Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!
Plan vs. Actual
Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday – 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Whoo hoo! It’s August! We are getting closer and closer to the marathon and now my birthday is less than a month away. I’m really happy my mileage is going up. I’m still struggling a bit with endurance but I’m just going to keep on keeping on. Wonder how many kilometers I’ll run in August??? I have at least 2 pretty long runs coming up plus the Half Marathon in Helsinki. It would be great if my endurance would improve any time now…

This week was a good week. Training went well (mostly) and even though there was some stress at work I managed to make it through mostly unscathed. The stupidly hot temps went down and sleeping was a tiny bit better than the last two weeks. My washing machine, however, blew up last week and we unfortunately had to buy a new one. I am grateful that we have the means to do that, but I can tell you right now it’s not something I wanted to spend money on right now. Chicago is coming up and pretty much we are trying to save money for that trip and buying new appliances was not part of the plan. It was a good run. The machine lasted us 15 years. Time for a new one anyway I guess. Please send good juju, prayers, positive vibes, etc. that the refrigerator and stove keep going until at least end of the year – you know what they say about appliances all going at once? Well… the toaster already kicked it a month ago, now the washer… everything was bought pretty much around the same time…

Anyway, I was almost completely spot on with training this week. Almost…
This Week In Fitness

Plan vs. Actual
- Monday – REST – Nailed it!
- Tuesday – Intervals; 3 x 1 mile (@6:00 pkm) / 200m rest – DONE
- Wednesday –
5KM run (AM) will I make it this time??,Gym with Marie-Jose – LUNCH RUN instead, Bodypump with M-J - Thursday –
Intervals 5 x 600 m (@5:30 pkm)/ 300m rest (though I really also want to go to Bodypump, & Sprint)NOPE, worked 10.5 hours, went out, made two attempts and the legs just didn’t want to go. Walked a few km’s but running was out - Friday –
RESTIntervals from Thursday DONE - Saturday – Intervals; 3 x 1 mile (@6:00 pkm) / 200m rest strength at the gym afterwards – slightly altered intervals at the track, 400m rest i/o 200, Bodypump with M-J DONE
- Sunday –
21KM (!!!!) long run– managed 18KM before I was burnt toast
Worth Noting
Tuesday – wasn’t in the mood for the intervals, couldn’t figure out where to go and I was on my own as Ron had a different training. Ended up back at the dyke where I usually go and managed these 3 mile intervals at about 5:55 m per km pace (9:32 per mile). Total 9KM.

Wednesday – sleeping is never that great when I do my run too late (which I did) so there was no early morning wake up again. BUT, I was bound and determined to do my easy run during my lunch break at work. I knew I was going to the gym at well to do Bodypump with Marie-Jose, so I made sure to at least get up in time to get my gym back packed properly. On my schedule was an easy 30 min. I ran a bit too fast for a recovery run, but I felt good so just went with it. 4.6KM at an average of 6:31m per km (10:38 per mile). Got home in enough time to change clothes and head over to the gym (I had my stuff with me in case I needed to go directly after work).

Friday – tough, tough day Thursday so I moved my intervals to Friday. First I had to go get my hair fixed and afterwards the new washer arrived and it was raining like all get-out so it was almost 6pm by the time I got out. I’m glad I postponed to today – intervals went way better! 5 x 3:00 with 1:30 recovery. These turned out to be around 550 meters @ 5:28 m per km pace (8:48 per mile) and about 140 meters rest. 6KM total.

