Fit Five Friday -Runfessions December

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Fit Five Friday meets the Runfessional for the last time this year!

It’s Friday again already and time to link up not only with your FIVE amazing hosts – me, My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude,  Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida … but also 

This week we have the bonus link up,  Marcia’s Runfessional!

Every month Marcia opens the runfessional – a place to let it all out and cleanse your soles; if you are needing to release some sweaty secrets or just want to get things off your chest, here’s the place to do it! 

Let’s Do This

It’s been another hot minute since I last posted.  Truthfully that was not really my intention.  However, since I started my new job in November it’s been even more challenging to do, well, just about anything.

I did not want to have the very last runfessions of the year pass me by, so here we are!  My Last Five Runfessions for 2022!

How it started

I runfess that this year started with good intentions and the desire to reach a few goals, namely the Half Marathon of Berlin (didn’t happen) and the Chicago Marathon (did happen, but whoah what a tough day that was!).  Unfortunately I started having issues with my right knee and my left foot was giving me even more trouble than usual.  I really have to runfess that I am super sad that things worked out they way they did, but, it is what it is right? 

well, at least that’s done

How it’s going

I runfess that I thought this was my worst mileage year ever and lo and behold I’ve actually run almost 200KM more than last year.  Not only that, I ran more than 2019, 2020 AND 2021.  Weird.  I runfess it FEELS like I barely ran this year.  Like, am I even a runner anymore?  (I know. I am. ) It kind of helps to put a different perspective on things.

How I’d like it to be (aka goals)

To be honest, I runfess that I don’t have huge goals at the moment.  I’d like to do a few races, maybe, but lordt please slap the computer out of my hand if I even start to register for a marathon again.  I’m not in a good place for that, not with body and not with mind.  But, if I’m honest, I runfess that I do have it in mind that I run or run/walk at least one 5KM course a week.  If that’s a parkrun, great.  If that’s just getting out and getting in town, the park or even out in my favourite spot Meinerswijk, super.  And while I am not into streaking, I’d like to run, walk or run/walk at least 1km per day. That should put me at about 575KM next year (combo walking and running).

november goals


I runfess that I’ve already signed up for an 8KM race (kind of an odd distance but I think that’s what, 5miles or so?) in February.  So that means I need to get my bum in gear!!  Somehow I also convinced Ron to join me.  Oh, did I mention?  He’s having some issues with running consistency as well.  It’s been, well, quite a year for both of us.   I am also considering another race I think in April that would be a 10KM.

Just the 8KM – 3rd time this distance, 6th time at this race
This will be my first time at this race in Deventer, if I sign up

Other Stuff

I runfess I currently have enough energy to focus on my new job and commuting 1 to 2 times a week and that’s about it.  I went to the gym a couple of times and I worked out at home a couple of times, but my habit seems to have left the building without informing me.  I runfess that I signed up for RED January again and have already started moving daily to get a bit of a kick start.  If you don’t know what RED January is, it’s a challenge for mental health and wellness.  There is a fundraising bit which I don’t do, but I donate to the charity at the end of the challenge (It’s a UK based charity).  RED stands for Run Every Day, but the idea is actually to get any movement in that you can, so walking, biking, gym, yoga, dancing – whatever brings you joy on that day.   I feel like this will help me to get back into my rhythm again.  In fact, I know it will!

What are YOUR runfessions?

Are you content with your running year, or disappointed? Have you got big plans for the new year? Are you thinking about goals or changes you want to make next year? What races have you already signed up for?

Join the Fit Five Friday Link-up!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do! 
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do! 
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

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18 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday -Runfessions December

  1. I am happy with my year – no big goals so no big accomplishments but I did what I set to do: stay healthy, run lots of races and 1000 miles.

    And for 2023: same thing!!

  2. I agree with Erica – and any year with a marathon in it is a good year of running!

    RED January sounds like a great way to kick off the year! Hope it’s the start of a great 2023 for you :)

  3. I think RED January sounds great! I’m a strong believer in daily movement of some sort, which is why I get my booty outside EVERYDAY (even on the extremely cold ones) for 10-15 minutes of movement). I think I can withstand any kind of weather for 10-15 minutes, LOL (truthfully, I think every body can, too). So glad to see your blog again ;-)

    1. I too believe in daily movement so it’s weird to me that I’ve somehow fallen out of the habit! so RED will help with that for sure. Thanks Kim!

  4. It’s great that your running data helped you see how much you actually ran this year.

    It is no surprise that your new job (how is it going???) and commute made it harder to keep up with your fitness. It sounds like RED January will help you get/keep moving every day — and that’s a great place to start.

    LOL on swearing off marathons. I know my body wouldn’t hold up through the training let alone 26.2 miles. I think 8K is a fun distance — I hope you enjoy that race.

    Here’s to 2023!

    1. I will touch on the new job/ commute on our coffee date :) I am also really looking forward to RED again. I don’t do well with most challenges, but moving every day is something I definitely CAN do.

      Thanks Coco! Let’s do this!

  5. I always say that finishing is winning and you need to own that marathon finish!!! Your mileage total doesn’t surprise me–you put in a lot of miles during your training!

    Happy New Year!

    1. oh if there is anything at all that I OWN this year? It’s the Chicago Marathon finish!! That was by far the funnest but hardest and most mentally challenging things I’ve ever done. I’m really happy I made it, because there was a point I thought I might not have (which thankfully Ron was there to talk me off of the ledge of despair).

      Happy New Year Wendy!!

    1. there’s quite a lot to be distracted with right now!! but I hope you are able and otherwise just do it anyway :)

  6. I’m sorry you’re feeling disappointed right now, BUT you did so much more running than most people. I don’t really race anymore but I still run maybe 30-40 minutes 3-4x a week. My passion now is coaching others. I tell myself I have nothing to prove and everything to share so that’s where my joy is. My runs are pressure free and pure joy as well since I don’t have any mileage or pace goals. Happy New Year!

  7. Well, I seem to have lost my mind because I signed up for a 50k in April! My running has been going well (much better than last year) so we’ll see what happens.
    I think you did great last year, and your RED challenge sounds like the perfect way to start 2023. You’ve got a lot on your plate with the new job, but you also seem determined to keep up a good run/walk schedule. I think it’s going to be a good year!

  8. You’ve been a LEGEND with your leadership of our RED January Group even with your health challenges! It has helped to keep me accountable this month which is what I lacked last year. If we can do this right, we will be off to a great start for the rest of the year!

    The 8km distance is a common trail distance here – but I don’t think I’ve seen a road race with that distance! Hope you and Ron find your running mojo this year and glad the race is early on to keep that momentum going for now.

    1. thank you so much Shathiso! I’m enjoying the accountability for sure. I’d love to continue it, but I don’t know how yet.
      8km is not a common distance here but I think it’s 5 miles maybe? And then in miles it makes more sense haha! (except miles here never makes sense).

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