Major Life Change? CHECK!

So, it’s done. Yesterday was my LAST DAY at work. The place I’ve poured my heart and soul into for the last seven years.

This was a really hard decision, and there were a lot of tears, but in the end it probably the most courageous thing I could do for myself.

I wasn’t purposely looking but when I saw an ad pop up on LinkedIn that was pretty much exactly what I was doing in Amsterdam only around the corner from my house instead, I knew I had to apply for it. And, because I knew when I got invited for the interviews that I really had nothing to lose, I was relaxed during the interview. Everything went very fast though, however, and there was a lot of stress over the decision.

Many things have happened over the last couple of years and around 6 months ago it all really came to a head. Sometimes we just need to listen and look to all the signs that are in front of us to know it’s just time. And I knew, from my own frustrations at work to the issues I’ve been having with my body for YEARS that it’s time. And I made the step.

It has been an amazing experience, I have learned so much about myself, my own strengths and weaknesses, about other people. Not only did I do my own job but I had so many opportunities to share my love of coffee with others, to help with openings and all of that brought me to my trip to Rwanda (which is pretty much the absolute highlight of my whole working life). I feel way stronger than I ever was and now I know that I’m going to be OK without them. It’s sort of like when you leave your family to live and make it on your own. That first step is hard but, they will always be there for you, so you have to just take a deep breath and move forward.

Media Event for the First store opening in the Netherlands (outside of the airport).  I'm the short non-Dutch one in the middle :)
Media Event for the First store opening in the Netherlands (outside of the airport). I’m the short non-Dutch one in the middle :)
Coffee Seminar at Starbucks Sloterdijk
Coffee Seminar at Starbucks Sloterdijk
Dam tot Damloop with my Running Club team
Dam tot Damloop with my Running Club team
with my Origin trip partners, in front of the Healthcare Center we were helping to build.
with my Origin trip partners, in front of the Healthcare Center we were helping to build.
sporting my pink rain poncho in Karenge
sporting my pink rain poncho in Karenge
opening The Bank in Amsterdam
opening The Bank in Amsterdam

I have now 9 days to relax, take care of myself and prepare for my next adventure, which is only an 8 minute bicycle ride commute away rather than 2 hours (one way)!

14 thoughts on “Major Life Change? CHECK!

    1. thanks Thea! I know, it’s crazy I did that for so long. Fingers crossed I get a good feeling from it quickly.

  1. Wow- a big exciting change! Will you even know what to do with that extra 18.5 hours a week? Have fun with them!

    1. I have a list of things I want to do but I have the feeling I’ll be slightly overwhelmed and not know exactly what to do. hopefully I can quickly find a new routine :)

  2. Exciting times, soul sister!!!

    I admire you for the courage to change; ironically not many dares such empowering step.

    You reminded me how change is a way to take care of ourselves.

    Very happy for you, and the precious time you’ve regained for yourself! xo

    1. Thank you so much Joanna. I didn’t feel particularly brave but so many have talked about courage that it is actually very empowering to do this.

    1. Thanks Dani – we all go through changes, right? and we all make it through no matter how hard. I miss you too, lovie. xxxxx

  3. I think I remember you mentioning this on Facebook awhile back. And now the time has come! It’s wonderful. Very happy for you. :)

    1. thanks! super nervous but I have a good feeling that it’s going to be OK. The fact that I no longer have to get up at 5am is already a big bonus.

  4. Wow! Congratulations! I am absolutely positive that the shorter commute time will be so awesome! Good luck and enjoy the time off between jobs!

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