5 Bloggiful Years!

Today is the Blog’s 5 year anniversary!
5 years!

I started off with absolutely no clue of what I was doing or how I even wanted to do it. I thought perhaps that it would be a great way to keep account of my life, my experiences and my quest for fitness and health, but I never ever thought it would bring me together with so many (hundreds??) other people out there with similar goals!

When this little blog began it was really more like a journal to keep track of weight loss and progression in running. After a while the weight loss stopped and I had to keep focus on what I could do and what I could control and having been learning more about myself and the process ever since.

Because I couldn’t have completely done it without all the friends and acquaintances and contacts in all forms of social media, I am giving thanks to everyone by this ***amazing*** giveaway!

(disclaimer: no one asked me to test anything, no one gave me anything to give away, this is purely an action on my own and therefore whomever wins will have direct contact with me for the exact details of the prize)

I wanted to give something that meant something to me, therefore I’ve chosen the RoadID! I personally have two RoadID’s (and one extra sport bracelet) and the Hubs has a shoe ID (that I arranged for him) as well. Having ID is SO important because you never ever really know if something can happen to you or not. Also, I never fill in that info on the back of race bibs (does anyone???) – with a RoadID you pretty much know all you need to know should I need medical attention, to call my emergency contact, or to just just set me up on a beer IV to get me on my way again.

There is a choice of the Wrist ID Slim

Or the Wrist ID Sport


Both in an array of colours of course!

Or if you don’t like to have stuff on your wrist or your Garmin takes up your entire arm, you could go for the Shoe ID:

To participate, start by logging into Rafflecopter below with facebook or by entering your email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I know it’s probably silly but my favourite part of the RoadID is where you can add a sort of motivational text or boost on the last line of your info. You can have anything from deep and philosophical to just plain old fun (the Hubs’ says: “Better on a stretcher than on the couch”). As a bonus entry you can tell me in a 2nd comment on the blog what YOUR motivation would be on your RoadID should you win!

Good Luck and thanks for participating!

PS! don’t forget to login to Rafflecopter to get as many entries as possible! Giveaway ends 11/14 (or 14/11 if you are in Europe) at midnight CET (that’s 6 hours ahead of New York and 12 hours behind Auckland, NZ)

11 thoughts on “5 Bloggiful Years!

  1. I love your blog and reading about your life abroad! Also, your family’s exercise adventures around Europe (races in other places)!

  2. I’m a new reader, just wanted to say hi! Congratulations on 5 years of blogging – that’s amazing!

  3. 5 Years is seriously impressive!!! It is cool how we change with blogging, I too started with a different purpose than what it is now, it’s amazing how we evolve:) I agree the friendships made over blogging are amazing!!!

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