Week 9 – Road to Berlin

Here we go. Another week. And an exciting one at that! Dublin Trip Week!

Monday – rest day. Oh, wait. Boxing boot camp. I’m sore, sore, sore. Like all my muscles hurt. I also went to manual therapy at 7am and there’s definitely something going on with my back. So I had a bit of an adjustment. Then after bootcamp, I quickly ate some dinner, showered and went to sports massage. Now THAT was painful. OH MY QUADS (and back, and hamstrings and calves…).

Tuesday – had a recovery run on the books. RESTED instead.

Wednesday – Up early to do a 5KM run around the park. It was S-L-O-W. Bootcamp in the evening. Sore. Tons of ab work done.

So peaceful in the morning
So peaceful in the morning
Rainy morning run
Rainy morning run

Thursday – Last day to get everything done at work before our Dublin Trip. Left a wee bit early and did my intervals after work. Happy with the result. Feeling less pain so I was actually approximately the speed I wanted for my 400’s. Went home, ate, showered and then finished packing. Of course I was up way too late.

Back on the edge of town (the dike) to run intervals
Back on the edge of town (the dike) to run intervals
Looks like I'll make it home just before it starts raining again.
Looks like I’ll make it home just before it starts raining again.

THE WEEKEND: We got up early to fly to Dublin. I will do another post dedicated to the Dublin Rock ‘n’ Roll Weekend!

Liverpool Finisher waiting to board to Dublin.
Liverpool Finisher waiting to board to Dublin.

All in all, approximately 40 KM done in Week 9. Not ideal, but I’m doing the best I can.

I also started the 30 day planking challenge from Runiversity (in Dutch, but you get the gist!) and I, of all people, have been planking every day since August 1st. Ok, the month is young, however… I intend on actually finishing the challenge. We are building up to 5 MINUTES! 5!!! who does that????

Planking:  It's not my favorite thing in the world but GREAT for the core!
Planking: It’s not my favorite thing in the world but GREAT for the core!

How was your week? Did you do any special training or try a new class?

4 thoughts on “Week 9 – Road to Berlin

  1. I love that you’re training for Berlin!! That one’s high on my bucket list. I planked through June and July then promptly dropped them in August. My bad.

    1. I’m doing it for the first time! I loved the Half and spent time on the course by bike to see Ron run the full. Nervous now though. Training hasn’t been that great :( never too late to plank again!!!

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