Saturday – who the heck am I? I got up at 7am, fed and watered myself and also packed up my bag to go to the gym. We headed out to the track around 9:30, did a warm up and then adapted the training for the track; 3 x 1 mile with a recovery round of 400m. Ron paced me for the 1600’s and I managed around 5:40 m per km pace (9:07 per mile) so a tiny bit faster than Tuesday. We were done in plenty of time to get to the gym on time for Bodypump! Total running: 9KM

Sunday Runday – struggled a bit with sleep so was up a bit too late for my liking. Also really had no idea where I was going to run or what my strategy was going to be. My endurance is not that great at the moment and without Ron going with me I knew I needed to have a plan. So I went back to the 4 min: 1 min interval. The schedule asked for 2 and a half hours; I was doner than done at 2:15. I’m good with it; it’s still the longest training run in a REALLY long time (Las Vegas RnR Half) and I call that a success. It was fairly warm and I pretty much drank all my water (1.5 liter) by the time I reached a regular stop on this particular route (Arnhem – Nijmegen) so I bought two bottles of water to refill my hydration bladder. I was sweating like no tomorrow. What is with ALL the sweating?? Anyway, 18 KM in total, pace 7:37 m per km (12:15 per mile)

This Week In Numbers
Biking 35,5 KM (all commuting)
Running 5 x total 46,6 KMS
Gym 2 x Bodypump
AM Workout nope
Steps *103,469 or around 14.8K steps average per day
Coming up Next Week
- Monday – 30 min recovery run, 15-20 min pilates at home
- Tuesday – Intervals; 6 x 1000’s (@6:00 pkm) / 200m rest
- Wednesday – 40 min easy run, Bodypump
- Thursday – hill repeats
- Friday – REST
- Saturday – Long run 2:30 again (will try to hit the 21 this time)
- Sunday – REST
I had to change my schedule a bit for next week because we have two trips to Amsterdam in the week. I have Thursday off because my first stepmom is in town with her cruise and we’ve made plans to see each other. It’s been absolutely forever since I’ve seen her (I’d say almost 30 years) and I’ve never met her (not so new anymore) husband so I definitely find it important to go. Ron is coming with me too! So I think I may just take my running gear, leave it in a locker and then when I get back from Amsterdam suit up and run the Nelson Mandela bridge for my hill repeats. But that’s just an idea right now; we’ll probably discuss it a couple of times before the run actually happens.
On Sunday we are going back to Amsterdam to go to an Indian Food and Bollywood festival. Hence doing my long run on Saturday.
That’s a wrap!
How was your week? Have you had several appliances crap out on you all at once? Do you sweat a lot and take in a lot of fluids on your long run? How do you manage your long runs, all in one go or do you have to break it up? Do you ever run your long runs in walk/run intervals? Have you ever been to an Indian Food and Bollywood festival or something similar?
It’s crazy how appliances all seem to go at once! Our fridge and washing machine went within days of each other. But they were both about 10 years old so I guess it was time. But when it happens there is always something you’d rather have spent that money on! What an awesome week – and with that 18km done I would say your endurance is definitely coming back. August will be even stronger (and with probably better temperatures too).
ah thank you Shathiso! I’m still working on the endurance thing. The runs during the week ARE getting better so I just need to be patient for the long runs.
So glad that the heat broke and that training went well overall this week! I hope that the work stress will die down – definitely not something you want to deal with while training for a marathon!
I’m glad that the new washing machine is working out and will keep my fingers crossed that all your other appliances “stay alive”.
Thanks Kim! Things are much less stressful, at least they were; keeping my fingers crossed for that to continue (and also for the living appliances…)
I am sorry about the washing machine. Mine is the same age. The stove, microwave, and fridge are 10 years. And no, they never go at a convenient time at all.
Good luck juggling the trips & running this week!
Yes, I sweat very heavily and yes, I’m always carrying water because seriously I just need to be hydrated. I’ve spent 3 years using intervals for all my runs/races, and may very well go back to that at some point.
Normally I really don’t like to break up a long run, but I have done it on occasion.
Years & years ago I lived in MD, went into DC and went to some Indian thing at the Smithsonian. It was interesting — I bet I’d get a bit more out of it now!
i am trying to decide actually if I’m going to do run/walk intervals for the marathon. I’m just not sure yet. and I get you on needing to be hydrated!! Oh I can really drink a LOT during and after a long run.
