Tunes Tuesday 2.28


Hey everyone, last week I was checking out some blogs and noticed that a few of my favorite Sweat Pink Ambassadors are doing a Tunes Tuesday linkup every week… being that I love music, and am always interested in what others are listening to as well, I thought I would try to join in (knowing me I won’t manage it every week, but hey, points for trying, right?).

So, What’s Tunes Tuesday, you ask?


KookyRunner, Run Steff Run and Run With No Regrets are excited to announce a brand new link up to the blogging community! You see, we are big music fans and love exploring new music. We know we are not alone! This is where the fun and the link up comes in. Come join us for Tunes Tuesday!

Every Tuesday you write a post about the Tunes Tuesday topic. This is not only about sharing some of your favorite jams, but finding some new blogs in the process! There are a few rules we will have to follow:

  1.  Write your post on the topic of the week. You can also include a playlist focusing on the week’s topic!
  2. Link back to KookyRunner, Run Steff Run and Run With No Regrets. Make sure you mention the link up, you never know who is reading and would love to join in on the fun!
  3. Add your link to the link up one of our blogs. It will show up on all of our blogs, so don’t worry if you post on one or the other. Please remember to post the link to your actual post and not just your blog, it makes things a lot easier!
  4. Make sure you visit the other posts in the linkup and leave a comment! This is about building a community and showing the other bloggers how much you appreciate them joining the link up!

For this specific link up we will operate on a four-week schedule. Each week will have a specific theme. You can take the theme any way you choose, just have fun with it!

First Tuesday – Motivation Music  (music that inspires you)
Second Tuesday – Random Music (One-Hit Wonders, Dance Songs – you get the point)
Third Tuesday – Pump Up Music (fast paced jams that get your heart pumping!)
Fourth Tuesday – Your Current Favorite Music (Favorite song, band, music artist or type of music)

In a month with five Tuesdays, we’ll have a free week!

We hope you guys enjoy the link up as much as we are looking forward to hosting! Please, if you have any questions, contact us! We will help as much as possible and spread some good jams through the internet!

Tunes Tuesday starts the first Tuesday in 2017 (1/3/17) so get your jams ready, we can’t wait to hear what you got!

So as you can see I’ve missed quite a few weeks with this and I just so happen to be jumping in on the fourth Tuesday, which would be my current favorite music. 

My music tastes are fairly varied and you can see rather psychotic at times.  My favorite band is Depeche Mode and I’m truly an 80’s electronic girl in that respect.  However I also absolutely love bands like Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, Muse, KMFDM and then classic rock like Iron Maiden to heavy metal with bands like Disturbed and Avenged Sevenfold.   Music that holds memories and music that gets me pumped up is most important.  So that means, I could potentially have a playlist with Marilyn Manson next to Justin Timberlake.  Ha! Whatever works I always say!

I use playlists quite often on spotify but never created one until this weekend.  I would say the majority is 80’s and 90’s but there is some peppering of noughties and maybe even a few tunes that are more “modern”  (this, coming from the person that still reckons the 90’s were just 10 years ago…).

As I feared, my playlist definitely feels and potentially sounds very random.  And though not “current”,  the songs I’ve chosen are truly what I would call my favorite music. (if I would just put my “current” favorite, you would be listening to the entire catalogue of Ludovico Einaudi ).

[ctt template=”11″ link=”2z3b9″ via=”no” ] #tunestuesday – check out my first favorites playlist for #running or #gymtime ! [/ctt]

A few features:

  • Hey Ya! by Outkast –  I STILL feel like dropping whatever I’m doing when I hear this song just to burst out into song and dance.  In fact, once I was running and this song came on, I started waving my arms in the air and nearly knocked over a cyclist who’d biked past me at the same moment!
  • Bad News by Camouflage – most underrated electronic band ever.  Actually they were HUGE in the early 80’s then kind of died off in popularity after a few years.  These guys were called the “German Depeche Mode” back in the day, which is how they got my attention.  The band is still together and I’ve seen them several times since they play very often in Germany.  Back in the days of MySpace, I was “friends” with Marcus, the lead singer, and we used to write back and forth to each other occasionally.  Then I went to a gig and he recognised me and called me over to where the band were doing photos and talking to fans.  #fangirlalert
  • Only Girl (in the world) by Rihanna – another song that makes me want to bust out into song and dance.  In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve had some near misses falling off the elliptical at the gym with this one.  I love Rihanna.  I don’t love everything she does, but in general, I really love so much of what she does.
  • Sugar by Maroon 5 – I didn’t like Maroon 5 in the beginning but I really like them now.  And Adam Levine?  *Sigh*
  • It’s no Good by Depeche Mode –  I could make a playlist of just my favorite DM tunes and it’s hard to narrow down just one for my current favorite list, but this one just has a lot of good memories attached and I could listen to it still over and over again.
  • Just to prove I also listen to music that’s actually from the last decade (ha!) I have also added Burn by Ellie Goulding – this makes me think of summer holidays, spent on the beach in Greece with a cocktail in my hand…


Anyway, check out my playlist on spotify – now that I’m figuring out how it works (and how to get fully distracted by “related artists”)  hopefully I can tweak it a bit as I go along.

What would you say your absolute current favorite song is at the moment?  is it “current”  or is it just an old favorite you never, ever get tired of?  

6 thoughts on “Tunes Tuesday 2.28

  1. thanks for having the linkup! I was totally inspired last week! now to try and get more organised with my playlist!

  2. Oh this is fantastic! I have to admit I’ve never listened to Depeche Mode even though I do enjoy 80’s music a lot! So glad you joined us and hope you come back, I look forward to learning more about your favorites!

    I forgot about that Rihanna song…she has so many hits it’s hard to keep track! :)

    1. i may not have time to do it every week but I think it’s great to help each other out, even if just to share music that pumps us up! when I hear music that reminds me of others, it can be very inspiring!

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