Ok, for real, y’all. The rain is ridiculous. I know, it’s The Netherlands and we have the reputation for having a lot of rain, but I’m just kind of done now. I’ve lived here 26 years and I don’t recall a rainier May than this year. I could be wrong, of course, but even Dutch people I know are shocked at how wet it is!!

Now I do realise it is more helpful to not let the weather determine your happiness but COME ON – this is getting old now. It’s almost the end of May now and still only 50F – 58F ????
Anywho. That doesn’t stop the workouts.
Time for the Weekly Run Down

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!
Plan vs. Actual
Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday – 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)
Week 20 Stats
Monday – 6.38KM lunch walk, Bodypump 97
Tuesday – RPM 66, 7.8KM walk after work
Wednesday – 7 KM AM walk
Thursday – 6.2 Lunch Run – 600m w/u, 5KM run, 600m c/d
Friday – 4.5KM late afternoon walk
Saturday – 8KM run (w/u notparkrun, c/d)
Sunday – 16KM outdoor biking, Bodypump 106, 6.41KM walk
This week I walked 32 KM and I have 46.5KM to go on my Challenge. Total steps for this week then is 80,360 or average 11,480 per day.
I can’t say it was too exciting this week on my walks, much of it was functional, half the walks started dry and either had rain during or at the end of the walk. Lots of animals this week, which I loved though!

First photo is right before the rain Monday, 2nd is right after…

It rained alllll day Tuesday but luckily stopped right around the time I was done with work.

Friday I actually spent many hours in the car; I drove 135 KM to my friend Lori’s to pick up some stuff (and I hadn’t seen her forever so it was good to catch up!) and then since Yvonne lives only a half hour away, I went to see her to have lunch. Of course then I had to drive the 135KM home… everything was stiff and sore by the time I headed out for a walk.

This week I ran 14.2 KM including w/u and c/d in the total running time.
We didn’t have much time Thursday, so instead of my normal intervals, I basically just ran the 5KM parkrun route. And… used it for my #notparkrun time this week. I ended my 5KM of course at the top of the bloody hill so I was kind of toast.

Saturday – surprise, surprise – it was raining in the morning but at least only slightly. We all confirmed Friday who was coming Saturday morning so we had committed. My friend Linda whom I haven’t seen forever (I met her through the expats group many many many years ago) also joined which was really great. I guess keeping Sonsbeek Parkrun on the radar has been a good thing, even though I find it challenging to post in Dutch and keep things a bit fresh and fun. (I do only post on IG and FB once a week, but it’s being seen locally and that’s what’s important).
I ran with Linda so my time was a bit longer – she’s just getting restarted and really enjoyed the early start. I hope she joins us again soon!

Cross Training
This week I did RPM twice and Bodypump twice. I also was bike support for a virtual marathon relay on Sunday Morning.
I meant to do Bodypump on Monday morning, even set everything out but just could not get out of bed. I even thought about putting it off again to Tuesday and Ron said to me “Why?” Amazing how a simple question like this can turn your attitude around. He had a point. It was ready to go. I had no real excuse. Picked Bodypump 97 randomly just for something different. Of course I was happy at the end that I’d done it.

On Tuesday it was Team Pie Gym Day of course – also did a “new” to me RPM (66) which was really tough. But yeah there was a Godsmack track in there for intervals which pretty much had my heart beating outside of my chest.
Saturday afternoon I’d had enough of sitting around and getting stiff and I didn’t feel like cleaning the house (ha!) so I did RPM 69. Another killer release I’d never done before, which I would definitely do again!

Sunday was a busy cross-training day for sure; the notparkrunners signed up for a virtual marathon relay and we we scrambling to find enough people for two teams. I was going to run one leg (10.5KM) but at the last minute we were able to get our new neighbours to join so I went as bike support. Ended up with 16KM. Fun Fact: My new neighbors are also a Dutch-American couple. She’s Dutch and he’s from Portland, Or. Which is where I moved from in 1994! Small world, right? Of course we could have never known each other or even ran in the same circles because I’m pretty sure I’m old enough to be his mother!

Everyone was so happy to run a “race” together Sunday And our teams did really well – team 1 had a time of 3:15 in total and team 2 had 3:20.
About an hour after we arrived home I had to log on to my zoom date for Bodypump 106. This is a tough release, well known for it’s “leg carnage” squat-lunge track. And in actuality, all of the tracks are hard except for biceps and core. Definitely one to go back to if I’m wanting a bit of a challenge and burn.