I try to get my long runs all done in one shot, but sometimes I do have to break them up.I don’t think it’s a big whoop if it’s only once in awhile and not each week (at least for). I’m loving the purple hair, too! We’ve been in our house 17 years, and have transitioned to all stainless appliances int he kitchen. It does seem like that all happened over the span of a couple years, though…not gradual (like we were hoping).
I really would like to get my long run done in one go. I know it’s not really an issue, but it feels defeating sometimes. I should not be too hard on myself right now though. Or at all really! I did say to Ron that we need to keep an eye on the fridge and stove because I bought those two things at the same time as well and that was also about 14 years ago… Thanks for the hair love :)
I sweated a lot on Saturday and noticed I drank more than usual but it was quite hot and had a big stressful bit in the middle, so I’m assuming it was that. And I’m out of condition, frankly. A great week for you and you got your hair sorted out! Hooray!
how are you out of condition?? thank you and yes very happy the hair is sorted. hairdresser even texted me today after seeing a photo online and was also excited it’s still got the color in it!
It does seem like all the appliances seem to go around the same time! Way to get up and out early to get that track workout in nicely done! I have not run on the track in forever! Your hair looks really cool!
Fingers are still crossed that nothing else breaks down… but so far so good! Thanks a lot Deborah!
So true about all the appliances going at once – but I hope the rest of yours keep going strong!
I sweat a lot on long runs (and short runs…really I just sweat a lot), and I’m trying to get better about replacing electrolytes as well as water. I’m pretty good about drinking enough water, but I’ve had a couple painful experiences with low electrolytes this summer.
so far nothing else has broken down (knocks wood). I have had issues in the past not drinking enough and the headaches afterwards were horrendous. But the amount of sweat and how much I drink just seems unreal!
Sounds like you are in a good place in your training plans. I am definitely sending good vibes your way that no more appliances go. That’s the stuff I hate to spend money on. So much more fun to use it for traveling and racing!
thanks Laurie! and yes, these are the necessary things that you kind of have to just bite the bullet on.
Sounds like a good week overall! And fingers crossed the the washer is the last appliance you have problems with for a while. That Bollywood festival sounds like a lot of fun.
thanks Chaitali! so far so good, no more breakdowns since the washer! yay!
I love your little bitmoji with the pink hair, but now you’ve got to change it to purple! :-)
Like you, I can nail my rest days, too! ;-)
Thank goodness Ron caught the washing machine while it was “only smoking” and it didn’t catch fire. Our dishwasher caught fire and smoldered overnight two springs ago. We woke up to smoke. It was very scary!
haha I’ve been playing around more with the bitmoji this week. and I “made” my husband make one for himself but now he’s sending me funny bitmojis :D I can’t even IMAGINE what that must have been like when you woke up to smoke!!
Ugh sorry about your washing machine. There’s never a good time for an appliance to go out on you.
Great week for you – and thank goodness the heat finally broke! Hope things at work quiet down – don’t need that extra stress!
am loving the new machine though, she’s sooooo quiet! and luckily the stress at work seems to really be subsiding! We still have team members on vacation (everyone literally takes three weeks at once), and next week we are just the 3 of us again… but fingers crossed things go ok.
Summer training is tough. I bet you are building up more endurance than you realize. I was thinking of you when our toaster stopped toasting. Then our printer died. Then our upstairs air conditioner/furnace (it’s not that our house is that big, the previous owners added a master bedroom over the garage where the original system didn’t reach). It’s 23 years old, so my husband is replacing it. Now THAT will take a bite out of the budget. It’ the worse time of year to need a new a/c!
oh now you really had the three things happen at once!! UGH!!!
That sucks about the washing machine. I hope the other appliances behave and don’t rebel. I also sweat a lot – sometimes even when I am not running, must be the age. :-) Haha! I also drink lots of water on my long runs, even more when it is hot. I LOVE that you nailed your rest day!!! Rest days are important.
so far, so good. nothing broke this past week! haha! And YES I’m a firm believer in REST !
How frustrating that your washer broke! I hate when stuff like that happens. Fingers crossed everything else holds up! Great job getting in your workouts.
Thanks Lisa. Luckily everything has been in tact since getting the new washer :)