Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!
Plan vs. Actual
Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday – 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

This week was much better as far as work goes, but it was finally “our” turn to experience the Heatwave from Hell. Training continued, sleep remained difficult, at some point the airco at work didn’t even work properly anymore (and it’s normally freezing in the office). We had two days that were the “hottest in the history of the Netherlands” – 38 degrees for us on Wednesday and 41 on Thursday (that’s 100 and 104 I believe in fahrenheit). We suffered and yet made it through. It’s FINALLY cooled off a bit. Let’s all do a rain dance now and hope for wet and cool the next week (really! now we need some rain!).
This Week In Fitness
The Plan vs. Actual was a bit closer to each other this week:
- Monday – REST – like a boss!
- Tuesday – Intervals; 5 x 1000m / 200m rest DONE
- Wednesday –
5KM run (AM)nope; 5KM in the evening instead - Thursday – Bodypump, Sprint DONE
- Friday – REST – getting really good at this one!
- Saturday – Intervals 6x 800 / 200 at the track,
strength at the gym afterwardsDONE but we skipped the gym afterwards - Sunday – 14KM long run – also plan to run at least 7KM straight through (still trying to build up endurance) – 13 Done, 7KM without a break DONE
On Monday I had to go back to the podiatrist with my new Hokas and we decided that I would try them with my old insoles for 3 weeks to see how it goes. The new insoles are made to fit Altras so they are too wide in the toes area, the old insoles were made to fit in my Nike Vomeros and they actually fit perfectly in the Hokas. I biked 9 hilly kilometers for 5 min of discussion, but in the end it was worth it (I guess, haha!). I was glad she made time for me on such short notice.

Tuesday -I did do a small lunch walk round around the grounds and parking lot; I did not record it but it was probably 2 or 2.5KM. It was blazing but i just wanted to get some fresh air.
Ron and I went over to the business park area not too far from here to do intervals after work. It was tough since it was around 37 degrees (98.6 F) but having Ron pace me was absolutely amazing. In the end I needed a bit more recovery so my rest was the first two rounds 200m and the last 3 rounds 300m. When we were done he went off and did his hill sprints at the Hert – maybe you’ve seen me posting photos of a large deer on top of a hill before? It’s a real b*tch of a climb is all I can tell you. He did 5 x 100m – that’s not quite all the way to the deer itself.

Wednesday – I slept horribly Tuesday night and when I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet my legs were like concrete columns. I had all my stuff ready to go for a run Wednesday morning and once again it was a NO GO. Ugh. I do actually have good intentions. In any case, I went after work with Ron – first to Sonsbeek Park and then over to the gym. I was going to do some strength exercises but my “easy” jog ended up being challenging from taking the wrong road back up to the gym, which turned out to be what felt like one continuous uphill road. Gym was just 20 min cardio cool down, waiting for Ron to come back.

Thursday – I was so happy to get back to Bodypump and Sprint but I *knew* once again it was going to be challenging. Ron got home a bit early from work so we went to the gym with about 15 min to get changed and get to class – he was off for a run and then would come back later with the intention to do some strength work. It was THE hottest day and there was hardly anyone at the gym! About a handful of us badasses were in class – the temp in the room was 32 degrees (90F) even though the airco was on! I don’t think I’ve ever sweat that much in class! After a 15 min break we were on again in RPM Sprint and Vincent was there to join me. It was cooler in the bike room but as it’s a pretty intensive class there was still a puddle beneath me. As hot as it was I felt really good to have both classes done!

Friday was my day off and also a rest day… but I spent the day cleaning the house. It was a necessary (and not even fully done *sigh*) chore. Would not be a coincidence either that we had Vincent and Wendy over for dinner before they are off on holiday.
The poor cats and this heat – they are really dramatic!

Saturday – track day! I was looking forward to this all week really – I love running out at the Olympic Training Centre – it’s been absolute ages! We did get up too late and get started too late though, so we didn’t manage to get to the gym, due to Ron having an appointment in town to get his hair cut (we just ran out of time). My assignment today was 6 x 800 / 200 rest at threshold pace and I actually went too FAST except for the 5th set. It was a bit cooler but we were more than prepared with lots of water (and slathered in sunscreen). Totally happy with today’s workout.

I went with Ron to his appointment, since that’s where I got my hair done 2 weeks ago and a couple of the hairdressers were surprised to see me and see that my hair has already faded! So they made a new appointment for me for next Friday to get it redone. Everyone agreed that my hair color should fade but not that fast!
Sunday – Long Run Day! When I initially read my training schedule, I thought that 1:30 hour would be 14KM. Since I haven’t exactly been running 6:30 per kilometer, I decided I might be a bit more honest with myself and I calculated it again at 7:00 per KM, ending up with 13KM instead. I had also already decided that I was going to run the first 7KM without stopping. Instead of being so hard on myself about my endurance, I’m chopping up my training a bit instead. Last week I was able to do 6KM in one go so I have had it in my head all week that I was going for 7KM next. And while I was running I just kept repeating to myself “I am strong today. This is a perfect pace” and I had my Garmin just on the time and not on my actual training. Sometimes it’s just better for me to not know my pace or how many more meters or km’s to go. And I did feel strong! My first 7KM I did in 48 min. Then I took a short break to drink something and have a gel and then we started up again. After that I ran to 10KM, walked 500 m as a bit of a break and then ran again for 2.5KM. This was by far the strongest long run of my Chicago marathon training.

