it’s still quite challenging here – just so busy and I seem to have lost (or am losing) a balance. I feel exhausted. Even with the day off Monday and my normal day off Friday, I still feel wrecked.
Here’s how it went down:
Monday – It’s Easter Monday here, so an extra day off. Vincent and I already had signed up for RPM so we were off to the gym at 9:45 (so no real sleeping in – not that I even sleep later than 8 anyway, but still…). Turns out RPM was “RPM XL” – 2 extra songs for extra fun. Lots of sweat involved. I am still loving spinning and very happy I’ve found cross-training that I like! Once we were done it was back home, quick change, eat and on the bike. Ron still had to run a “half marathon” according to his schedule. He was bike support for us Sunday, so I was bike support for him Monday.

Tuesday – Sooooooo busy at work. Month end, issues… ugh. Not the best day ever. Also I had an appointment with the psychologist from the Audiological Center and it was a fairly heavy session (apparently trauma at a young age can affect how you deal with stress situations AND when you have tinnitus it usually gets temporarily worse with stress). As a side note, I’m not against therapy of any kind, but I personally want to try to be in the present as much as possible. However, when you go through trauma, it shapes pretty much how you deal with not-so-pleasant situations in the here and now. Even if you don’t realise it. Anyway…
After the psychologist I had to go to the Health Center where I would be seeing 2 clients. Long day. I was so ready for bed when I got home! But first I had to torture myself with my massage ball as my bum and hip is starting to get tight again (and not in the way I want a tight bum!!!)
Biked to and from the center, no other activities.

Wednesday – Another busy day. I keep trying to have a lunch break and it doesn’t work. This is not good. I know it’s temporary but geez. I left later than i wanted and went straight home, dropped off my stuff and Ron and I got in the car to go to Wendy and Vincent’s. We had already planned on having dinner together and the guys wanted to discuss the training plan for Warsaw while Wendy and I spent time checking out flights, trains, etc. to and in Poland. Wendy even made cheesecake… YUM! Home later than planned though.
Only biking to work, no other activities
Thursday – by far the worst of the 3 days I was in the office. I spent the first 1.5 hours dealing with laptop issues and the help desk. UGH. Managed to plow through the rest of the day and knew I had intervals on the schedule but the only thing I had in mind was crashing out when i got home. Then I got a message from Vincent “What time are you running tonight?” haha! oops, guess I AM doing those intervals! Vincent came over around 5:45 and we did a warm up and then 10 x 200m with 200 rest in between. Then a cool down. In total 10KM. Surprised that the intervals went so well and grateful Vincent lives around the corner and messaged me at the right moment.

Friday – Got to sleep in a tiny bit. Managed to do a couple things in the house but then had to head out around 1pm to go back to the Health Center. I had 4 clients on the schedule! Unfortunately 1 had car trouble so I ended up with 3. Man you really know it’s spring marathon season now with all these runners coming in for massage! After I was done I had to get home, change and then head back to town. One of our colleagues is leaving to set up shop in Lanzarote so we had a goodbye dinner to attend. It was a fun night and good food (not enough though) but later than I wanted. I actually had another set of intervals I wanted to do, didn’t manage them on this day so they had to be done on Saturday. Got home and was in bed WAY later than I wanted!

Saturday – UGH. Alarm at 7am, finally out of bed at 7:30. At least I set all my clothes ready so I just had to get dressed, eat a tiny bit and head out A little warmup and then 10 x 400 with 400m recovery. Was kind of a struggle. At interval 5 there was a big dog headed my way (not on a lead) and I had a few words with the owner (who somehow thought it was ok for his dogs to be off the lead even though it’s posted EVERYWHERE in this particular park that dogs MUST be on the lead…), so I kind of lost my mojo. At interval 7 I was like “OK I AM SO DONE” but somehow I managed to get through the following 3. Very happy with the result. In total 9.5KM.

I had to do my intervals so early because I had plans with friends in Utrecht! So I had to be on a train by 12:15. My friends Kati and Penny and I made plans to have lunch together. It was so nice. I don’t see them enough. Penny lives really far away though and Kati, well, we have the usual excuses of being busy and life, etc. But I want to fix this for the future. Life is short and friends are important too. Anyway we had a super nice lunch and a great chat. I got home around 5:30, Ron made dinner and the rest of the evening was spent sorting out some Boston details and chilling out.

Sunday – time for the long run again. I had 25KM in my head again and while it went better than last weekend I still only made it 20KM. I’m struggling to find a pace that I can really hang on to. I seem to start too fast and that results in a crash. Also, my feet (well mostly my left foot) hurt. I need to learn how to push past the pain. Without causing an injury of course. It was very warm this day so that was added to the mix. The nicest part (besides Ron with me on the bike) was literally running into Vincent on his run! Later on we ran into someone else we know. Gave a nice boost!

