Fit Five Friday – My 5 Required Items for Running

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Five things you’ll never see me without on a run

Runners are mostly a funny breed. We all get pretty particular about the brands we use and things we literally would never be without on a run. I mean have you ever gone for a long run and you forgot your headphones? I remember the first time it happened to me and it was sheer panic (of course it ended up being fine, but at that point I’d never done a run without music!)

I want to get it out of the way immediately – I am not a brand ambassador or sponsored in any way, shape or form from any of these brands. In fact I have no relationship with any brand out there. I like what I like and that’s all I can say about that!

Without further ado, these are the things I’ll never be without on a run:

My Hokas

I used to be an Altra girl, mainly because of the issue with my toes. Altras are foot-shaped which means they have a toe box to actually match the toes on a human foot. While I loved the Altra (especially the Torin), the zero-drop also meant that there wasn’t much ankle support.

So I’ve moved on to Hokas. Currently I’m in the Hoka Clifton 7 and have two pair that I am alternating each month (approximately). My first Hokas were the Clifton 6 and luckily the 7 isn’t too different. One thing I hear and read runners complain about is when a shoe is “perfect” for them and then the brand changes the next version drastically enough to not be perfect anymore.

I am very happy that my favourite local running store has started carrying Hokas! Now I can actually try on different models.

Have you ever tried Hokas? What’s your go-to shoe brand?

My Aftershokz

Call me a weirdo (I’m used to it) but every time something becomes really popular I kind of don’t want anything to do with it. Even my friend Tina offered me a FREE pair of Aftershokz and I declined!

After several years of struggling to find headphones that didn’t fall out of my ears I had found some Bose headphones that were perfect. At some point the cable was damaged and Bose replaced my entire headphones because they were within a 2 year warranty. Then one day I went running with some friends and I thought I left my headphones in the car but they were never to be seen again! I went headphone-less for ages.

Once I started training for the Chicago marathon I was really missing my tunes on the long runs. Ron decided to buy me the Aftershokz TrekzAir. I CAN’T BELIEVE I resisted these for so long! Hands down, these are the best headphones for me for running, walking or even commuting (not that I commute lately, but you know…)

I recently applied to be a Dutch Aftershockz Ambassador (I literally never apply for these things anymore because I just don’t have the kind of audience brands want) and although I wasn’t chosen (boo) I will definitely still recommend them to friends if they ask me.

What kind of headphones do you use, if any?

My Goodr Sunglasses

Right now I’m all about colors, and Goodr definitely hits the mark there! However, Goodr was also a brand that all the cool kids were wearing (and I am so not cool) and so I resisted buying them. I already had an excellent pair of sunnies, why should I buy a “gimmick” pair?

Well, a running acquaintance of mine here in town contacted me some time ago and asked me if I wanted the pair she had. I didn’t ask why she no longer wanted them, I just said “sure!” (because, free sunnies!). Last year I also broke down and bought two additional pairs, because they were on sale and why not?

While I do not think Goodr are the best quality sport sunglasses, I certainly love the styles and colors. When I start training for something again, I’ll likely go back to my MauiJim’s for sports.

Do you wear goodr sunglasses, or another brand?

Something to hold my phone and ID

I like having my phone with me on the run because, well, if the run-selfie doesn’t happen, did the run even happen?

I used to have a great running pouch from Rucanor. But I used that thing until it literally fell apart (took several years). I made the mistake of buying a cheap pouch last year and the zipper broke almost immediately. Whomp, Whomp… goes to show you that sometimes you need to spend a bit of money if you want something to last.

After looking for the “perfect” pouch, and doing it online (like I mentioned previously, I’d rather see and touch things that I want to buy rather than buy online) I settled with this Nike pouch. I’m pleased to say it’s perfect!

Do you take your phone on the run? How do you store it?

My Garmin Vivoactive 4s

Just like taking a photo, if the run is not recorded, did it even happen?

I’ve had many Garmin watches and this current vivo is also not my first vivo. There was nothing really wrong with my last watch but the vivo has more activity options which I really like. Ron felt that my last watch was “too bulky” and because this one came in pink he decided I should have it.

