Where was I?

Oh, yeah.  That Project I was working on.  The exercise. The food.

I seem to have run out of steam.

And isn’t that funny, right after I finally broke under 80 Kilos.

Right after I went on a fabulous shopping trip, that scored me clothes that really show off how far I’ve come so far on this trip I’ve been on.

Right after I ran for 2 hours.

Right after I had been so diligent in tracking, weighing, measuring.

Right after my major epiphany that I honestly feel good about myself, that I’m OK with how things are going, not just physically but emotionally as well.

For the first time in weeks I did NOT take full advantage of the time I had to have a work out.

So, I’m tired and I need to take care of that.  Today I also ate completely out of whack.  At least tomorrow that will be back to normal.  If I get a decent night’s kip I think my energy level will be back too.  The plan, the project, the dedication continues, it’s just had a little blip.   This is LIFE, right?  It’s never perfect all the time.

I still need to tell you guys all about that Blog Award I received too –  and I will definitely do that very soon!

8 thoughts on “Where was I?

  1. No worries – you know what needs to be done. :)

    Don’t feel alone – the last 5 days I have been sitting on my butt: no exercise, no tracking, no bodybugg, no food scale. . . it was weird. As of today I am back on the “wagon.”


  2. Yeah — I jumped off the wagon foodwise Saturday for reasons I can only attribute to hormones and stupidity. Jumped back on … uhhhh … after I finish this bowl of ice cream :)

  3. thanks girls. everyone goes through this I know and I feel like I can get back on track much sooner because of such great support *kiss*

  4. I just ate a huge bowl of ice cream. The guilt is killing me and you people are doing awesome work then complain about one little thing. I don’t get it. You ARE doing AWESOME!!! deal with it!

    1. THANK YOU Karen! and now I need to start kicking my own and a few others butts back!!!

  5. I am struggling with motivation myself- newly in love I would much rather cuddle on the couch with my cutie than go out so we are trying to get fit together. Any motivation would be helpful along with any tips you might pass along. My blog is here-http://writeway73.wordpress.com/

    1. Will be keeping up with your blog :) I am pretty sure once you really start cracking the weight loss whip you won’t need any motivation from me ;-)

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