Now for something less serious

and more “Can I get a ‘Woot! ‘Woot!’?”

It’s six days into the new month, I’m feeling strong, positive, happy!

Today I officially start my weekend. We’re going “away” (to Lisse) for the weekend for Castlefest – staying in a hotel and hanging out at the festival, spotting hobbits and witches and drinking Mead til all hours of the night with friends. Should totally ROCK! (Hmmmm, how do I count medieval food??? ha!).

Hotel has a gym… hubs “jokingly” said we were running this weekend as well… we shall see about that! We are renting bikes though, to get to a from the festival grounds and to the grocery store for snacks (so we won’t come home with a medieval wallet) so I’ll be active enough. I am bringing gym stuff just in case.

Here’s Week One of August Tracking Results so far:

KM’s for this week (from the August challenge on Nike +)

I’m in Second Place in case you couldn’t figure that one out!

I have not made it to the gym twice – I opted for some sleep this morning, though my original plan was to go.

I picked out a book yesterday and then found out it was in Dutch (which is fine, but I want to read a book this MONTH, not be 87 years old when I finally finish it).

So. That’s the update so far! I feel pretty pleased with this first week!

4 thoughts on “Now for something less serious

  1. What a great first week of August YOU’VE had!!! Mine wasn’t nearly as exciting … but as a whole I’m determined to make August my bitch ;)

  2. Great week you’ve had.

    Which book did you pick? I’ve recently read the Millenium triology and I can recommend it to everybody. I loved it.

    Have fun this weekend. As a Dutch girl I had no idea this festival exists :lol:

    1. after much deliberation (looking through all the books I have to read), I settled on Club Dead, the third book in the Sookie Stackhouse Series (True Blood on HBO). I haven’t started reading it though!!

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