Hello Friends!
So yesterday was my Birthday! can I get a “woot woot!” ?

It was also a rest day (week 10 training… that means 4 weeks to go) and it was also my first day at school!

To be honest, pretty daunting. Going back to school after 20 yars is already a challenge but now I have to jump into learning things like anatomy in latin (and Dutch! I don’t even know the English names for these things!). Holy majoley. I’m going to do it though. I will do this.
I’m waiting (somewhat impatiently) to hear about an internal job for which I’ve applied. I’ve had the 2nd interview, it’s between me and another colleague. Monday I felt confident. Tuesday I felt confident. By Wednesday my confidence started to slide. If I don’t get this job that means uncertainty. I will have to either look for and secure a new job before the end of April or … well, there’s no “or”. I think that will add some stress to the equation with school happening now. I will cross that bridge when I get to it, but I think the bridge is coming up around the corner…
The last days haven’t been great food wise, certainly not yesterday and now I don’t “feel” like doing anything. However:

Today I will do it anyway. I’ve got intervals on the schedule and tonight I’m going out with the hubs and two friends to celebrate the 47th year!
What will you do today?
Happy Birthday!! Good luck with the new scary things, I think it’s awesome you’re back at school. Today I’m going to put my shoes on and go for a run! That’s about all I can manage right now :)