2 thoughts on “Almost Five Months

  1. Renee,
    I’ve missed you. I miss the internet out at our property. It’s not so fun to be away from the internet for 4 weeks at a time (And yet it’s a nice break too). $20,000 later we have electricity and water out at our property although true to form, red tape and additional permits will require that we wait and wait and wait and wait and pay some more before we can actually use it. My point is, after it’s all finally done, we’ll be able to get internet and I’ll stay more connected. I’m at my Mom’s in WA state for 5 weeks so am around the old web.

    I’m so glad to see you get to run again! I had to take off for a full month due to some medical issues and just began again this week, feeling strong and excited. It’s about bloody time.

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