Once again it’s been a while since I came by to update and since we’ve made it through another month, now seemed as good a time as ever.
Normally I would join in Weekly Run Down hosted by Deborah and Kim, but I’m too late to join the link up. I’ll be making the rounds later though to catch up with my blogger friends!
Let’s Talk About May Goals

Running A+
My goal of 110 KM running was not only met but exceeded! I’m glad Ron is also a runner; we’ve really been able to keep each other going even if we don’t feel much like running. Every time we come back from a run, though, we are glad we went. Participating in Deborah’s runbet was an added bonus. Which, by the way, she’s hosting another one! Feel free to join in here!
Fun Facts:
- Had my longest run since Herniagate – 13KM
- Had the most monthly mileage since Herniagate – 127,2KM vs. 120,2KM last August
- Continued my virutal parkruns, in 2 new locations

RPM / Bike Rides B-
I rode 112.7KM this month, some was biking for exercise and some for practical reasons. My longest ride was 50KM at the beginning of the month. I did the Trip 1x and RPM 3x. My intention was to do more RPM related workouts, but in the end I rode my bike a few more times than expected, once to check out a running route, once to actually run that route, once to run a different route. So that’s why I give myself a B- ; room for some improvement but still a good effort in general.

Bodypump F
I did Bodypump a total of… 1 time this month whomp whomp whomp… What a fail! I have to laugh at myself though; of course I bought the Les Mills weight set and then barely touched it! I’ll be definitely improving this in June.
Something New: Bodycombat
I may have lacked in extra workouts this month on LMOD but I did at least try a new to me class: Bodycombat! This is a martial arts inspired workout that I’ve been watching at the gym for ages but never actually participating in. I even watched a few of the getting started videos first and then decided to go for it. I am proud that I did it and proud I made it through a whole workout!
Total Grade for May: C
Running and Biking went well, but I have a Les Mills on Demand subscription, a spin bike and a weight set and I want to make regular use of those things. I failed on Bodypump but I tried Bodycombat and I did have good intentions but now I need to make my intentions reality.
Other Stuff
Restrictions have been slowly loosening up here. I’ve been able to go to the hairdresser, the physio, the podiatrist and I even went to the office one day. Starting this week we’ll go to the office 2 days a week on a staggered schedule (I go on Mondays and Tuesdays). Also starting today (June 1st) we’ll be able to go to cafes and restaurants, the cinema, museums and the theatre again, with reservations, but I will NOT be doing any of that until I see how things go over the next couple of weeks. Not judging anyone who goes, I just would rather wait.

I have made a weekend booking for July at a hotel in Zeeland – if you remember, back in December i went there with my friend Yvonne? I wanted to take Ron there for our anniversary in March but that weekend the weather was really crappy so we didn’t go. Then of course the weekend after we were in lockdown and the rest is history. One of the reasons I’m avoiding going out this month is to be sure we are OK to make this little trip. Fingers crossed!
I’m also super tempted to just book a flight to Palermo for my birthday in September. When we were there for my 50th we met a couple, Marina and Riccardo, at parkrun with whom we’ve become friends. Marina’s been helping me with accommodation and now I just have to pull the trigger and book the flight. Should I? Shouldn’t I? Last year’s birthday was such a non-event, I just want to feel like *something* nice could happen this year. Sicily had very low cases of Corona but Italy in general is hit hard and they could use the tourist euros to help their economy a bit.
June marks the start of marathon training as well. Full disclosure – not feeling it, pretty sure Chicago will be cancelled (in light of Berlin and Boston) and would rather just focus on something else. But ok, right now it’s still on so I need to have my training on the calendar.
Something totally different
We’ve decided finally to sell our apartment and buy a house. If you’ve known me for a while you may know that I moved in to Ron’s bachelor / divorced dad pad many years ago, never intending to stay here as long as we did but, for several reasons, we weren’t able to go forward with buying a house together. The kids are grown now and the situation with the virus has made us have a good think about what we want for our future. One reason for staying in the flat has been that we do love to travel and when you have a bigger mortgage you can’t always do that. So we went to a mortgage advisor to see what we could realistically do without putting too much of a dent in our travel passion. We also got in contact with someone with regards to selling the flat and we believe we’ll be out of here before the end of the year. You can imagine that this is one of the reasons I wish I knew if Chicago was on or not – moving is a big deal!
One other thing – I was thinking about what I would do if Chicago is cancelled. I like to have goals but now more than ever they do not have to be running related. I’m not saying that running and races and the marathon is going forever on the back burner but it’s actually refreshing to think of something else for a change. So, I decided I want to learn another language and I plan on doing an immersion course (after getting a handle on a beginners level) in Italian at some point. Preferably in Sicily :-)

Last but not least
I am married to someone who used to be an old cat lady in a previous life… Ron’s been going on about getting a kitten for several weeks now. Charlie has just turned one year old… isn’t he still a kitten??? Well, I gave in. Please welcome Leonardo to the family!

Great job with the running! Things are starting to open up here, too. I’ll go to some outdoor places, but I’m still hesitant to partake in any indoor gathers. Love the new kitty!
Welcome Leonardo! And high 5 on the running! My state has been slowly opening in May and the latest is gyms and restaurants. I think movie theaters are still closed and my work is keeping everyone home until September, which is just fine by me.
I am so glad to read that you are enjoying running again and feeling good about it! You are looking a lot happier too. Bodycombat sounds super fun. I am going to run w friend tomorrow for the first time in months!
Hello, sweet Leonardo!!!! What a doll baby! I love him!
Your hair is straight up glorious! I love it.
And that’s awesome news about buying a house together. I can’t wait to see it!
I think you should give yourself a B. Sure, you missed out on Body Pump, but you kept pushing through these difficult times, and tried something new, and kept your cycling and running on track. Can’t be too hard on yourself for no reason!
I think you’re too hard on yourself with that grade! With all that running something else had to take a lower priority. How exciting to be thinking of buying a place and moving – that sure will keep you busy when it happens. I am tempted to venture out a wee bit, but decided my main job is to stay healthy in case my son’s July wedding can take place …. Love Leonardo!
I agree with Coco…your grade should have been higher ;-) That’s exciting about getting a house! MY September marathon is still “on,” but we’re supposed to get official work in a week or so. My training officially doesn’t start for a few weeks, and I’m in a decent place with my base, so there’s not much to adjust (other than increasing my long runs). It will be nice to have an answer, though. Little Leonardo is a charmer ;-)
Love your new little kitty! And the HAIR! Wonderful! I am not going to all the places I can go for a good while yet, and we are both going to be working from home still for the foreseeable. Best of luck with the house move – very exciting!