WRD: Week 33 The Minimalist

Here’s my same old song and dance again… too much going on and I basically did the absolute minimum this week.

On Monday the garden guys arrived to revamp our entire back garden area. It was too much concrete for my liking, the plants seemed to just be weeds and a poor old Dogwood tree had been hidden in the back completely neglected. We’d already gotten the new stairs, now it was time to level out the patio area to the same level as both neighbors, put a new fence in, move the shed and make room for plants (next part of the project). The Dogwood has been moved where it can be tended to and we are more friendly with one neighbor (the one we share the fence with ) and pissed off the other. You can’t win them all.

They were finally done Friday morning and they did help with putting up the fence (thank goodness), but not without more bags of money exchanging hands. It’s fine, it would have taken us DAYS instead of HOURS.

Enough of that, let’s get to the Weekly Run Down

Here’s how the week went:

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Fitness Week 33

Monday – 4.25KM walk
Tuesday – 4KM walk
Wednesday – 11.45KM biking
Thursday – 12.45KKM biking
Friday – 3 KM slow and sexy walk
Saturday – a lot of walking, not recorded
Sunday – heading out for a bike ride in between rain showers

Monday– I decided pretty much last minute to take half a day off. The Garden Guys have started our back yard project and Ron had the whole day off. In the afternoon we went with the neighbour to pick out a new fence since it affects both back yards. Crazy how the expenses add up for a frickin fence! Later I went to cryotherapy (because the machine wasn’t cold enough in the morning so they advised to come later) and then I went for a walk. It was pretty much grey and cool all day but on my walk I had a bit of sun.

Tuesday– absolutely cold, dreary and wet. And the Garden Guys continued on, obviously, because they are used to that. Ron also got out and got his hands dirty. I lost all hope motivation to do anything, but managed to out out for a 4KM walk since it’s the minimum I could do.

Wednesday -Back in the office again. And as I imagined, no real opportunity to walk or run. Did bike in total 11.45KM, but that was to and from work and then to and from the shopping center after work.

Thursday– there’s a theme here. RAIN. COLD. Had an MLD appointment in the middle of the afternoon so had to skip lunch break. Biked to my appointment, 12.45KM.

Friday– It was a fairly ok day weather-wise. Ron took the day off work so that we could clean up a bit after the garden guys finished. My neighbour also was gracious enough to let us use his back yard (though we found out later the garden guys didn’t say anything to him about doing work back there and everything was covered in dust… he was not happy at all) so we wanted to clean up back there as well. We went into town, had lunch and bought the neighbor a thank-you gift. So that was basically my movement for the day (there may have been an ice cream stop on the way home…)

And of course Friday we were also preparing for … LAUNCH DAY!!

Saturday – Sonsbeek parkrun official launch!!!

We did it! We finally had our inaugural event! 33 participants (10 more than at the test) and 14 volunteers. We had a few challenges but nothing that couldn’t be solved luckily! And the nicest bit was that a lot of people joined afterwards for coffee and a snack. We were so lucky with the weather (but you know I photoshopped that blue sky into the below photo haha!) as it remained dry throughout the morning.

Now the real challenge begins – for a few weeks I will be trying to find enough volunteers to pull it off every week, and hopefully in about a month or so more will come forward wanting to help. I don’t want to push people into volunteering; I’d rather it just be organic. But so far people are indeed already mailing me and contacting me via various social media channels to say they want to help.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Sunday- as of publishing this post, I’m about to head out for a bike ride in between showers. Hopefully I can get a good hour’s worth in.

A quick note on recovery

I’m now 11 Weeks Post-Op, no real changes, still going to cryotherapy and MLD and this week I got more silicone tape to cover the entire scar. Nothing really to report – I haven’t done any real heavy exercise for my core so I’ve no idea how affected I might be, but Michele reminded me to actually start to get serious again about core work in her Fit Five Friday post. So, that’s now back on the radar!!

That’s a wrap!

How was your week? Anything big happen for you this week?

14 thoughts on “WRD: Week 33 The Minimalist

  1. Congrats on a successful parkrun launch! I’m so happy this finally came together for you!!

    That garden reno sounds like a significant undertaking. Well worth it to have an outdoor “room” you can enjoy!

    Hope your recovery continues to go well …and thanks for the shout out ;)

  2. Congrats on the Parkrun launch! Thats great that you have people stepping up wanting to help. I hope it continues to go well!

  3. huge congrats on your parkrun launch! Looks like it was a huge success. Cheers to many more

  4. Yay on the garden work — I think we always get aggravated when we hire someone to do something, but that’s because my husband is a perfectionist and they always mess something up. ;-) Big congrats on Parkrun! You have been working on that for so long, it’s great to see it launch for real!

  5. This is SO exciting to see the parkrun happen, in all its glory (and yours). You have been so determined and focused, and you DID IT! It’s also great that the volunteers are coming forward on their own…that is HUGE and says a lot about the successful venture you’ve launched. Well done!

  6. Ugh… cold dreary and wet would also sap my motivation. But, you did something big this week with the Parkrun launch! You can’t do everything all of the time. And you did stay active, so I would count it as a successful week. My fingers are crossed for your future Parkruns!

  7. That’s awesome news about park run.

    Love that to can bike to appts.

    It was a humid week with rain. Nothing to report besides staying dry during all my runs except for sweat.

  8. Yay! So happy to hear about the Parkrun launch. i know it’s been a long time coming.
    Sorry about the dreary weather there this past week :( We’ve been dealing with a lot of humidity so I’m just ready for the Fall weather to come.

  9. I am all about the bare minimum right now. And how can you say that when your parkrun is such a brilliant success! You have worked so hard and I am so glad to see you getting to enjoy the fruits of your labor. <3 <3 <3

  10. Congrats on your launch! All that hard work is paying off! Nice job.

    COLD? Wow. It’s been SO hot & humid here! Not that I want cold.

    Fences are VERY expensive, indeed.

  11. I’m so glad the official launch of the Parkrun went well for you! Yay! Your garden project reminds me of our kitchen status right now. It feels like the house has been turned upside down and shaken, and then sprinkled with a heavy layer of DUST! I won’t complain though because they’re making PROGRESS! Your healing reminds me of the road back after I had a C-section. Looks like you’re doing great!

  12. That’s so cool you are doing the Parkrun! Congrats on it going well. I hope you do get those volunteers! That’s nice that you went with your neighbor when selecting the fence. That’s a sign of a good relationship I think.

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