I’m sitting here in my post-op glory, and I’m channeling any negative thoughts and energy into things that make me smile and feel good. Even though I am missing out this year at Liverpool, I am so glad and grateful to be a Rock’n’Blogger again this year, because I truly do love the Rock’n’Roll marathon series, and have done so even before I was spreading the joy. As you know, I am able to participate in these races for free, but all other costs are my own as are my opinions and thoughts about Competitor Group and The RnR Series.
Therefore, I’d like to share with you 7 Things I Love about Rock’n’Roll Races:
1) Fun locations – especially for the European races – Liverpool (home of the Beatles), Dublin (Hello? Ireland, duh!), Madrid (Sí, señorita!) and Lisbon (Who doesn’t love Portugal in Fall when it still feels like summer??)
2) Fun people – if there is one thing that really strikes me at a RnR race, it’s the sheer amount of energy and fun that is surging through the crowds. Not only that, but the supporters along the way are awesome as well.
3) The Entertainment – bands every few kilometers, cheerleaders, stilt walkers, runners dressed up in crazy costumes. Most RnR races I’ve participated in have definitely not let me down in this area.
4) The Support – All the RnR races I’ve run have been so amazing when it comes to water, gels, fruit, etc. Chicago comes to mind especially – it was SO hot that there were huge amounts of ice at the aid stations. I was able to just keep shoving ice down my shirt to keep my body cool AND add ice to my hydration pack. In Lisbon we are given little bottles of water, which is super handy and provides enough hydration through to the next station. I am also a fan of High5 Nutrition gels and sports drinks – and in Europe High5 is the sponsor = more preferred stuff for me!
5) Race weekends – why only race on Sunday when you can do a 5K on the Saturday, the Half or Full Marathon on a Sunday and if you are super speedy the Fun Run after the Half or Full marathon? Don’t want to run all the races? Still you can stay and enjoy the bands during and after the Half or Full marathon. It’s like a mini music festival going on!
6) All of the bling. Seriously. There is no better bling out there. Last year I ran 4 weekend events and at the end of the year I had 12 medals. 12!! These are not flimsy pieces of tin either. The more medals you earn the heavier they get. That’s why they are called Heavy Medals!!
7) The organisation – I’ve heard complaints in this area before to be totally honest with you guys? I’ve never experienced anything other than amazing and smooth organisation. From the time you sign up until the time you arrive at the expo to pick up your packet – lots of motivation and information. Also if you need to change anything, it’s super easy to do. I changed last year from the Half Marathon Liverpool to the full with one email to customer service.
If you ask me, I think with RnR races you get way more bang for your buck. Let’s face it, racing is not cheap. Remember when we first started running and “everyone” claimed it was a cheap way of getting exercise? Fast forward to all the gear, all the shoes, all the races, all the countries… not a cheap sport. When you sign up for RnR you aren’t just signing up for the experience, you get the experience plus, quality tees for the races, cool expos, ALL OF THE BLING, entertainment before, during and after the race, in some cases a FREE BEER (hello Liverpool!) – what more could you want? Oh, wait, a DISCOUNT perhaps? I can hook you up :)

I know I’m over here in Europe (and I would love for you to join me physically) but you can even run in the US and get a discount using my code! Always wanted to run a Rock’n’Roll race but haven’t dared to sign up yet? Seriously, what are you waiting for? It’s the MOST FUN EVER!
I’ll be hanging out in Liverpool this year (can’t run, due to foot surgery recovery, but I will hopefully be handing out 5K medals on Saturday), I’m 99% sure I’m running Dublin (because HOLLA!! REMIX WEEKEND – last year there was no 5K on the Saturday; this year there is!) and I’m 100% in for Brooklyn (yep, already bought the plane ticket!).
Find a Race near you or plan a racecation somewhere you always wanted to go!
Still not convinced? Drop me a line, tell me what you are thinking and let’s see if there’s some way I can further convince you! Or perhaps you want to read what others are saying about Rock’n’Roll Races?
Brandi: Top 5 Reasons Why Rock’n’Roll Race Weekends Rock!
Megan: 7 Reasons Rock’n’Roll Rocks
Briana: I love Rock’n’Roll Races
Steffany: Why I run Rock’n’Roll
Debbie: 10 awesome things to love about the Rock’n’Roll Marathon
Diane: 10 Things I love about Rock’n’Roll races
Have you run a Rock’n’Roll race before? What was your experience like?
Ooh, I would love to do Liverpool. Or Dublin. Or any of the European races. In the meantime I’ll make to with San Diego. Which is pretty fabulous too. :-)
I bet! I’ve been to San Diego once and loved it!
I’m dying to do one of the European races… hopefully in 2017!
I hope you can! I’d say the only difference is that the expos are a wee bit smaller but the experience is still the same FUN!!
You’ve got a good collection for only 4 events! I hope to expand mine this year immesenly – last year I only got to two (San Diego & Brooklyn) and have a few lined up for myself this year. Yippee! :) One day I’ll make it north of the border and get some Canadian races in!
Oh all that bling! The organization is just the best. I love knowing exactly what to expect going into a race weekend!
FUN PEOPLE! You are right! I usually meet a few funny runners while right in the middle of the race. There was a basketball dribbling guy that I used to see at many RnR races. Also, some of the costumes are crazy fun. Looking forward to all the races we have ahead of us this year!