Weekly Wrap – Number 9

I don’t have a goal update for March, I’m continuing February type goals.  Only difference is:

Weight loss goal this month: 2KG
Days no Alcohol goal: 26


Number 9 for Number 9

At the beginning of week 9, Ron left for India for work.  So Monday morning was up early to get him to the train station and then to work.  It was also end of the month, and working in a financial department means that it’s a very busy time anyway (=stress).  To add to the fun, two people on my team were off for vacation so there was a bit more pressure to boot.  I was a bit distracted just because Ron was up in the air and, while I don’t worry about plane crashes, etc., I feel much better knowing that he’s landed safely, KWIM?  Ultimately it was very late by the time he arrived and called me, so around 12:30 when I finally went to bed Monday night.   That meant Tuesday was a sort of tired repeat of Monday.  And… I didn’t get to the gym, because I had to work late (I have a gym membership that requires me to go between 7am and 5pm – it costs less).

March 1 – 5

Wednesday – the work day was not great, plus there was quite some discussion about my school project while I was at work (technology is not always great – I should learn to turn off my phone at work).  Because I’d already worked late the day before, I left “early” Wednesday and spent 2 hours in the gym.  what a game changer!   Food, water and gym – check! School – worked on project, and cleaned the WC.  No alcohol.

Thursday – exhausted and just off grid.  Kept things in control during work food wise, went to the supermarket to get dinner, ate, logged my food, then shoved 5 cold pancakes down my gullet.  why?  I don’t know.  Logged the food but basically was 700 calories over for the day because of the pancakes.  Food logged, Water on target, no activity, no school work, no housework, no alcohol.

Friday – thank the tiny baby Jesus that I’m off on Fridays.  Slept in and then hit the books.  Planned out what I was going to do for homework before I went to bed so I knew how to tackle it.  Basically I’m setting the timer for 1 hour and then I give myself 15 min in between to move around and do other things.  That meant I got quite a chunk of homework done plus some housework.  Runiversity training in the evening – didn’t go that great because of the sitting all day, but it was better than no movement at all!  Food, water, activity – check! School – check! Laundry, trash and bathroom done.   No alcohol.

Saturday – up early again! This time for a great reason.  My love is back from India! After I picked him up we had a coffee at Starbucks and then headed home again.  At some point he was very sleepy, so I suggested he go have a lie-down while I went into town to arrange a gift for my friend Yvonne, who was having her birthday party that evening.   And since I was going to be in town anyway, I arranged to meet up with Petra for (yet another) coffee to talk about some ideas she had regarding her website and organisation Arnhem Life (Arnhem Life is an english-language website for expats and internationals visiting, working and/or studying in the city I live in).  After I came back home, I woke up the Man, we had dinner eventually and then we headed over to Yvonne’s.  We unfortunately couldn’t stay long because on Sunday we had to run.  Food – not fully logged, Water on target, no activity (well, I biked into town…) no household stuff, had a glass of wine at the party.

Sunday – Got enough sleep but my body is not feeling great.  All the sitting from Friday, long sitting in the car Saturday (basically to and from the airport twice, since Y lives out that way), my back was complaining.   On the schedule today was the 10K in Vorden (Achtkastelenloop – 8 Castles Run).   When I started running it was actually fine, but after about 3.5KM my back and legs just said “We’re done” and that was that.  So not a great run.  Ron ran the 30KM (switched from the 10K) and he did fine, just had to run slower than usual due to his hernia.  Once we got home I did 3 hours of homework.  Decided I would not run or do any sport until at least Friday.  Something’s got to give.  Food, water, homework, running – all done.  Cleaned the bathroom as well.  Had a beer in the evening.

On the way to Vorden

Week 9 summed up (March 1 – 5)

Food logged: 4/5
Water: 5/5
Activity: 3/5
School: 3/5
House: 3/5
No Alcohol: 3/5

Week 10 is coming up soon – How is your February going?  Have you run a race this month?  


I’m linking up with the Weekly Wrap again this week from HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin – check out their blogs as well AND the links that others have dropped in the link up!

4 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap – Number 9

  1. I work in finance too and that stress never seems to end, sadly. Kudos to you for working and being a student. I did that many years ago and vowed to never do it again. LOL. I’ve just run my first race (5k) since the Disney Marathon in early January (due to some issues with my feet). It felt good to be back at it. Are you training for anything specific? Thanks for linking with us, Renee!

    1. ah so you get it too! nice! always the end of the month stress! I won’t do any more courses this year IF I make it through this round. If I fail then I will retake… I’m training for a better 10K time, but I’m afraid with my back I’m not sure if there will be any improvement. The race is 9th of April (the 1/4 Marathon of Rotterdam). After that I’ll be focusing on getting a bit more mileage in my legs to run Liverpool Rock’n’Roll end of May. And after that… who knows. I just want to be somewhat pain-free so I need to try and not do all the races this year. It’s hard. I have FOMO.

  2. I’m the bookkeeper for a small firm and while I don’t have too many inhouse deadlines, I do have payroll reports and taxes to do. It always produces more work during the months of January – March.
    I could not imagine doing that and going to school with homework too!
    I’m in full swing of racing. If I wasn’t having so much fun I’m afraid I’d be wore out, wait I am wore out but oh well! Thanks for joining us!

    1. I’ve been in finance forever so I am used to it, mostly, but sometimes… doing school, homework and working, even though 4 days a week is kind of killing me. I don’t know how to do less though. I really need to work on that! And yeah I know that worn out feeling!

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