Virtual Pink Dress Run

Fran over at Dutch Girl Gets Healthy recently sponsored a Virtual “Pink Dress Run” and I had to take the opportunity to participate. There are actually three prizes to be won, but the most important part of the prizes is that half of the money spent goes to Pink Ribbon for Cancer Research. Do I want to win a prize? Yes, of course I do! But actually I love that I could participate along with Fran and several other bloggers/ runners who also ran yesterday or today for this event.

The rules were:

Run on Saturday October 30 or Sunday 31.
The distance is up to you.
It doesn’t have to be a race, a training counts too.
Mention on your blog or in a comment on my blog when you ran, the distance you ran and the time you ran.
And the most important rule:

Wear something pink and post a picture of you in your running outfit (if you can, if not I will still believe you)

So Fran, today I ran 7KM, just a training run in 49 minutes at around 7.45pm in my neighborhood. And here’s me in pink:

Certainly wasn’t too hard to dress in Pink for tonight’s run, seeing how it’s my favourite colour!

6 thoughts on “Virtual Pink Dress Run

  1. Love the pink! You look great!

    Thanks for joining the run. It’s so great to see so many from all across the world running this past weekend in pink.

    By the way I’ve cancelled the Zevenheuvelenloop. I’m not ready for it and it was causing more stress on me every day. I was thinking about it all day and finally decided not to do it this year. Maybe next year when I’m more used to running longer distances.

    1. Thanks Fran! and you are welcome! I was happy to participate. Not only for the chance of a prize. Really :) I love that sort of thing so if it’s possible, I’ll do it!

      I am very stressed about the race. I totally understand why you would cancel. I have seriously considered it but to be honest it makes me more upset NOT to do it right now than to cancel. I don’t know what it is, something psychological that is for sure.

      We should find a race we can do together next year – would you be up for that? can be a 5K or more doesn’t matter. I just want to do more races. Have things to look forward to, you know?

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