Stages of Grief When Faced with Not Running

So. I made it 48 days on my run streak.

I decided yesterday to stop. Since last week, around Thursday or Friday, my right knee started hurting. Same kind of pain I had years ago with my left knee. Back then I was out of the running for 5 months. 5 MONTHS. I can’t be having that right now!!!

I taped my knee and did some self-massage and on my non-training days took it fairly easy. I also bought a knee brace with light-moderate support. But it was still hurting. Because, yeah, I was still running. Duh.

Yesterday whilst still at work, I called the physio. That’s pretty much when I knew I had to end the streak. I have training again on Friday and Sunday. Not sure yet if I’ll actually do the training though.

Then I went home. And my grief started.

Things to do when you can’t run

1: CRY


Ok, ok. It’s not that bad. I just like being a drama queen sometimes.

So logically, and calmly, I decided to bike instead. We have a bike at home – Ron uses it quite often – so why not take the opportunity to move anyway and impact my knee less?

with some good music, it's easy to do!
with some good music, it’s easy to do!

Friday I go to the physio and hopefully after just a few days rest I can train again.

What do you do when you can’t run???

6 thoughts on “Stages of Grief When Faced with Not Running

  1. I’ve been out of the game for a little over three months (foot injuries). I’ve totes cried and ate cake…not being dramatic. I miss it dearly, and have struggled figuring out what to do (wasn’t able to swim or spin for a while due to my injuries, and was only recently cleared). *le sigh* Patience…the dumbest virtue…

    1. ugh. I’m so sorry. I really shouldn’t complain. What happened to your foot? I had surgery and only waited a month before running again. I probably should have waited longer. That’s why I’m in this mess to begin with…

    1. Thanks babe! I’m hoping just a few days is what I need. Only two days off and it already feels better!

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