Friend Makin Monday: May 21 2012

Every Monday My Girl Kenlie posts a FMM – this is meant to interact with other bloggers, link up and get to know each other a bit better. I always say “one of these days I’m going to participate in FMM” but then I never do. So for once, here goes.

Since I’ve never taken part I can’t assume that you know the rules. If you don’t know how it works, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog and then add your link the comments section here or at Kenlie’s blog so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links as well so everyone has the opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM blog post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: Three Things

1. Three of your favorite movies:
– Pulp Fiction
– The Machinist
– Fight Club

2. Three of your favorite things to drink:
– water
– coffee
– red wine

3. Three of your favorite songs:
Ok seriously this one is way too hard to narrow down. So off the top of my head:
– Higher Love by Depeche Mode
– Mad World by Tears for Fears
– Beautiful Day by U2

4. Three people who have recently been a positive influence on your life (outside of your family):
-I’m not sure this qualifies as recently, but I do know that if my friend Michael hadn’t died suddenly at the age of 40 (3 years ago) I probably would not have been as serious about changing my health situation as I was and am since then.
– My friend Marcellus is my running hero; he totally inspired me to start running myself and was the one who got me to sign up for my first race (which was a 12K)
-Leontien van Moorsel; a strong. amazing, honest, down to earth athlete who I adore very much.

5. Three things you to do keep yourself entertained:
– Music
– Running
– Blogging and spending time online

6. Three things you’re attracted to in the opposite sex:
– Natural Chivalry (that comes from one’s own desire to be a gentleman, not because he HAS to)
– Sense of Humour
– Ability to cook, enjoy food and good wine

7. Three things you love about yourself:
– I’m funny
– I have determination
– I am usually a very positive influence on people

8. The last three people who text messaged you:
-Niki; we were meeting each other at the race yesterday
-Alli; she was letting me know that hopefully she could meet up after the race for a beer
-Lisa; we were in her neighbourhood up in Friesland and wanted to meet up for coffee

9. Three things you’re looking forward to this week:
– sadly I’m looking forward to having to go to the dentist simply because I can work from home that day (so NOT looking forward to the dentist at all, just the sleeping in and working from home bit)
– possibly checking out a new gym
– seeing the kids again on Friday

10. Three wishes specifically for yourself…What are they? (Be selfish, and be honest.)
– I really would like to get my finances sorted so we can move, but I know this is going to take some time
– I wish my parents would help a little bit to get us all to the US this summer, but I would never expect it
– my third wish would be that I could have some sort of relationship with my brother

11. Three of your favorite quotes:
– “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right” – Henry Ford
-‎”You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” A.A. Milne
-“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” Audrey Hepburn

12. Three of your biggest fears:
– that something will happen to my parents and I won’t be able to get to them easily
– that I will have to leave my job instead of ever being able to move closer
– that my husband will die before me

13. Three of your favorite TV shows:
I don’t watch much TV but I love
-The Office
– the Big Bang Theory
– South Park

14. Three of your favorite things to purchase when you’re shopping.
I don’t like to shop actually but I would have to say:
-Nail polish
-Any nice smelly pretty body products
-Make up, especially by Benefit

15. Three things that you enjoyed last week:
– going to Groningen and staying at a B&B with my Hubs
– Going to the Seal Rescue Center up North
– Seeing friends Lisa, Niki and Alli (see “last 3 people who texted”)

16. Three things that you always have in your bag or close to you if you’re not a purse kind of person.
-travel card
-nail file

17. Three types of food that you wouldn’t want to give up.
-a great Indian Curry
-Spinach – hahahaha!

18. Three things you do to enjoy burning calories:
-weight training

19. Three things you dislike about blogging:
– whether we like it or not, blogging is like High School. You are one of the cool kids or you aren’t. Once you get over not being a cool kid, it’s ok
– sometimes, when you really, really need some feedback you don’t get it. And you can tweet and post your links all you want, that’s just the way it is.
– There are some blogs that I used to comment on all the time and never had a visit back. Now that I don’t really have a lot of time for my blog I do understand that this can happen and do my best not to take it personally.

20. Three ways blogging has changed your life:
-I have met some amazing people! Not just online but in real life! I’m really grateful for that!
-I like that I have a little history of accomplishments and a lot of work in progress. When I feel down I can always go back and actually see how far I’ve come.
-I’ve learned a lot about myself and others and can only see positive things from that

Now it’s your turn to answer the questions! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments, and have a happy Monday!

6 thoughts on “Friend Makin Monday: May 21 2012

  1. Came by from FMM. I always thinks it’s nice when someone acknowledges something positive coming out of a death, whether it’s changing your life, appreciating your loved ones, extra time with family, it’s nice.

    1. thanks Carina. I often do things “for Mike” because I know he would be really proud (and that’s in case I don’t have it in me at that very moment).

  2. What a great idea, particularly when one is stuck for a blog post idea! Thanks for sharing all these three things facts about yourself Renee. Hope you have a good week and that you find a new gym.

  3. You are indeed inspiring, and admirable Renee. :)

    I think this is a great idea to connect with fellow bloggers. Hopefully, I can post one next Monday!

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