Sometimes I get a little sick of how limited I feel at the moment with food. So what I know how to cook I’ve been trying hard to make not only look nice but taste delicious as well.
Saturday night I made salmon. That’s a really great fish with loads of good oils in case you hadn’t yet read the memo. With it I had sugar snap peas (OMG – I thought these were off the list but in Melissa Joulwan’s Well Fed book, they are listed as yes foods), broccoli, sesame seeds and sun dried tomatoes. I made some rice for the Hubs (needed a break from cauliflower) but stayed away from the fluffy white stuff myself.
I use sun dried tomatoes that are NOT in oil already; I basically take them, add a bit of white wine vinegar, 1 TBSP olive oil and boiling water and let them swell up for a bit.
I “marinated” the salmon in lemon juice, garlic and 1 TBSP sesame oil – for two pieces of fish (1 was 140gr and 1 170gr), fresh rosemary and sesame seeds, salt and pepper to taste.
I steamed my vegetables but put a bit of lemon juice and sea salt on top – this made the colour stay incredibly green!
The end result was really amazing! Just a simple meal that really looked and tasted amazing. No one can say that eating healthy is boring!