That’s a wrap!
There has actually been no rain for a while, which was a pleasant change, we had had quite a bit. Not so great for the outside plants though, or Mr. Judy’s seedlings.
Too funny about the other Dutch-American couple! It is, indeed, a small wall.
Well, the hiking was actually my favorite workout of the week. :)
You can seriously have our rain.
your hike did look amazing :)
Um, thanks? We have cold rain all weekend long!
We haven’t had much rain lately, but usually May is a mix of rain, cooler weather, and then it heats up real quick. This weekend it feels like summer arrives (its 91 today!) but I’m ok with it at this point. I hope your weather improves soon!
usually our May is a mix too, but but mid-may it’s pleasant, blue skies and fluffy clouds. Not this year.
You still managed to take some great photos outdoors, though — I guess you got them in between down pours. We had a dry week last week, but we could use some rain to wash away the cicada casings. :-P
yes in most cases I got photos when it wasn’t raining. I have had to time everything pretty much to what the weather app says but most of the time I got rained on anyway!
I guess all of that rain brings all those beautiful flowers! Your relay looked fun and way to meet new running friends
yes in that respect the flowers are absolutely gorgeous!
Bummer about all the rain! Wow, you’ve lived there 26 years. So neat!
I love that duck! So unique looking.
yep 27 this August! The duck was so cool for sure.
Well, we’ve had rain everyday since last Sunday, but I was able to skirt around the rain (for the most part) and get my workouts done. We desperately needed the rain, so all is well…though a little bit of dryness would have been appreciated. All that rain kept the humidity levels in the 90% so that was nice (Not) LOL. Great to see all the success with the notparkrun!
ugh! humidity is worse than rain if you ask me!!
All that rain can definitely be depressing. Your pictures are beautiful as always, but I looked closely and hardly saw any blue sky! Well, it can’t last forever. Sounds like you had a great week in spite of it, and doing bike support for a marathon relay sounds really fun!
I’m trying to just keep laughing about it instead of getting depressed. I mean, it is not like you can change it, right?? I used to do bike support a lot, especially when Ron was marathon training. I really love it and it helps the runners so much.
We’ve had so little rain here that the weather man is starting to through around the term drought. You had a great week in spite of Mother N! How fun about the relay and meeting the Dutch American couple!
Happy to send you some of our rain!! And I do look forward to get to know my new neighbors more. super small world.
What a cute little duck!
I should mail you my sneakers. There is so much dust on and in them it’s hysterical
Well done on !parkrun
yes I loved this duck!
Well you know you have the same weather as us and we’re all suffering too. Poor Matthew is just craving getting to Spain and some sun. One day!
yes! same! we are all craving sun!!
On the flip side, we didn’t have any rain last week – I was shocked! I think we’re due for rain this weekend which kinda sucks since it’s a long holiday weekend. I hope that you get some sunshine this week.
That duck is so cute!
why does it always seem to finally rain when you have a long holiday weekend??? ugh.
While you are inundated with rain, we are in a severe drought situation. It’s nuts. How nice of you to be bike support for that relay!
I guess the weather has changed again in Chicago…
and yes I do love doing bike support!
Wow! That’s a lot of rain! And I hate rain lol. It very rarely rains all day here, even when we are in hurricane season (which is right around the corner). We will get a few hours in the afternoon, and then sun again.
reminds me of the supershowers we used to get in New Mexico! flash flooding being the issue there as well… I don’t hate rain per se, but I just wish it wouldn’t be 3 weeks in a row…
Yikes, enough of the rain! We are battling a lot of pollen around here. Looks like you made the most of your rainy week though. Great workouts!
I guess that’s the upside to all the rain. I’ve hardly had any issue with pollen!
I cannot get over all of that rain! I would have been annoyed with it. Glad that did not stop you from doing your workouts.
girl I AM annoyed ! haha!
Wow, your marathon relay teams did great – both teams had impressive times! My favorite workout was yesterday’s bike ride. I had an open afternoon so I just kept riding!
We’ve had a cooler than normal spring and the last several weeks had been quite dry until this week. We had rain all day Monday and storms and rain this afternoon. I would not be happy if I saw your weather forecast on my phone.
I miss a good long ride! I can’t wait for that to happen again! And trust me, the weather forecast is not making me very happy!