Fit Five Friday – Five things to NEVER do in the gym

Whoo Hoo! It’s Friday!

It’s the beginning of the year and that means a LOT of people are going back to the gym or starting up for the first time. Which I completely applaud! You’ll never catch me as one of those people who complains about all the newbies beginning of the year. Maybe I’ll complain about the busy-ness, but who would I be if I didn’t complain about something *wink* haha!

Join us on the Fit Five Friday Journey!

WELOME to Fit Five Friday with with your FIVE amazing hosts – me, My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with Pugs, and The Running Teacher !

Five things to NOT do in the gym

Don’t scroll through social media between weight sets. People are waiting for machines and it’s extremely rude to be watching TikTok videos between sets for 5 minutes instead of the normal 30-60 second rest. I once waited about 5 minutes for a machine, before finally asking someone how much longer they would be. They told me “one more set” and then proceeded to STILL scroll through TikTok!

Don’t ever take photos in a changing room when people are in the frame! Save your mirror selfies for when you are totally alone or somewhere else. It’s incredibly rude and invasive to do this in a locker room where people may have just come out of the shower or are changing gear.

Unless you are a trainer at the gym, don’t tell others how to use the machines or weights. Even if you are concerned for someone’s safety. Always go to a trainer if you are really worried and have them assess and address the situation. Some of you may not agree with me on this, but not everyone is open to critique from someone who is NOT a trainer at the gym. I’ve actually stopped going to particular classes because a participant kept telling me I was doing it wrong. OK, one time is fine, and I will try to correct and watch the trainer, but throughout the whole class? who are you anyway?

Don’t leave your weights on the machines for someone else to have to put away! Rack your weights, like a responsible person sharing a training facility. I once had to put back 160KG that was left on the leg press. 160KG!!!!

Don’t talk loudly on the phone, especially while you are working out next to others! Honestly, take the time to disconnect and focus on your workout. There is nothing worse than hearing someone gab about absolutely nothing for a half an hour on the treadmill.

Join the Fit Five Friday Link-up!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do! 
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

What would your FIVE things be to not do at the gym? Do we have similar “rules” or pet peeves? Or do you disagree with me on any of these? Let’s talk about it!

Next week is RUNFESSIONS, but feel free to write about anything fitness related for the Fit Five Friday on any week you are able to join us!

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7 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday – Five things to NEVER do in the gym

  1. Oh, these are great! At my gym it’s common for people to be talking (loudly) on the phone while using the treadmill. WHY? Would you really want everyone to hear your side of the conversation???
    Our gym has a no photo/video policy in the locker room, but people still do it. Again.. why? Do you really need a locker room selfie?

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