You Want This Smoothie

Really. It’s so freaking delicious. I’ll even tell you the Weight Watchers ProPoints Values (according to the plan here) and convert it from metric to imperial since you guys in North America have issues and are too lazy to google the conversion have different measurements from us here! ;-)

Frozen Blueberries (I used approx 80g or nearly 3oz.):
frozen blueberries

they don’t have to be frozen, but it helps give the smoothie a more “milkshake” type effect

One Banana:

(optional) about 80g/ nearly 3oz. of fresh strawberries:
If you have an extremely ripe banana, you don’t really need the strawberries for sweetness

12 almonds. Really. Just 12.
10g of almonds

250ml or 8.5oz. of Buttermilk. Yes. Buttermilk. (Karnemelk voor de Nederlanders, zoals je ziet)
250ml "karnemelk"

Blend it up with a hand blender. Or a normal blender. You choose.

Pour into a handy drinking device:
pour after blending

Drink & Enjoy:
drink & enjoy

If you have trouble with fruit, *ahem* Mr. Rontastic, maybe you could try this to get a few of your fruits in.And who doesn’t love something that tastes like a milk shake anyway???

Weight Watchers ProPoints value: 4 (plus you get your dairy, some healthy fat/protein and fruit in one go)

6 thoughts on “You Want This Smoothie

    1. definitely sub if you like – I don’t always use almonds or even any nuts at all but I happened to have them on hand!

  1. If I owned a blender, I’d say this is a pretty damn good recipe. Maybe I’ll have to go shopping…



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