So, hotter than Hades or not, I’d say this was a successful week!
This Week In Numbers
Biking 26,75 KM (all commuting)
Running 4 x total 35.5 KMS
Gym 2 x – 1 short recovery cardio session, Bodypump + Sprint
AM Workout nope
Steps *91,574 or around 13K steps average per day
Coming up Next Week
- Monday – REST
- Tuesday – Intervals; 3 x 1 mile (@6:00 pkm) / 200m rest
- Wednesday – 5KM run (AM) will I make it this time??, Gym with Marie-Jose
- Thursday – Intervals 5 x 600 m (@5:30 pkm)/ 300m rest (though I really also want to go to Bodypump, & Sprint)
- Friday – REST
- Saturday – Intervals; 3 x 1 mile (@6:00 pkm) / 200m rest strength at the gym afterwards
- Sunday – 21KM (!!!!) long run
Ugh. I knew this week was kind of a cutback week – I can’t believe I need to do 21 km already on Sunday!!
That’s a wrap!
How was your week? Did you race? Are you preparing for a big race? Do you have furry kids that are basically winning Oscar Awards for best dramatic role in a season? Do you love or hate track intervals?
Great week Renee! Running in this heat is so tough! And bravo for taking on track intervals!
LOL @ furry kids winning oscars.
Lovign following you, Kim & Becca training for Chicago. I wish you were closer as you’re about my pace ish and it would be fun to run together.
CLeaning my apartment has been happening in spurts. I wish I had a magic wand
That’s good that your job has air con — even if home doesn’t yet
There is no way I would run outside in that heat! You guys are badass. Or crazy. Or both. Maybe those hot runs made Sunday’s run feel great? Fantastic that you are feeling strong. How did the hokas feel with your old insoles?
Well done, Renee!!! So, now you know how the rest of us felt last weekend, huh ;-) The heat (and humidity) is a bear, and not always pleasant…but I do feel pretty refreshed and “cleansed” after a thorough sweat session…even if I’m dripping everywhere (and, literally, leaving a trail). Congrats on a strong week ;-)
ugh so sorry you got our heat wave! Seems like everyone had it last week. Way to get your longer run done in those temps. You are making great progress on your way back. Thanks for linking up and have a fantastic week ahead
Good strong work! We only got to 34 here on Thursday and I hardly moved and had to sit in the lounge in the dim with the cat (who went in his cosy cat bed – what???) and my book, couldn’t even work. So either massive kudos to you or utter confusion that you’d want to do that!
Glad the hairdressers acknowledged that’s not right, by the way.
Running in that weather, yikes! Great job though! Kudos to you on your long run on Sunday. Glad you had a great run because those are the ones that keep us motivated. You know I love cat pictures and love the one you posted. So funny because my Lola does the same thing.
Ugh – that heat sounds rough. So sorry that you had to deal with that last week. Trying to train in those hot conditions is just so hard.
Ugh, heat waves really suck. Fingers crossed you get some cooler weather this week :) And way to go with that strong long run!
I’d say that was a really strong week considering the weather! When it’s that hot I definitely take it to the treadmill (luckily we had a break in our weather last week, this week it’s not but it should break by wed I think).
I did like running on a track, for short speed workouts, but like I said. most of them are now under lock & key (well, I haven’t stopped to see if the HS one near me is still open).
That hill with the deer definitely looks REALLY steep!
Mostly the dogs have been super itchy. I had to put Lola on the stuff we’ve been giving Bandit to prevent a recurrence of the hot spot — seems to be working for both of them, thankfully. You can tell how hot it is by how long the animal is. :)
Looks like you were able to run well in spite of the heat! Good for you! Is it true that there is no AC in Europe?
thanks Wendy! yes there really is hardly any a/c here. even people with money and big houses don’t have it. in fact, it was just discovered that airco units were not included in the climate rule grading system we have here in NL – apparently even more people are fed up enough to get airco installed!
Omg so hot! How can you do 5×1000 and 6x800m in the same week?? I’d be toast! Burnt toast! You are definitely making great progress!
Ron did pace me on the 1000’s otherwise I’m not sure I would have made it!
I’m impressed you stuck so closely to your plan in that heat! I can’t run intervals when it’s that hot, I might manage a slightly faster jog.
it wasn’t easy and the intervals were not perfect, especially on Tuesday!
I’d say it was an extremely successful week! Well done – you are definitely getting stronger, week by week. That photo of you on the track with that dramatic sky as a backdrop is amazing.
Thank you! that was a great training session too :)
Strong work this week in some tough conditions! That track looks lovely, I’m envious!
thanks! and it is an amazing track but it’s normally for the use of our dutch olympic athletes. most of the time we have no issue running there but Ron got kicked out on Saturday :(
My mom’s cats don’t do well in the heat either. Poor little things, they’re outside cats so they don’t have the luxury of being in her AC. They do love laying on the breezeway and sleep there on nights they refuse to go into her garage.
I really enjoy track workouts as well even though I haven’t done them for a couple of years. There’s something so satisfying about leaving it all out there on the track after a hard workout.
we don’t have a/c at all so they are really suffering! I hope to have it next year, but we’ll still have to see how that works out. And YES I agree with you about the track workouts! I feel like I actually work harder on the track than anywhere else!