the opening of Starbucks

OK super cheesy, but Starbucks is still one of my most pleasant job experiences (even though they let me down in the end AND things have changed massively since) and even after 8 years I still drink Starbucks coffee. And I drink coffee, y’all, the black stuff. Not the special drinks, they aren’t my thing. Ron mentioned the night before that the first 100 customers would get a goody bag and my response was “Well I guess I have to go!”.

I figured I had plenty of time, so I left at 10:30 for the 11am opening (it’s about a 15 min walk, if that) and boy was I surprised!! There was a queue all the way around the corner! It turned out I was around number 85. And to think I almost turned back and went home!

of course I need more Starbucks stuff at home (and a new journal because there is nothing better in the world than a fresh cup of coffee and a blank journal with endless writing possibilities!

I got new kicks!

I changed my orthotics in my Clifton 8’s to my old orthotics because I thought that was maybe the problem. But the toe box still felt too small. I even tried the trick Deborah mentioned in one of her reels a while back. No dice.

So the hubs ordered some Clifton 7’s for me in hot pink/orange (there must be a color name for that? coral?) and already they feel great! So for now I’m sticking to the 7’s. Hmmm. Maybe I should even order ANOTHER pair should they stop making them!

I FINALLY ran and it was actually a GOOD run

I tried to run twice this week and both times it was so horrid I just stopped. Between knee twinges and terribly sore arthritic toes, plus the heat, I just couldn’t deal.

Finally today I got out there, I had an extra long warm up, and I did my intervals. I REALLY needed a run that felt good, especially considering I’m so far behind my training.

Next up is another long run on Sunday. With my new kicks of course.

Is there anything good that happened to you this week that helped you get through a bad day?

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16 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday – Five Things This Week

  1. I already loved your story of saving the cat on FB! I think that’s enough good Karma for one week, for sure. Great job!

    I’m also glad that you got in a great one after 2 not so great ones. It happens (both).

    Congrats on the job interview! Try to think positively. I swear in today’s world just getting a F2F interview is a real achievement. Fingers crossed for you.

    1. Trying to keep positive over here. About everything really – work, life, running. I got the “positive” news recently that I”m NOT in the last corral for the marathon which buys me a bit more time so I’m happy about that! I don’t think I’ll go over 6.5 hours but that’s the limit AFTER the last corral leaves so I won’t be the last one in – can you imagine? I would hope it would be like the Rotterdam marathon where the crowd is going wild and there’s confetti exploding everywhere and you get the biggest bouquet of flowers you’ve ever seen :). I wouldn’t mind being last for that!

  2. I love Starbucks coffee. Still the only coffee I drink.

    Good luck with the job

    And congrats on a good run.

    Mine have been pretty lackluster but I just keep up those walk breaks to get t done.

    I swear by Topos. The shoe with a wide enough toe box for my problem feet.

    1. I really have tried other coffees but what can I say… it’s an acquired taste!!

      Unfortunately haven’t heard anything on the job yet, but may have something positive with something else. stay tuned.

      I’m going to check for Topos.

  3. I went to two outdoor, charity exercise classes with friends in perfect weather, met up with friends including Deborah (Confessions of a Mother Runner) and had a professional win! Also, got 4 pairs of sneakers 50% off and with $40 cash back!

  4. YAY for a great week ;-) I’m glad the new shoes are a hit, that’s always great incentive to lace up and hit the street (or sidewalk, bike path, etc.). AN especially bright moment for me? A spontaneous meet-up with a friend, after work, at a nearby brewery ;-)

    1. New shoes are like getting presents at Christmas when you were a kid :). love them! And love spontaneous meet-ups!

  5. Oh my gosh THAT CAT!!! Poor little guy! And his human must have been frantic with worry. Seeing them reunited would be a HUGE boost of happiness!
    So you think the Clifton 8s are narrower in the toebox than the 7s? I thought the same thing! And the whole reason I wear Hokas are for the wide toe box. I’ll have to look at Deborah’s reel more closely- I might try that trick.
    Nice Starbucks gift bag- I love that journal!

    1. I’m so glad you found the 8’s to be more narrow too!! I thought I was going nuts or something! Definitely try Deborah’s hack, it may help! Also, love me any kind of new journal!

  6. Yay to all of this! And, yes, anything that supports your mental health IS fitness in my book!

    I would definitely snag another pair of the Clifton 7s – I’m all for stockpiling a shoe model that works for me.

    Something good this week? I crushed a couple of presentations at work that I had been totally stressed about and got a huge shout out from our CEO :)

    1. I’ll definitely be ordering another pair of the sevens. can’t go into the marathon with too many km’s on my shoes!!

      Oh wow Michelle that is AWESOME! Recognition is super important!! Way to rock it!

  7. Getting out there and interviewing has to feel good! It is good practice and a confidence booster. I am glad you are feeling better about running again. New shoes will do that!

    1. It definitely can have positive effects to get interviews. I am trying hard to keep that feeling but sometimes while I’m working I feel so down. Ugh. It’s a balancing act for sure. But I’m positive good things are going to happen before the end of the year. You read it here first :) And indeed super happy with my new kicks!

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