The last week(s) in pictures

I never really have a full look at myself at home – I took this after staying in Utrecht after a night out with Colleagues (was easier to get a hotel than try to get home; our station is closed and there are only buses for the last 30KM of the journey)

Feeling particularly positive one morning waiting for the train – could have been the sunshine!

On our way to Castlefest last weekend

I love taking pics of me and Hubs

What’s a Medieval Festival without Mead??

Delicious garlic bread available at the festival. Huge chunks of raw garlic were consumed!

Hubs brought Raki. It was necessary I guess.

It rained – HARD. For HOURS.

Medieveal Food. This had to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex leg!

Of course you also need beer, right?

And Fried Apple Thingees

Back to work – photo at Sloterdijk station

Cool slanted mirror – found in Arnhem

Reading to go biking – normally I do not expose my legs like this, but I took the opportunity to get over the bullshit in my head!

Bikes had to go on the train from Oosterbeek to Ede, to get a train to Utrecht, to meet our friends from Den Haag!

On the bus home from the 60+KM cycled around Utrecht

4 thoughts on “The last week(s) in pictures

    1. Thanks Rita! and *blush* for the leg compliment! That Spanky Times shirt is hilarious right? Hubs always wears weird tees! The garlic bread was delicious – it was a garlic cream cheese, onions, peperonccinis, garlic chunks and olives from what I remember. We had one of those each day at the festival and let me tell you we STUNK of garlic!

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