The Photographic Evidence

Of the last couple of weeks:

It was snowy and cold:

(not my bike)

Park Musis (in Arnhem)

I bought a new Garmin (which I haven’t used yet… dangit!)

My new favourite breakfast (needs to be changed a wee bit for new “diet”)

cottage cheese, Sabra “Pikant Aubergine” (it’s not spicy at all), cherry tomatoes, spring onion, avocado

The reason I prefer to make my own food, bring my own sandwiches – I bought this before going to the gym Wednesday:

in case you can’t tell, that’s tuna, pickles and ruccola/rocket salad.

Now I’m going to start prepping for food next week and we’ll see how much time I have left for other things.

Do you take photos regularly? Even of what seems to be small insignificant things to others but stuff you want to remember?

2 thoughts on “The Photographic Evidence

  1. I don’t regularly take pictures, but I often wish I did. I keep trying, and it last about a day, and then it’s over.

    I love avocado! Lately I’ve been focusing on making fruits and veggies the focus of my meals, and my new favorite breakfast is half an avocado with some black beans, covered in salsa. Sometimes I’ll have a piece of Wasa or toast with it. Yum!

    Maybe I’ll try taking pictures again this week.

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