Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses?

Or run with them anyway?

On Monday we went running again. Across the street from where I live (I’m in those flats you see in the distance):

Home View from Presikhaaf Park

Just so you have an idea, I live in the 2nd largest city in the province of Gelderland. Which happens to be the largest province of the Netherlands. It’s not New York City or Chicago Urban, but it’s a city, make no mistake. But here, in this city, in the park where we run (or rather around the park) is a farm, with sheep and horses. This time of year is AMAZING because of all the baby animals that are being born. In the park we have a petting zoo, complete with all sorts of animals – sheep, pigs, goats, chickens, cows, rabbits. I am such a sucker for baby animals and I love seeing the little lammies frolicking around on the farm land when I’m running or even having a stroll or cycling through the park on my way home.

So yesterday, we were running. And for only the second time ever (the first time was last year) this old grey guy started galloping next to us!

horses 130410

Call me cheesy but this makes running, heck even being outdoors, so worth it. I absolutely LOVED that he galloped around the fence next to us as we ran through. Where else in a city can you have this experience?

I love where I live so much sometimes!

15 thoughts on “Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses?

    1. I can’t even really describe what an amazing thing this is to me! I was grinning all the way through the park!

  1. I’m so jealous! There’s no chance of anything like that in my city. It wouldn’t be an awful long drive to get to something an eensy teensy bit similar …. but then we run into a big issue: I don’t drive!

    We do have a park nearby that I love walking to, though, that has one or two little paths that make it ALMOST seem like we’re not in the city at all. No cute animals, though. Just nasty little squirrels that always look like they’re about to run off with a newborn.

  2. A running horse is one of those things that I remember forever. It’s just like poetry in motion and seriously, unless you live on a farm, how often do you get to see it? A horse running with you? That is just too beautiful. You do live in an insanely pretty place. Pictures of baby lambs please????

    1. I have one photo of a tiny lamb, but maybe they are out again tonight – I’ll see if I can get more pics tonight.

      I never grew up around anything but cats or dogs and had an altercation with a horse whilst at Girl Scout camp when I was 10. I have been afraid of horses since yet at the same time totally in awe of their massive, strong, fluid bodies. To be at the point I am now with horses feels really good – I’m actually considering riding lessons in my future!

  3. I love the park where you run. Wish I had one but I’m living in a village surrounded by “polder”. Not much fun to run in. That’s why I’ve decided to take my car sometimes in the future and do my weekend run in a forest nearby. I love the forest.

    I’m originally from Gelderland but now live in the province Utrecht.

    1. That’s a great idea Fran! Sometimes I get bored with my route and run in Velp, but I too would like to go in the forrest, like I did last June in Berlin in the Tiergarten (officially a park but very woodsy) – soooo beautiful. Maybe we could run together one day!

      So you know just how beautiful Gelderland can be :) nice!

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