WRD: Week 8:2021 Harnessing Positive Energy

Sometimes the weeks just kind of melt into each other. That was this week. A repeat, in a way of so many other weeks. Get up. Work at home. Work out. Eat. Watch Netflix. Go to bed. Rinse. Repeat.

That said, my attempts at getting out of bed earlier resulted in two morning walks. TWO! And this week, though the same as many other weeks in the past year, I felt some positive energy. So that’s all good, right?

Shall we jump into the weekly run down?

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Week 8 was Great

Monday – Morning Walk 4KM, Lunch Walk 2.86, Strength Training – lower body 40 min
Tuesday – RPM 77 , mobility training 25 min
Wednesday – 7km interval run
Thursday – Morning Walk 4.2KM, Strength Training – upper body 30 min
Friday – Rest (unless you count door sanding as a workout)
Saturday – 5KM notparkrun, RPM 76 , cool down Zoom ride 8.5KM
Sunday – 9KM walk


I had two great sessions this week. Wednesday I decided I would do intervals. I wanted to go to the park and run, but as I mentioned Friday in my February Runfessions, the park was P A C K E D. Luckily mid-week there aren’t a lot of people down at the edge of the river Rhein so I did my intervals down there. Bonus – it’s also a bit more flat.

I was even overdressed for this run!

Saturday was notparkrun day of course. I had been chatting with some local expats and not one, but two people joined me for my 2 rounds in the park. This is a tricky situation because we are allowed to be with only 1 additional person outside, so basically we all just distanced from each other. So we didn’t run together but we still kind of did, if that makes sense?

This run gave me so much energy! And without even knowing or trying, I ran my notparkrun PB. Still a ways to go to ever beat my parkrun PB but, to be honest, I’m not really bothered if I do or don’t.

Also, Michiel and I are the only ones ever logging our notparkruns. I finally convinced someone else to do it as well!


I started the week by springing out of bed hitting the snooze a couple of times but managing to get out before sunrise. It was still dark when I entered the park Monday and so, so serene and beautiful. By the time I got back home the sun was up and I felt energised to start the day.

Amazing morning view from the park

I managed it again on Thursday, this time walking through town, past my office building and back up and around to the windmill. I still struggled getting out of bed but really wanted to achieve this walk, so I got out just before sunrise.

That tall building below is, pre-covid, where I go to work each day.

On Sunday afternoon I headed out towards Meinerswijk and back; hoping to see some wild horses but only managed to see the ducks and some floofy cows. Oh and a pony with her rollerblading owner ha! it was a beautiful day! I just need to get used to the fact that when we can’t do anything but go outside, it IS going to be busy when the weather is nice.

Maybe you recognise these two buildings from my Monday Morning photo? Only this view is the opposite side.

Strength and Spin

This was Week 2 of my strength and flexibility program; Monday was lower body, Tuesday Flexibility, Thursday upper body and Friday a short yoga stretch. This week was easier in the sense that I already knew what to expect by I was still feeling my abs Thursday morning from Monday’s workout…. Week 3 and 4 are basically the same and then we’ll switch it up.

crazy hair and oofos for the win!

Tuesday was RPM 77 in the Team Pie Gym, with the hubs on the treadmill again. I really enjoy this lunch workout and I’m glad to also get him moving. I know he enjoys it, but I also know it’s hard to be motivated when you have so many other things going on (work, house, setting up his hobby space, etc). He’s also motivated by competition and since there is none right now, it’s just not at the forefront of his mind.

He runs less, yet still somehow like a beast!

On Saturday, I also did RPM 76 before meeting up with the Biker Bloggers again. It’s great to be falling in love with my spin bike once more!