I can do all the things with this vivo that I could do with my previous watch, including setting up workouts like intervals. The real test will be when I (one day) start training again for something that requires recording for a couple of hours or more.

Do you use a sports watch? What kind?

What’s something you are never without on the run?

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18 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday – My 5 Required Items for Running

  1. I love love love my Aftershokz headphones! I ran with the Titanium model for a few years and recently got the Trekz Airs for Christmas.

    I keep hearing such good things about the Hoka Clifton. My go-to shoe is the Brooks Adrenaline – thankfully they haven’t tinkered with the design too much over the years.

    I like the look of your Vivo. I have the Forerunner 235 and it’s starting to show its age. It doesn’t always want to sync up which is a hassle but not a deal breaker yet. I’m loathed to spend money on a new watch – whoever said running was a cheap sport! LOL

    1. I can’t believe I was being so difficult about Aftershokz! Luckily I’ve seen the error of my ways!

      I had the 235 and it was a good watch. A really good watch! But after a few years, indeed it wasn’t always doing what I wanted it to do. And during the Paris Marathon (2nd time) it actually stopped working around 30KM in. Not really what you want during a marathon … They are spendy items though… running is DEFINITELY not cheap!

  2. I have heard great things about the Aftershokz…but I’m one of the “uncool kids” and don’t have my own (yet). Since my Shuffle crashed and burned (figuratively) at the MCM, I’ve been without music while on the run. Amazingly, I really don’t miss it. Whodda thunk?

    1. To be honest, I can go without music or listening to a podcast any time. I am actually glad that I’m not dependant on it anymore. However, now that I have the trekzair I really want to listen to something! a good 80’s or 90’s soundtrack or an interesting podcast really gives me good energy while walking. Since I only run 2 x a week right now I don’t tend to wear them running!

  3. Aftershokz didn’t work for me, but I love my AirPods, my Garmin, and my SkirtSports shorts to stash my phone in.

    1. interesting! what didn’t work for you? I mean obviously people like what they like – I cannot wear any in-ear buds they just fall right out! I do like my inknburn bottoms because they have the perfect pocket for my phone as well.

  4. Hokas, yes! i also need a lot of rom for my toes and I wear the Cliftons. But I alternate those with New Balance 880s, which have an even wider toe box! I wear altras for walking around sometimes, but not for running. Other than that, I switch around brands a lot for sunglasses, headphones (although I eventually want to try the Aftershokz) and with how I carry my phone- I used the koala clip for a long time, but currently am using a Nathan belt.

    1. Interesting about the NB’s! I love the look of so many NB models but my experience is that they are too narrow for my toes. I really recommend the airshokz, but they are also not for everyone. if you could ever just try them before buying that would be ideal!

    1. I never got any ear bud from apple to stay in my ears! the KoalaClip looks interesting but also seems a bit unhandy for ME anyway.

  5. Still looking for the perfect shoe. But I have to have a cap, my goodrs, skirt or capris or tights with pockets, my iPhone and my aftershoks.

  6. I started with the Vivoactive, moved on to the Vivoactive 3 because I really wanted to have HR data & my original Vivoactive was about 4 years old and doing wonky things.

    I used to love that you can swim with it, too, alas I no longer have an indoor pool to swim at. :(

    I also have sunglasses, too. My phone usually in a pocket somewhere.

    And water!

    If my husband ever said I should have something because it was cute, I’d want to know who he was and what he did with my husband, LOL!

  7. My non-negotiable is my iPhone, simply because I run in country roads… and you never know. I am a Hoka girl too. Used to be a Brooks Transcend fan but last year, for some reason, I started getting a pain on top of my right foot when I ran. I had a pair of Cliftons from like 2015 and decided to give them a try. Pain was gone almost immediately and haven’t looked back. Ironically, those Cliftons were only worn 3 times because they used to make my foot numb regardless of how loose the lacing was. I guess my running mechanics changes. Last fall I switched to the Arahi 4 and also love the stability I get with them.

  8. Love these!

    It’s funny that you went from Altras to Hokas – I’m so glad that you found something that works for you! Hokas are a little too much for me – I’m already tall enough and don’t need the extra height lol.

    I also love my Goodrs and my Aftershokz!

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