WRD: More Movement

It was another busy week. As you can maybe tell from how late I was with the weekly run down linkup and with not responding to comments again. I could use a bit of a lesson on managing my time more wisely!

Anyway, based on my goals for June, I’d say this was a good week especially with the stress of work and looking for a house continues. I say stress, but it’s not that bad. Maybe I should say stress from work and time/energy consuming on the house thing.

Shall we talk about the week that just was?

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!

This Week In Fitness (and life):

Monday – Day 1/2 at the office this week. Pretty stress filled as well. Felt like I needed a run after work so I did just that. Felt pretty good too and saw two running friends (one running, one walking) when I was nearly home. Always nice to see friends even if it’s a fly-by!

Workout: Run 5.5KM

Running to the “hert”

Tuesday – Day 2/2 at the office. More “fun” at work, but in the late morning we had an appointment to see a house, so I biked up to meet Ron up there (about an 8 min bike ride from work). Super cute house but just too small. After I got home from work I decided to do RPM since I didn’t feel like running (nor did Ron).

Workout: RPM 50 min. Sweat Equity 100%

that was tough, but I am tougher!

Wednesday – Home office today. Great to be at home so that I could get out at lunch for a run. Still it was a little bit stressful working because one of my colleagues was about to be on holiday and I needed to help her get a few things finished. After work I also did Bodypump again. It was about time! I got my Les Mills weight set and then proceeded to not do any bodypump for a couple of weeks.

Workout: 5KM run. 1 hour Strength

Workout Wednesday!

Thursday – Work was a bit less hectic but we didn’t make it out for a run at lunch. I’ve been trying to eat better the last few days, up my fruit and veg intake and I paid for that with my run after work. Plan was 6 -7 KM, but I only managed 4.5 because, well, mother nature was calling and I was close to home at that point. TMI. I know.

Workout: 4.5KM run

Friday – Day off and 3 house appointments today. Actually one was a 2nd look of our 2nd choice last week (the one with asbestos…). Interestingly enough the guy actually texted Ron that he “lowered” the price to be asking price instead of starting bid price. So we started talking about it again and thought we may as well have another look.

We saw two other houses prior to that though – the first one in Klarendal which is the neighborhood very close to work and where we used to join our running club (I am currently 8 min by bike to work, if I lived in Klarendal the commute would be like 5 max). The place was fine but just really lacking characters neither of us felt it was “the one”.

pretty much right across from our old runclub meetup spot

The second place was absolutely gorgeous you guys… oh my lanta! Just beautiful and a huge back yard and patio area but ultimately… the rooms were just too small. There were a lot of features in this house that I had in my beloved apartment in The Hague. But it just wasn’t realistic. This one was also close to work though in the Statenkwartier, probably less than what I bike now to work.

Wish this one had been a bit bigger.

Anyway, 3 houses and none of them are the one after careful consideration. We have FIVE appointments next week. We also have another investor coming to look at our place and a realtor coming to talk about options and costs if we decide to go to the market instead with our flat. Stay Tuned!

Workout: 11.2 KM ride around town

Saturday – a late start for our (not) parkrun day and it was hot and humid! I was kind of zapped afterwards so we didn’t actually do much the rest of the day. I meant to go through a couple more boxes but it didn’t happen.

back on the dike

Workout: 5KM parkrun, almost 2KM afterwards of walk/run-sprints

Sunday – Since marathon training starts next week we decided to do a long bike ride instead of a long run. Why? Because there are loads of long run Sundays in our future and not so many more long bike ride opportunities within that training scheme. We got started a bit late but still had a lovely ride out to Doesburg and back. Just in time to pick up dinner from a friend of ours who has a catering business here in town.

Cute Bike Sculpture on the way to Doesburg
lovely little harbor
of course there was ice cream!

Workout: 39.25KM biking

A Good Week!

If I could give this week a grade it would absolutely be an A+. I got in one RPM session, ran a total of almost 22 KM, biked not only to work but around town to visit houses and had a long bike ride today. AND I got my strength session in. Now to keep it up!

That’s a wrap!

How was your week? Did you meet or exceed your goals this week? How’s the weather? Here is warm and muggy – love summer but can do without the humidity!

