Friday Runner Spotlight #6- Melissa

Melissa is another runner I can really relate to. We both started for the same reason – to lose weight. We both found a passion in running and regardless of time and pace we keep going, because it has actually changed our lives. I highly encourage you to read Melissa’s blog; she’s down to earth and honest about her journey.

So, let’s not delay this interview any further… meet Melissa!!


When did you start running? What was your goal at that time?
I initially started running to help me lose weight. At that time, I had almost 100 pounds to lose, and I just wanted to start. It was more of a walk/jog at first, and my goal at the time was to be able to complete a 5k. I didn’t have a time limit, I just wanted to be able to finish it.

When I first started my blog, I wrote a lot about getting started. With this, I hope you can see, anything is truly possible! If I can do it, so can you!

Did you reach your initial goal?
I did reach my goal. I finished a 5k, and I have lost 100 pounds.

Do you have the same goal now, or have your goals changed or evolved with time?

My second goal was to finish a half marathon. I have now completed 15 half marathons since 2013, and am training for my first full marathon in September 2016.

Tell us about your races; what distance was your first race? What was your experience – did it meet your expectations?

I have run many races. I have done 5k’s, 10ks, and half marathons. My first race I ever participate in was the Electric Run, which was a 5k. It was an awesome experience. It made me want to continue, which I did.

Melissa after her first 5K – the Electric Run

You actually have lists of your races, a little like Ron and I have, can you share those with us?
I do! Here is the list of the 2016 races, and for 2015, the list can be found here.

What is your favourite distance?
I would say my favorite distance is a half marathon. It pushes you more than the shorter distances, and can have many challenges. I don’t know if I will like the marathon distance, but we will soon find out!

Do you have a running support network?
I run with a friend, and there is a group of women who have run together for a couple years that get together every once in a while to take on a race, or yearly for Ragnar.

What about gear – have you got any gadgets or brands that you love?
I love Athleta! The “be free knickers” are the best, and their tanks I love too. I also love the Saucony Bullet capris. I love both brands for the pockets!! A girl can never have enough pockets. I also love my Garmin Forerunner 235. Best watch ever. I am also a fan of Hokas and Brooks Transcend shoes.


What else do you do besides running?
I lift weights twice a week, and I occasionally ride my bicycle for a change of scenery.

What’s the most positive thing that running has brought into your life?
Honestly, running has saved my life. It helped me to shed a lot of weight over time, and keep it off. It is a great outlet for me when I’ve had a bad day. The sayings really are true, a good run can save the day! Don’t get me wrong, it is a challenge, but I love hitting the pavement.

What, if anything do you find frustrating?
I don’t find anything frustrating, but I do get down on myself if I have a bad run, or I don’t do as well as I think I will. I am not a fast runner by any means, but I do like to set goals for myself to get better.

Have you been injured at any point? If no, what do you do to avoid injury?
I haven’t been seriously injured (knock on wood). I sprained my ankle at a trail race, but was only down for a couple weeks.

How do you stay motivated when you don’t feel like running?
There are days I don’t feel like running, but I am a big believer in making promises to yourself, and following through with those promises. If my schedule says I am supposed to run that day, I know I just have to get it done. Races also help keep me going. Let’s face it, races don’t go away, so being prepared is always ideal!

How can we find you on social media?
My blog is: Runspirations By Melissa
Instagram – runnergirlmac
Twitter – runnergirlmac

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What advise would you give to someone who wants to start running, but is maybe too unsure to start for reasons of weight, age, lack of athleticism?
It doesn’t matter your age, weight, or ability. If you want to run, become a runner. I believe the definition of a runner is as follows: “I am a runner because I am running.” It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you go, it just matters that you are out there. I know it may be scary, but I was scared too! Take the first step, you won’t regret it.

Anything you want to add?
Don’t give up! It may be hard in the beginning, but most things are. Stick with it, and you will be so happy with your accomplishments.


Seriously, go and subscribe to Melissa’s blog or follow her on twitter or instagram. She’ll be running her first marathon in September and I’m sure she would appreciate all the cheers and support! Gotta question for her, or a comment? Leave us a note in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “Friday Runner Spotlight #6- Melissa

  1. Melissa’s journey is so inspiring! I love her definition of being a runner, “I am a runner because I am running.” I can’t wait to see how her full marathon turns out!

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