Video Sunday

I went running this afternoon and was amazed at how much water there is everywhere, just a couple of kilometers from my apartment. I only made the video from the bridge between Westervoort and Arnhem. I wanted to stop and take photos along the farms but running was going so well, I just didn’t want to stop.

Unfortunately my iPod (the old one, not the one hubs just bought for me) ate my 9 kilometer workout.

I’m behind on my Half-Marathon Week 2 training, but I’ll just do my best to do Week 3 in full.

4 thoughts on “Video Sunday

  1. Nice to see the video. The advantage of living in the middle of this country is that everything is just not that bad because we are high above ANP so the water isn’t that high here. Usually if there are storms we get just a little of it.

    Good luck on week 3 of the training, you can do it!

  2. I love seeing your videos! You’re seriously lovely after a run. I think ALL women are their most beautiful after a run. People think that’s weird, but it’s NOT. Pink, skin, happy smile, what’s not to love?

    Beautiful views! I thought the Rhine was in France, so I was waaaaay off. I always lose at the geography portion of Trivial Pursuit.

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