27 thoughts on “WRD: More Movement

  1. LOL on getting those weights and then not using them — sounds like something I’d do. House hunting is time-consuming. I guess the stress comes when you decide and than have to fight off second-guessing your decision. :-P

    1. It’s so typical of me. I bought a pilates foam roller and use it for foam rolling but not Pilates haha! And we did have some stress this weekend when we suddenly realised that we didn’t want our 2nd choice house after all…

  2. I’d say I had a pretty good week, too. Yup, could definitely live without the heat & humidity, but can’t change that so have to suck it up and get out earlier.

    Good luck with the house hunting!

    When we moved here I insisted on a double garage. It really limited the houses, but it was the right move (so to speak). Of course, it was *supposed* to be a temporary move. I should’ve known better.

    1. I’m glad you had a good week! and yes we can’t change the humidity so time to get used to it and move right along!

      I have a few “musts” for the house too. I have less than when I started though I have to say. It used to be good/big kitchen and big bathroom with tub. At least those were the top two. Now actually the kitchen is the most important. I keep going on about a tub but to be honest I haven’t had one since 1997! And how much tub time to I really have in me?

      I was supposed to temporarily be here at Ron’s place too. Life happens I guess :)

      1. We had a great kitchen in our house in TX. I really loved out house in TX — another temporary move (we were there 17 years as it turned out).

        Anyway, the kitchen here was really tiny when we moved in. We knocked out a couple of walls, put in cabinets, and it’s actually a nice size now.

        Except for the pantry, which is small & really awkward.

        The one thing I really don’t like are the low ceilings. Most houses in TX have really high ceilings, and I really miss that!

  3. I love summer dearly but heat & humidity is not my friend. Hey at least I can negotiate with it, in winter there’s no much I can do with dark and icy. Looking for a house is exactly like dating, if it’s not “the one” then ya gotta move on…”the odds are good but the goods are odd”. Congrats on getting your miles and your weights!

    1. I so agree! I need to get used to the humidity asap and accept it for what it is. And you know it’s so true about looking for a house and dating. sometimes a house also looks good on the surface but then you go on a date and you’re like… nope! Thanks B!

  4. Such a busy week for you and yo had some amazing workouts. I’m sure that house hunting can feel like a second job and be so time consuming. I really hope that you land your dream house soon!

    1. Thanks Kim! It’s stressful enough for Ron that I’ve given him my agenda for the time being! Usually I’m the one that keeps track of all appointments in general but the realtors are calling him for the viewings and it’s kind of blowing his brain up a bit haha!

  5. I jump-ropefess that I bought a new rope a month ago (?) and have not used it yet. I feel you on the weights LOL Congrats on the great week ;-) I LOVE that bike sculpture!!

    1. ohhhh you better get to using that Kim! ah we all have good intentions sometimes right?? I loved the sculpture too – never seen it before and have definitely run and biked in this area before!

  6. House hunting can be stressful! It’s been awhile for me, but I remember it consuming my thoughts…it’s such a big decision. Good luck and I hope one of the five next week is the one!

  7. Sounds like a pretty good if not busy week! House hunting can be so stressful. When we were looking my boyfriend was so picky about the kitchens. He didn’t want to do a huge remodel so finding the place with the “perfect” size kitchen was his top priority- and he used to design them so he’s rather picky about what they look like and the layout options! I swear I’m the man in the relationship sometimes :-p Hope you find something perfect with everything you are looking for soon!

  8. You had a good and busy week! Can’t wait to hear about the houses you see this week. I have sort of stopped looking but know I need to start looking again. I kind of want to do it but then I don’t.

    Great bike sculpture!

  9. Lovely photos and I can still remember how horrible house hunting is but you will find the one I am sure! I had an ok week last week, not as many miles as for a few of them but good company for quite a few of those miles. I skipped one run on Thursday because I was too tired. Happy running and house-hunting!

  10. I love your A+!

    House hunting can be so stressful. I kind of want to move, but the thought of it just makes me nauseous. We have really good neighbors, though, so I will hang in. For now.

    You sound so much more positive about things, even if you are experiencing stress. That makes me happy <3

  11. Great week for you! Your house hunting is so suspenseful. We had to make three trips to England for house hunting before we found a place. The way the market is here right now, I doubt we could even sell our place now.
    Fingers crossed for you and the Chicago Marathon. Honestly I don’t know how it can happen as planned. Twin Cities, which is the weekend before Chi just went virtual. It all sucks.

  12. You had a great week of workouts with lots of variety. I love how much you bike for errands, going to work, etc.

    I hope you and Ron find the perfect house!

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