Friday Runner Spotlight #3 – Kimberly

This week I want to introduce to you Kim. Kimberly G, otherwise know as the Kooky Runner! She started with a doable goal of being able to run a 5k and is now totally hooked on running and participating in races. And she loves to combine running and travel. Know anyone else who does that? *wink*


So, Kim, when did you start running? What was your goal at that time?
I started running in 2011, but got more serious about it in 2014. Initially I started running to help with weight loss and to improve my overall fitness.

Did you reach your initial goal?
Yes! My first goal was to run a 5K without stopping and I was able to achieve that.

Do you have the same goal now, or have your goals changed or evolved with time?
No, I update my goals every year because I always like to set a new challenge for myself. In 2014 my goal was to run and complete my first half marathon. In 2015, my goal was to run 15 half marathons and this year my one and only goal is to complete my first marathon in the Fall, the NYC Marathon.

Have you run any races? If yes, what distance was your first race? What was your experience – did it meet your expectations?
Yes, I’ve run many races in the past 2-3 years. My first distance was a local 5K in my city. The experience was amazing because it was the first time in a long time that I had set a specific goal and I achieved it.

Have you done other races since then?
Yes, I’ve done numerous 5K, 10K and half marathon races. I’ve also done a 15K and 10 mile race as well.


What is your favourite distance?
This actually changes all the time! I can’t really decide but I always fluctuate between the 10K and the Half Marathon. I think I like both of those because they are longer distances, but the training is manageable.

Do you have a running support network?
Yes, I am a run coordinator for Black Girls Run in my city. We meet twice a week for group runs. Previously I was a member of the Fleet Feet Racing team in my city.

What about gear – have you got any gadgets that you love?
For years I used a Nike GPS watch but my parents got me a Garmin GPS watch for Christmas and I LOVE it!! I love all the different features and I feel like it gives me ton of useful information. I also use my Plantronics wireless headphones and iPod for all of my runs. I use an iPod so that I don’t drain my cell phone battery and wireless headphones are such a great thing! No more annoying wires from regular headphones!

What else do you do besides running?
I usually run 3-4 times a week but also love going to the gym for strength training. I love boot camp and body works classes and I try to do those classes 2-3x week. I also try to incorporate Yoga and Spinning when I can. I love spinning and I am a certified Spinning instructor but I do not teach currently.

What’s the most positive thing that running has brought into your life?
New friends! I have interacted with SO many amazing people in the running community via social media. I have been lucky to meet some of them in person as well. I just love the positivity that comes from the running community. It can give me motivation on days that I really don’t want to run or workout.

What, if anything do you find frustrating?
For me I suffer from a lack of motivation every couple of months. When that happens, I tend to need a few days to ‘reset’ and assess my goals. Usually when I do that, I’m able to get back into the swing of things.

Have you been injured at any point? If no, what do you do to avoid injury?
Yes, at the end of 2015 I had to take off a few weeks from running due to a very cranky IT band.

What did you go through to recover from your injury?
For my IT band injury, I went to physical therapy for a few weeks to help with the issue. In order to avoid this injury again, I continue to do some of the exercises I learned in PT and I also continue to stretch and use my foam roller.

How do you stay motivated when you don’t feel like running?
I look to social media for a lot of motivation. It’s hard not to feel motivated when so many of your runner friends are out their crushing their goals, day in and day out. I also think about how lucky I am that I have the ability to run. So many people want to run, but cannot due to a variety of reasons. I know that being physically active is a gift and a blessing!

How can we find you on social media?
You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. And of course my blog is Kooky Runner.

What advise would you give to someone who wants to start running, but is maybe too unsure to start for reasons of weight, age, lack of athleticism?
If you’re interested in running… just do it! Start out with running and walking interval and slowly build up your stamina so that you are able to run longer more frequently. Also I know it’s hard, but do not compare yourself to other runners. Everyone is different and as long as you do your best, that’s all that matters! There is no “perfect” runner or “perfect” runner’s body. I definitely do not “look” like your average runner, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to do my personal best.

Anything you want to add?
Running may not always be easy, but it is always rewarding. There is no better feeling than finishing a hard run or crossing the finish line at a race!



I don’t know about you guys but I can literally FEEL Kim’s energy and positivity through her words! You can bet I will be following her closely especially with her FIRST MARATHON (NYC!!!) in the Fall. Kim, you are going to be AMAZING!

Want to ask Kim a question? Leave a comment!
Want to get to know more about Kim? Head over to her social media channels or blog and give her some love!

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