Vacation Part II – Eat, drink, stay Healthy!

OK we all know what it’s like…

we go on vacation

especially “back home”

and there is SO MUCH good stuff to eat! Especially in New Mexico!

I mean COME ON!! “Red or Green?”

mannie's--chicken burrito

Sadie's is the best


Red Robin - Lunch

Blueberry Waffles

Let’s not forget all the places I wanted to go:
Blake’s Lotaburger (green chile cheeseburgers)
Dairy Queen (chili cheese dogs)
Sonic (Sonic burger #4, cheese tots, and a large cherry lime)
Krispy Kreme (do I need to say more?)
Any dodgy looking taco house
Any dodgy looking BBQ house

the list goes on!

The reality is, all that stuff above, that made me fat. At least that sent me on my WAY to being fat. That was the time of slight gluttony, of throwing caution to the wind, of eating now and caring later. Honestly, I wanted that stuff. I really did.

And I did have some of that stuff. But I had the chili dog, no bun and a kiddie blizzard. I had a cheeseburger with a GF bun, I had the tacos, no sides. And then I did this stuff:

and then I did a LOT of this:

Other than that I also down to Starbucks to meet my brother (a mile down and back up the hill) – no big deal right, but it was 100 degrees F and my entire family was like “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU!? TAKE THE CAR!” and another day whilst in Scottsdale (110 degrees F) we walked 1.5 mile down to the breakfast place and back. No biggie, gotta earn those Huevos Rancheros!

So my friends, indulge. Have fun. Enjoy! But be responsible. And make sure you have some ice cream too :)

7 thoughts on “Vacation Part II – Eat, drink, stay Healthy!

    1. thanks Sarah! and thanks for stopping by! I’ll be sure to check your blog out this weekend xx

  1. It was so great to read this post after returning from holidays myself! I went to NY, Vermont and then on to Montreal and I have to say (it was my first time in North America) I TOTALLY understand now why so many Americans are concerned about their food and what they eat. I managed to find lots of good alternatives in the local supermarket (there seems to be lots of choice) but occasionally I thought something was “healthy” and then discovered sugar as the second ingredient listed (as happened with the “Muslix” I got for breakfast). Really glad you had a fab holiday. I walked a lot myself and we also did water parks and the like so hopefully it helped to keep me fit (although I don’t think I’ve actually lost any weight – I probably gained).
    Having a pool close by is fab in the hot weather. I wish I’d thought of that!!

    1. Emilie! Welcome back!! in the US there seem to be more supermarkets to choose from! or maybe it’s that there’s just more people than here and they need more variety! LOL! It’s so easy to give in to temptation as well, but at the end of the day is really worth it? That’s really the question I had to ask myself! Was so lucky to stay at dad’s and he has a pool! What a lifesaver!

    1. thanks Lori! and yeah… you HAVE to have ice cream right????
      thanks for coming by – I’ll definitely check out your blog when I have more time this weekend! x

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