After running, I chilled for a bit (Ron went and did a little run), showered and got dressed again. Time to meet Wendy and Vincent for drinks and bites. It was super nice weather so we ended up sitting outside. Ah I love springtime in the Netherlands!

Total running KM’s for the week: 39.5 Not enough!
Next week will be tricky as well. So much for being back on track. *sad trombone*
Monday – Rest Day (get stuff organised for being away a week)
Tuesday – Massage evening
Wednesday – friend from the States whom i haven’t seen in years is here – out for dinner
Thursday – packing, tidying, last minute stuff for trip
Friday – Fly to Boston
Saturday – somehow get over jet lag
Sunday – bike tour arranged
One thing is for sure. I will be taking my running gear with me.
So. Any suggestions on how to deal with next week before my trip and the week after being in the States? I still need to run!
Have you been to Boston?
What’s your favorite cocktail?
I hope you have a great time in Boston. I bet there are probably a lot of different groups doing shakeout runs throughout the weekend so maybe you can join one of those to get in a run?
thanks Kim! I’ll check if I can find a shakeout run to join, good tip
Wishing you guys safe travels and a fun time in Boston! Even if you’re not getting as much running as you want, you are still very active with all of your spinning!
Ooh have a fun time in Boston. That bike tour sounds really fun too!
I love Boston!! So many cool places to run. One of my favorites is to run along the river, of course. My other one is to to the history tour but running, not walking.
cool! I’m definitely going to try to run along the river :) and hopefully the bike tour will also be interesting.
I love the “high five” photo – that’s worth printing. ;-) As for the week ahead, maybe cut yourself a break? There’s only so many hours in the day and you’ve got important plans — especially with your friend. ;-)
right? I think I’m going to print it!
as for the training, I am just worried about actual marathon day. trying not to sweat it but it’s my first one in a year and half and I’d hoped it would have been better. ah well.
I will actually be in Boston for marathon day. Just a coincidence though since I’m not a runner. I’m going to Boston for a skating event and staying on a bit. I hope we have nice weather! I think it’s great how you keep up with visiting your friends, and how you and your husband support each others’ fitness.
oh fun, Mary! enjoy your trip as well! and thank you :)
You wouldn’t be loving spring in Chicago, so I think you made a good decision to stay put!
the weather has been nuts! fall was always my favorite season in Chicago :)
Have fun in Boston! I’ve been there once about 12 years ago visiting family whom live there. Such a beautiful place.
thanks a lot! I’m excited!
I’m sure you’ll find time to run! Boston is such a fun city (I’ve been in this area about 15 years now). And it’s an amazing place for running, whether you want to go along the esplanade or by the public gardens.
oh I’ll definitely check it out, Chrissy, thanks!
Crazy week for you! I know that train to Utrecht! Oh the memories. I don’t think the lag will be too bad for you heading to Boston. I don’t struggle going west. Just soak it all in, It’s amazing,
yes going to the States is much easier than going to Europe! I’m looking forward :)
Don’t sweat the crazy weeks. Enjoy Boston and you’ll be back to your routine before you know it!
thanks. It does make me worry about the marathon though. I know I’ll get through it but it would be nice to be able to follow my training schedule for 90% instead of about 60%…
I think you’ll get it all figured out! Not to worry! Even though you might not think so, you’re doing great and always getting so much done!
Yes, I’ve been to Boston. It’s a great city – very walkable and so full of history.
Favorite cocktail? I’m more of a wine girl, but I love jack and diet coke, or a really, really delicious mojito.
thanks! I hope so!
I am looking forward to the bike tour in Boston for sure. Hopefully WITHOUT rain…
I love the unplanned high five!! That was awesome! Never been to Boston but would like to go one day!
it was definitely awesome :)
Sorry to hear that you had a rough week. We all have super busy weeks like that. Hopefully this week is off to a better start.
Thanks Kathryn!
That’s great that you’re coming to Boston for a bike tour! There’s so much to do here (I live about a half hour south of the city). If you’re looking for a group run check out Marathon Sports for their schedule. Also, there are group runs that cover Boston’s Freedom Trail, which is a great way to sightsee while getting a run in. And running or biking along the Charles River is always nice.
How long will you be here?
oh wow Michelle! that’s cool, I didn’t know you were so close! Thanks for these tips – are you going to be spectating the marathon? We arrive Friday and stay until Tuesday and then we go to Kingston where my cousin lives. So all in all we are in the US for a week!