Home Improvement

Not a lot going on this week, but I did clean and sand the doors we bought, which basically took me all afternoon Friday. On Saturday we had a contractor come by to cut the doors to size and install them; it seems it was more difficult than he expected, so only two are in. Fingers crossed the other two are in next weekend. Now to decide what color to paint them?? White? Off-white? Same light blue-grey as the walls? I kind of like the white contrast, plus it would then go with the white accents on the stairs.

floor will be finished next week; still needs the baseboards put in

We have spent a bit of time tidying up the “gym” and setting up our new desk in the room downstairs, but nothing more exciting than that this week.

Stats this week:
Walking 20.06KM
Running 12KM
Bodypump 0 but 2 strength workouts
Spin bike 2x RPM , zoom “cool-down” with the Blogger Chicks
Total steps: 62,171 (avg 8,881 per day)

That’s a wrap!

How was your week? Are you trying to harness some positive energy? Is your weather shaping up? It’s March already tomorrow! Any new goals for the new month already? Oh, and what color do you think I should paint my doors downstairs?

17 thoughts on “WRD: Week 8:2021 Harnessing Positive Energy

  1. Great job with your 5k! It warmed up here a bit this week and it felt amazing. I was able to do most of my runs outside and even get out for some walks. Looking forward to spring and more sunshine/warm weather!

  2. I don’t think you mentioned your PB yesterday (?), if so I totally missed it LOL GREAT JOB! I’m glad you’re a charter member of the Blogger Biking Chicks ;-) Those doors are beauties! I think I’d go with white for color (not that you were asking).

  3. My husband basically never lets me pain anything what I want, so I have no advice! I almost fell over when he was ok with a vinyl decal on the wall.

    Nice job on your PB! 2 pre sunrise walks is nothing to sneeze at either. :)

    I’m just happy to feel like I’m getting back to normal and sometimes seeing more normal paces, too.

    I’m sure Winter is still down but not out here, but we’re over the worst of it. Looking forward to Spring!

  4. Wow- that photo of the early morning view from the park is gorgeous. And… ack! It’s already March? I have to set more goals? That crept up on me!
    You don’t want my advice on door colors- I’m the worst with that kind of thing! When you paint them show us the colors so I can get ideas! Sounds like you had a great week.

  5. Yay on your #notparkrun. That morning view from the park is stunning! I’d like to start my day with that scenery. I’m impressed by all your home reno work — it’s tough but so worth it when your done.

  6. Lately I have felt that the weeks and weekends blend together. Sure, I’m off work, but it’s not like I can really do anything so I end up staying in the house for the most part (except for the grocery store). A small thing, like going out to a restaurant, will be so much fun when I can do it safely this summer.

    Awesome job on your #notparkrun and it was great to see you on yesterday. Also, I love the new doors and totally agree on the paint color you selected!

  7. I saw your door post on Instagram! They both look great. I like the white color. I am so impressed with all of the work you are both doing. I keep telling myself that when I do buy a house, I will find one already remodeled or if work needs to be done to it, I will hire someone to do it for me.

  8. Congrats on your notparkrun PB! It’s great that you had two new running buddies join you.

    What color did you paint the other doors in your house? I’d probably do the same as them, but I do like the contrast!

  9. Love to read positive thins – your runs, walks and home improvements.

    Seeing friends is the best news.

    We HAVE to re-do our kitchen. Our kitten helped by scratching off the wallpaper that I hate. Now what color???

  10. Oh, those doors! I love them.

    I miss spin. In March, I am focusing on my overall strength so that maybe I can get to bootcamp and spin. I don’t think kickboxing is in my immediate future, but maybe those other two workouts are. Fingers crossed.

    Congrats on your PB! That’s awesome and so encouraging!

  11. I’m so happy to hear you had a great week and you’re in a positive, productive mindset! I think the weather makes all the difference! The doors turned out nice! I’m kind of dreading our kitchen reno. We have a meeting with the designer today. Way to go on that notparkrun PR!

  12. Oh – I thought the off white was the door color – which I think looks good! I think I would be exhausted from all of the sanding work you did! Is that a cruise ship? I used to get brochures about cruises through Europe. It looked interesting.

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