The Plan for Jan

So, instead of making New Year’s resolutions this year, or huge goals, or whatever, I’m simply going to start and carry on as I intend to do throughout the year. But, let’s do it one month at a time, shall we?

The Plan for January:

On the 1st of January I decided to be brave and step on the scale. I won’t weigh again until the 30th and I’ll tell you why. I tend to sabotage myself when things are going well and I see a result on the scale… for some reason when that happens I end up stuffing a pizza or a truckload of chocolate down my gullet and I think it’s high time I focus on doing the right thing rather than the immediate result. Things are out of control my friends. I’m back up to 80.5KG. I am not proud of this. I know where it comes from and I know how to fix it. Pity party table for one is over. Time to get back to work. Working includes: logging food, prepping food, skipping extra-calorie drinks at work (and actually less coffee, more herbal tea), ridding the house of chocolate and peanut butter (and not via my gullet), and no more alcohol this month with exception of the upcoming weekend we are in Berlin as an option.

As I finished the Marcothon running challenge and ran 31 days in a row I decided last week I would just continue my streak through January. Marcothon rules say you must run 25 min per day or 5KM whichever comes first, but for my streak in January, the minimum is 1 mile. I want to do other things so this is more realistic to actually achieve daily. I’ve actually set myself up officially for this challenge via Run Resolution! I’m super excited about this because when I complete my challenge I GET A MEDAL!! BLING, BABY! Personally I’m motivated by bling and I feel empowered by the challenge I just completed so this is really something I can stand behind. Maybe it’s something for you as well? Your challenge can be whatever YOU want, that’s what makes it great!! Check out the details in the link!

Speaking of running– my training program started already on 30th of December with a field test and a running technique analysis. I wasn’t impressed with myself which actually means there’s hope for a good result in 12 weeks! Running is now officially on Mondays and Fridays with my group and I’ll have “homework” one time a week. So that’s minimum 3 times per week training. I do have a goal in mind in this respect and that’s a PR on my 10K. I’m going to have to work hard and I’m going to have to lose a few kilos but it’s going to happen in Rotterdam on the 9th of April.

On the 17th of January, I start swimming lessons! Ron and I have said for years that we want to add swimming in as a cross-training option but we don’t really swim that well. We end up “swimming” laps with a whole bunch of other people who are dogpaddling their way across the pool or simply just socializing. There are two lanes for people who know how to do a regular breast stroke and we want to join them! So, this is the obvious next step.

I also have decided in January I’m going to tackle the stairs instead of taking the lift at home and at work. For an active person, I’m pretty lazy! So this is just an easy way to get a little bit more activity in!

of course going down is easier than going up...
of course going down is easier than going up…

Not fitness related, there’s one other thing I want to do in January – I want to set my alarm for when I really need to get out of bed. Not a half hour before and then snooze, just get up when it’s time to get up. I did this years and years ago and it worked a charm. That half hour snoozing isn’t relaxing or restful anyway (to me) so I may as well sleep till it’s time to get up. I did it Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and I plan on each night telling myself that I will get out of bed immediately when my alarm goes off.

Finally, school starts again on the 14th of January, so that should take up any spare time I may have possibly had!

I think that’s pretty much enough for one month. What’s your Plan for Jan???

3 thoughts on “The Plan for Jan

    1. thanks Tiffany! I’m excited and nervous about it. Running is my love, but swimming could be really good for my back and knees right now. And maybe it will lead to other things, you never know!!

  1. I came up with a word of the year (Question), a yearly goal (30 books), and a year of monthly goals. January is a green smoothie every day and listening to music every day. It’s amazing how much I turn music off because I need quiet. I also need music…I just need to play it when I don’t need to focus on anything. I’m also doing a photo a day challenge with emma.

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