Wednesday Food Fest: Lemon Dill Chicken

Admittedly I eat a lot of chicken. I may have mentioned that before. I like it so at least it’s not like I’m choking it down. I find it really easy to make chicken taste good too. So why not, right?

Saturday I decided to try out a recipe for my family. I try to cook at least one of the weekend dinners, takes a tiny bit of pressure off the hubs. So this past Saturday I decided to try this recipe from WebMD

My version:
4 boneless, skinless breasts – mine were probably in the range of 150-200g each.
3 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil (divided up) – I reckon you can use coconut oil if that’s your thing
2 medium white onions, finely copped
3 cloves of garlic, minced. Or 5. Or 7 hahaha! Use as much as you like!
1 cup organic chicken broth – I used a local brand

2 teaspoons flour (I used GF flour, same amount)
2 tablespoons freshly chopped dill (divided)
1 tablespoon lemon juice – I would probably add a tad more the next time
sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Season the chicken breasts with sea salt and ground black pepper both sides heat half of the oil in a large heavy skillet over medium-high head. Add the chicken and sear until well browned on both sides, 3 or 4 minutes. Once that’s done, transfer to a plate and “tent” with foil (I never heard of this term “tenting” so I just put foil on and created a little dome)

Reduce heat now to medium. Add the remaining oil and then add onion and garlic, cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Whisk your broth, flour and one tablespoon dill and lemon juice in a measuring cup and add to pan (I didn’t do this, because I’m bad about reading full directions and just dumped everything in the pan – it was fine). Cook, stirring or whisking (if I used a whisk on that pan and hubs caught me, I’d be dead meat… a rubber spatula it was!) until slightly thickened, 3 or 4 minutes.

Return the chicken and any juice from the plate to the pan. Reduce the heat to low and simmer until the chicken is cooked through, about 4 minutes. Once your chicken is on a plate, season your sauce a wee bit with salt and pepper and spoon over the chicken. Garnish the top with the remainder of your fresh dill.

I made ours with Red Quinoa and roasted broccoli (broccoli chopped in a shallow pan, drizzle olive oil on top, sea salt, about 200 C for about a half an hour).

red quinoa


Yes I actually followed (for the most part) and made this recipe!

Hubs and the s-daughter loved this and definitely want it again. I loved it too, so I guess we’ll be having it again! (and I did have it again, as a snack, cold with goat’s cheese and avocado, and then another time partially in my lunch salad!)

What’s your favourite chicken recipe? Do you also eat it a lot or do you feel like it’s diet food?

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Food Fest: Lemon Dill Chicken

  1. Hi Pinkypie, I love reading abouy your experience, and I’m glad the recipe worked out well for you. One of my favorite ways to prepare chicken thighs is marinating them in olive oil, lemon, garlic and Italian herbs dressing I make just for that purpose. I pat the thighs dry and fry them in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, turning over until they get a touch of golden brown. Or I roll the boneless thighs up with the messy part on the inside and place them in an oiled baking dish, sprinkle Parmesan on top and bake in 400 F oven for about 30-40 minutes. Very forgiving dish. If we’re not ready to eat I add stock or water. As for your broccoli, I’m glad you liked it, but I prefer them steamed or raw, the smell and taste I the grilled broccoli is a total turn off for me. I like the brown qinoa, nice and nutty! Are you writing a book?

    1. Hey Judith, thanks! your chicken thighs sound really good… very similar to a recipe hubs has been making recently… I’ll have to check with him on that!

      I know what you mean about the smell of the broccoli – it IS different than steamed or raw! I don’t mind though but everyone has their preferences of course.

      I’m not writing a book, no, just trying to become a better blogger.

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