Weekend and Goals

Amazingly enough, I have tracked and logged my intake all week by using my WW online program.  Even on Friday, when I was a bit off plan;  I came home and still logged everything and added up the points.  Was I within points every day? No.  The good thing is though, usually when I know that I’m “putting it out there” I am able to be close to or at my daily points level without too much damage.  As we all know, staying within points every day is not always realistic, and while there are some days that I think “screw it”, when I’m logging I never say “screw it” very loudly.

Saturday – 14/11

Breakfast – well, I had none.  I know that’s not a great thing, but honestly?  I slept for so long (until 12.45) that when and what I ate was no longer breakfast.  So, we moved on to:

Lunch – 2 slices of toast, 1 triangle of Laughing Cow Light cheese, 2 soft-boiled eggs.  What can I say.  I am loving eggs at the moment.

Snack – apple

Dinner – it wasn’t really planned (or I’d have not had eggs for lunch), but I made omelettes for everyone for dinner.  My omelette was: 1 egg, 3 egg whites, spinach, mushrooms, red onion, 1 slice of Milner Cheese (that’s a lower-in-fat cheese brand), 1 triangle of LC Light, and a bit o’ ketchup.

Snack – My stepson and I watched a movie while my guy and stepdaughter went to a little party (my stepdaughter belonged to a dance club for years and stopped recently, so this was a goodbye party for her and a few others).  SS and I shared some sweet popcorn (approx 100g each).

then I had 3 glasses of wine later on

Water: definitely not enough
Points Total: 24
Deficit: 2
Fruit & Veg: not so much fruit, def enough veg

Sunday – 15/11

Breakfast – coffee, 1 kiwi

Lunch – 2 slices of toast, 1 triangle of Laughing Cow Light cheese, 2 soft-boiled eggs and some sambal

Snack – tea, apple

Dinner – home-made spaghetti and meat balls.  The Hubs makes this.  We’ve figured the points according to the online program and his recipe.  I add 30g of cheese to this.

Water: still not enough
Points Total: 22, right on target
Fruit & Veg: not really enough. 2 fruits and a wee bit of veg from the sauce.

So, what do I want to do the next week?
1) I definitely want to drink 1.5 litres of water each day. This really should not be difficult.

2) I want to track my food again this week. Every day. I give myself permission to not log it on the WW online program because I am going away and will not have access to the internet Thurs – Sunday. Which leads me to:

3) I’m going to Liverpool and Manchester and I will not make that a license to eat like crap. I don’t have to have fry-ups and litres and litres of lager. I am and will be in control there.

4) I will eat minimum 2 fruit servings and 3 vegetable servings each day. Whatever it takes.

I am going to attempt working out, possibly tonight on my elliptical. My foot is healing, though there is a small sore spot, so I’ll take it a bit easier than I normally do (I usually completely go for it on my elliptical, working out for around 60 mins and burning more than 500 calories according to the machine).

I have seen numbers on the scale recently that I haven’t seen for years, and I am determined to keep going in this direction.  It would be brilliant to hit 80KG by the end of the year, but I don’t really like to make time-based goals.  For some reason my brain doesn’t react to these things very well, so we’ll just see how it goes.  Technically losing 3KG should be possible in 6 weeks.

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