Twelve Months of Pinky Pie

2012 was not a bad year at all. Not at all.

January – First race post injury

Peace Out, baby!

February – Started with Personal Trainer and Paleo (modified) Diet, had to walk, not run, in our Winter Wonderland

one of my normal running paths transformed by snow

March – training for Milan, fun stuff at work, Weekend getaway with the Hubs

Amazing sunshine in Zeeland

April – Milan Marathon Relay, Spieren voor Spieren 10K with Sam

May – Marikenloop, Cycling with the Hubs

June – Ladies Run Rotterdam with Penny, Westervoort 10K with the Hubs

July – Vacation!!!

August – Cycling with the Hubs

September – Birthday Month! Arnhem Bridge to Bridge, Cornwall Festival of Sport and Fitbloggin!!

October – Amsterdam Marathon Volunteering

November – Seven Hills Run

December – Bruggenloop

It was actually an amazing year! I finally broke through my 2.5 year plateau (lost a couple of kilos, but still it’s a loss) am leaner, fitter and stronger, had a couple of PR’s, met loads of new friends, went out of the country twice (three times if you count the 5K at fitbloggin) for race participation and basically continued working towards health and wellness. I’m excited for the new year and all that is to come, I’m excited to see friends again and I’m excited to try new things as well!

I hope you all can find the good in the past year and celebrate your successes no matter how big or small you think they may be. I hope too to continue in 2013 with all the love, support and friendship that I was honored to be a part of this year as well.

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