Week 34: The same theme continues

Normally I would be sharing my weekly update ont the Weekly Run Down link-up. But I’m late and am going away for a couple of days so it wouldn’t be very good blogger etiquette to drop a link and run, am I right?

Last week was again busy, but in mostly a good way, however I can tell that I really haven’t had a vacation from “life” for a year now. I really wish I could take a trip somewhere warm, preferably with a beach and cocktail service. A girl can dream, right?

Well, instead of a summer holiday to Sicily, where it’s way too hot right now anyway (and Mt Etna just erupted yesterday) we’re going to go to Groningen, (the province); specifically to Vierhuizen which is near Pieterburen, home of the Seal Rescue Center. We are going to be away just two nights, stay in a nice B&B, relax a bit and go see the seals. It’s not Mondello, but it’s something.

I have my last check up with my surgeon on Friday, so I have to be back for that. Plus, Saturday is parkrun and since it’s still in it’s early stages I can’t yet not show up for it.

Anyway, let’s wrap up last week shall we?

This Week In Fitness

Fitness Week 34

Monday – 6.6KM running (intervals)
Tuesday – Bodypump 110
Wednesday – 6.5KM running (intervals)
Thursday – 13.3KM biking 
Friday – 5 KM running (in one go)
Saturday – a lot of walking, 1.5 hour / 15K+ steps at parkrun
Sunday – rest day


This week the focus was on getting to the 5KM in one go. My friend Marie-Jose and I decided a few weeks ago to join a Runiversidy training group but one of the requirements was that the participant could already run this distance without stopping. Of course I know I can run the distance, and obviously I wanted to be careful since restarting, but maybe I was being TOO careful? If that makes sense?

So Monday I did 5x 1KM with rest in between. Wednesday I did 2x 2.5KM with rest in between and Friday I did the whole thing, basically just keeping an eye out on my heart rate so that it didn’t go through the roof.

Monday was warm. Can’t complain too much of course.
Wednesday I tried to inspire myself by wearing my Athens Marathon shirt.
Friday was really muggy; so glad the water fountains are in use in spring and summer!

Luckily I’m still enjoying Wendy’s Spotify playlist as the music definitely helped distract me from the thoughts that tell me to stop and take a break.

Anyway, since I managed the 5KM, I then went home and signed up for the training group. Whoo hooo!

Oh and I’m not going to bore you guys with parkrun every week – ha! But we did have a few less people this week; 21 participants, but 16 of them were new to the event. With the threat of rain I was happy with this number for sure! And we also now have 101 people registered! Right before the test run we did in July we had 56.

I have to say parkrun takes a lot of time right now – I have to coordinate the volunteers and make sure that there are enough people to run the show each week. As happy as I am, and as much as I love it, I will be happy when it will run itself. A lot of talking to people and trying to get people to join or to help. Out of my comfort zone for sure.

Strength Training

FINALLY, I did Bodypump on Tuesday again. 12 weeks with no strength training must be the longest I’ve gone in a really long time. I was super sore the next day as well and the running definitely added to the soreness.

Side note to that: I did cryo a few extra times last week and all my soreness from Tuesday and Wednesday was 90% gone on Thursday. So I do think cryotherapy works…

After this new week I’ll be able to nail a schedule down a bit more, especially since I’ll be training again.


Nothing major this week, only to MLD therapy and back. I wanted to ride Sunday but the weather was absolutely miserable.


I’m going to leave you with 12 Weeks Post-Op. No real changes. We are trying kinesio tape to help the drainage a bit but I’m not sure it works. Still really like the silicone tape. I think I have another good 12 weeks to go before this swelling really goes down. The only real bummer at the moment is that I don’t have a lot of clothes to wear (besides sportswear) that don’t irritate my stomach or navel area.

That’s a wrap!

That’s pretty much a wrap. Tomorrow we leave for Vierhuizen, Thursday we are back and Friday is my birthday. I really hope to get my Friday post up as well this week, not to mention get over to a few blogs as well to see how the week went for everyone else.

How was your week?

4 thoughts on “Week 34: The same theme continues

  1. Oh gosh I remember the navel irritating clothing thing from my ovarian cyst op – I only had four little incisions but I was paranoid about my tummy button and the two side ones were at underpant edge level. I remember a good friend who’d had far more serious ops recommending large pants, and I wore Matthew’s tracksuit bottoms and big tshirts a lot and still have my annoying no waist ties running leggings as I was horrified at the idea of the strings getting at me!

    Anyway, good work at parkrun, so pleased to see it doing its thing. “My” one, Oaklands, seems to be struggling for volunteers at times and we have two new ones locally too – great to absorb runners, not so great for all needing vols!

  2. I’ve been embracing run/walk intervals for a while now and i like it much better. Since I no longer run for speed, I find this works for me the best.

    Happy Birthday Renee! I hope that you have a blast on your trip – you deserve it!

  3. Congrats on your return to running! That must feel good. And weight training… yes, it will make you sore if you haven’t been doing it! Hope your trip was great, and Happy Birthday!!! Hope you’re doing something fun to celebrate.

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