Project 42:1

Not only is this the size of my jeans, but it’s the age I will be on my next birthday.  Seems very appropriate.

I took these photos on April 13th, 2010.  My goal is not a scale related goal, it’s jeans-related.

I would like to wear these jeans without the torso bits hanging down over the waist.  I love the way these feel on my bum and thighs and the waist is really perfect.

I need to get my head in the right place to follow my instincts AND my Weight Watchers program.  Eating intuitively doesn’t really work with me because I haven’t solved the issues in my head which say “eating intuitively = eat whatever you want whenever you want”

So this week I will be tracking and paying attention to what I’m eating and when I’m eating it, particularly if there emotionally-charged eating moments.  This week I also will be exercising as usual – I have a 6K coming up in just 6 days!

In one week I will post my successes with tracking and moving.  In one month I will take pics again.

8 thoughts on “Project 42:1

  1. it is all such a ride. trial and error and FINALLY FINDING WHAT WORKS FOR YOU and settling on that for life.

    gave a great week

    1. So true Miz. This is definitely a lifelong commitment full of bumps and bends in the road, but I truly am committed to finding what works and being open and flexible for changes.

  2. Go for it! And wow, 6K, you make me feel like such a slacker! I need to get back out there and running!

  3. 42 and 42…excellent. I like your goal! Intuitive eating doesn’t really work great for me either, though I’m getting much better at it. I think that part of my brain is broken but is healing.

    So, what’s the skinny…so to speak? If you could have your dream goal achieved: fitting into these jeans in the way you exactly want to, and it took till, say, the first day of September, but you weren’t frustrated and frazzled over it all summer long, would that be ok?

    I’m seriously curious about this. You’re so close to goal and I know it’s much much harder to lose (even every month) when you’re close. So I’m trying to figure out, mentally, how it works. If you were to keep up your exercise (which I know you will do) and the good eating, but it took you say, 4+ more months, would that be alright as long as it wasn’t a constant in-you-face frustration, facing the scale all the time?

    1. thinking about it this way – yes I would be ok with that. That would also mean I would finally allow myself to buy a few clothes that fit the shape I am right now rather than waiting. I seem to always be waiting. Don’t want to buy new clothes because they are not the right size, don’t want to get my new tattoo, don’t want to invest in anything until the number is right. I’m done with waiting. Accepting means that this is where I am right now and I’m working hard be fit and healthy (I already am fit and healthy!), why shouldn’t I invest in myself???

      Funnily enough, my birthday is the 3rd of September. I hesitate to put a time frame on it, but yeah, that would be nice to fit in these jeans a little bit more smoothly by then.

  4. I think this is a great idea. And even if your mind makes you think nothing changes these pictures will tell you the truth. You know because the change takes time and we sometimes can’t believe we’re having progress (I least I am like that) but pictures and jeans don’t lie! Good luck!!

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