Friday Foodie Post

Yes I know it’s Saturday. What of it?

I planned again this week, though I have to say at some point I went off course and purposely at that.

Honestly all of this is just too, too much. I’m tired people. At some stage you have to Let Go and Move On.

That did not stop me from tasty eats though:

a delicious salad with Rio Mare Tuna in Oil (yes in oil) with steamed broccoli, sun-dried tomatoes, 50g of jasmine rice:

Roasted vegetables, 100gr of Kamut and a 100g chicken breast, with some herbs and spices of course (with a few chunks of roasted garlic to boot!) – the colleagues were jealous!

I had eggs several times this week, a very easy, healthy and low-fat/calorie meal, in the train of course (here with spinach and sun-dried tomatoes and I think there was a laughing cow wedge melted within the whole thing)

Our seasonal drinks were just way too tempting to pass up; a tall (8oz) white mocha cranberry latte (made here with only 1 pump of white mocha instead of 3 and non-fat milk, but no I didn’t skimp on the whip!!)

Even today (I know, it’s Saturday and this is Friday Foodie Post) after the gym I had a salad with tomatoes, red onion, cucumber, Mediterranean corn (corn with black and green olives) and Rio Mare tuna:

So, I may not lose weight, even though the numbers say that I *should* but damn I eat well!

4 thoughts on “Friday Foodie Post

    1. can you imagine how tempting it is though, every day??!! To be honest I generally just drink black coffee, espresso, americano or sometimes with a little bit of steamed milk (misto). But I love cranberry so I had to try it!!

    1. haha! thanks Donna! actually I generally just throw things together. Really. But I could post the recipes on some things, especially the stuff Hubs makes. Karen already asked for some curry recipes :)

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