Wednesday Food Fest:: Weighing and Measuring

So, do you?

Or are you one of those free-for-all “that looks like 100g” kind of people?

I’ve tried to get by with that and let’s just say that eyeballing doesn’t work for me.

To put it this way – I pretty much weigh and measure EVERYTHING.

One of my favourite snacks, which could be easily just done by winging it, is my daily youghurt and fruit. But it’s not any old kind of plain sour yoghurt, no. It’s Bulgarian-style Yoghurt. Typically this would be made with fat creamy goat’s milk, but this one is made from cow’s. It’s not low-fat. It’s not non-fat. It’s 3.5% fat. I’m a true believer in everything in moderation, including fat. We need it. Think of your body like a car – you wouldn’t run your car without oil would you? I mean, you could, but eventually you are going to wreck the engine. Nothing wrong with a little bit of fat.

I have, pretty much every weekday, around 125g of this yoghurt, with typically 50 g of two types of fruit (sometimes I splurge and have three). I try to keep my fruit under 200g.

While it may seem a bit controlling, I like knowing just how much I’m eating and how that all fits into my daily nutrient and calorie levels.

mmm, yoghurt. can I have some too, Mom?

What do you do to keep things in check with the amount of food you eat?

4 thoughts on “Wednesday Food Fest:: Weighing and Measuring

  1. Oh, Pinky! I just spend ten glorious days in Bulgaria and the yogurt was TO DIE FOR. My partner is from BG, so we eat Bulgarian food often. However, there is nothing like the choices one can get in the country of origin! I’m drooling just thinking about it. You are right. A little bit of fat won’t kill ya. I find that eating a little bit of fat will keep me satisfied. Too many light foods and fake substitutes keep me hungry, unhappy and unhealthy.

    I now measure everything. I weigh my meats, but I use a cup to measure my fruits, yogurts and liquids. This has worked so far, but I’m concerned that it isn’t enough. I’m trying to get into the habit of weighing everything. Thanks for this post!

    1. Hey Lynda! thanks for the comment! I know right! If the fake bulgarian “style” yoghurt is so good, I bet I would be in trouble in Bulgaria itself!! Ha! What do you mean by “that it isn’t enough”? Using the cup to measure?

  2. I have come to the conclusion that if I want to keep my eating under control I will always have to weight everything as well. I do good about two weeks after I stop weighing but then I get cocky and the portions just grow. But looking at other parts of my life I pretty much suck at eye balling it for any measurements LOL

    1. Hey Penny, me too. seriously I’m sure this is why I still do it pretty much every day. Going out to eat bugs me in a way as I really have NO CLUE how much I’ve eaten. I am really ok with doing it, though sometimes I wish I could be carefree about it.

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