Tuesday Topics Link-up #1

Welcome to the all new Tuesday Topics.  Not my brain-child but that of Kim (@Kookyrunner) and Zenaida!  



If you are interested in joining, check this link for exactly how to link up and what the rules are.  Oh, yeah and what the weekly topics are (though you are free to add another fitness related topic if you are not down with the topic).

Without further ado… this week’s topic?

What are you looking forward to this year?


100% without a doubt, I’m looking forward to the CHICAGO MARATHON.  This is pretty much the only marathon I’ve really ever wanted to run the US and I’m finally IN!   Well.  I didn’t even try to get in the one time that I could have, and that was because of my foot and I just didn’t want to run a marathon at that point.  But anyway.

YES!!!! I can’t wait!

The reason?  I used to live in Chicago, when I was a kid for almost 10 years and then later from 18 -21.  It’s hands-down my favorite US city (I’m biased, I know), even though I do love other cities (just not as much).   I only started running at the age of  40 and I wasn’t very sporty back when I lived there (or any where for that matter), so to run in my “home city” really means a lot to me.  I ran the Rock ‘n’ Rock Half Marathon in Chicago  a few years ago and was beside myself just with just that distance!  So, now the FULL!  Ron ran it in 2017 so I was able to go and cheer and support on the course (and I got to meet Kim before the 5K!) with my parents (they were so cute, cheering Ron on at mile 11 -they’d never experienced anything like that) and see my friends and eat and drink all the things (as one does);  he loved it so much that he wanted to do it again, but since we were already running Warsaw (and eventually Amsterdam), there was no room or cash for a trip last year.   Since he already qualifies for a time entry he went ahead and entered and I entered the lottery.   The day the notifications went out I really thought I wasn’t in – so many people were getting their acceptance mail and I just had … crickets… hours passed and then FINALLY…!



So very happy!  We’re hoping to go for about 2 weeks so we have time before the race to get over jet lag and time after the race to hang out with friends a bit longer or do a bit of sightseeing around the area (he’s only been to Kenosha, WI for work prior to our trip together so I think there’s still a bit for him to experience).

Lucky for me I have two virtual training partners, since Kim and Michelle also got in!



Seeing my parents again – Last year while my parents were travelling and hanging out in Spain we thought it would be a good idea to try to come together for a weekend, so we met up in Málaga.  The trip was fabulous of course since SUN, FOOD and FAMILY were involved.   They’ll be back again for a few weeks in May, so I’ve already booked the time off for us to go seem them again.   I’m hoping to get the same Airbnb too.  It was a good one. 


Learning something new either at the gym, home or somewhere else – I’m looking into different classes at the gym, learning yoga or pilates.  I was just reading how pilates is really good if you are a runner recovering from a foot operation.  More about THAT later…   In any case I just contacted a pilates studio about a kilometer down the road from me and I’m looking at a few videos for yoga (and Ron gave me a Yoga for Runners book but I think I do better actually seeing the moves). Things are going to happen and they are going to happen soon and I honestly can’t wait!


[ctt template=”11″ link=”bcqaS” via=”no” ]join in the new #TuesdayTopics linkup! what are YOU most looking forward to this year?#RunChat #WeRunSocial #running @runlaugheatpie[/ctt]


I have other things I’m looking forward to of course but these are three things that stand out in my mind right now as what I’m looking forward to the most!


What are YOU looking most forward to this year?



Next Week’s Topic:  – What were your favorite gifts you received over the holidays?  As we don’t do gifts I may have to think of something clever to add to next week’s linkup!

31 thoughts on “Tuesday Topics Link-up #1

  1. Chicago sounds like a great race to look forward to. A lot of bloggers run it so FOMO here.

    I needs to try something different too.

    1. you did a few different races in the past though Darlene! i mean Montreal and Paris! How about Amsterdam? For obvious reasons :)

  2. It’s funny how we have that race/city. For me it’s NYC, but I hear great things about Chicago. Can’t wait to see how you three and my colleague kick ass.

  3. I am excited that you are looking forward to the Chicago Marathon. It is simply hands down the best marathon. :-) I’ve run it a few times and have also spectated it.

    I recently joined a gym (again) and am excited about the different classes. In particular I am excited about the yoga class. My body needs it for sure!

    1. I had so much fun spectating when Ron ran it! I’m glad I have experience with this in other big cities – sometimes the spectators who make their way around the course to see their people also deserve medals!

      nice! I wish we had a yoga class!

  4. I am so excited for you!!!! I’m kind of bummed I’m not doing Chicago, but there’s other stuff happening for me (if all the stars align via some lotteries LOL).

  5. During the few weeks I was considering a marathon, Chicago was it. I decided my body just had too many issues to train for a marathon, but I still love running in Chicago. It’s going to be awesome!

    1. training for a marathon is tough if you have issues. I mean I have issues and anything more than 5 hours is just insane. really. this is the reason I waited 2 years to do another one after the last physical fiasco.

    1. yes the more I’ve read the more it seems really fitting to do pilates! but you are right, when do you fit it all in!? Thanks for the link, I’ll check it out!!

  6. That’s so exciting about Chicago! I have several friends running it this year too. I have never run it, but I hear it’s awesome. I’m looking forward to my upcoming vacations. Another long road trip/camping trip is in the works, and Hawaii (if I ever get around to planning it!!).

    1. I know quite a few running it as well! That’s the thing, it won’t just be the race itself but also seeing friends! Isn’t it fun thinking about and planning future trips??

  7. I think that 2019 is going to be a great year! Running Chicago sounds like such an amazing experience, I still have yet to visit the city! I’ve never done a Pilates class but they just started offering it at my local barre studio and I’m intrigued!

    1. You definitely should visit the city!! it’s amazing! I am a bit biased of course haha! The more I’ve looked into pilates the more interesting it sounds to me! So I’m going to check it out!

  8. Yoga or pilates is good, I really like yoga for the stretch it gives my hamstrings. I’m looking forward to the Liverpool Marathon and then my ultra this year, then not very much just running for the fun of it, after.

    1. I’m looking deeper into pilates now – I actually have an intro lesson on Monday evening! You’re doing the “regular” Liverpool Marathon right? Not the rock’n’roll? I’ll be there in May! This year is definitely a more challenging running year for me and I’ve even said this week that IF i get my under 5 hours marathon, I’m done with chasing time and will run more for fun! The things runners say, hahahaha!

      1. Yes, I’m doing the R’n’R in late May. Meet-up time! I will be using it as a training run for my ultra in July (the second day of Race to the Stones), and am slower than you anyway, but I’ll be there Saturday – Monday (I think) so hopefully we can say hello. Lots of my clubmates are doing it so just look out for black-and-orange Kings Heath Lions!

        1. oh Liz! we definitely have to meet up! are you doing the 5K as well? I mostly know people from Running the World and they come from all over England. Quite a few from Liverpool, York, some Birmingham. I will definitely keep an eye out for your club vests! We’ll be there Friday to Tuesday! How fun!

          1. I’m not doing the 5k as well as it was a bit expensive to do it all and 5k is not a favourite. i wonder who else from Birmingham you know!

  9. I love Chicago and wish I’d run the Chicago Marathon when my son and d-i-l lived there. I’m looking forward to following along with your training – I can live vicariously through you! Happy training!

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