WRD: Week 18 Another Wonder Weather Week

I mentioned in in Friday’s Post so I won’t yammer on too long about it. Suffice it to say the weather here in The Netherlands has left a WHOLE LOT to be desired. It didn’t matter too much this week because I was sooooo busy with work, but still – not one single early morning walk for me as every workday there was misery pouring from the sky. And not just a little bit.

Let’s get on to the Weekly Run Down

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Week 18 – Still lots of walking

Monday – 9KM walk after work
Tuesday – RPM 76, 6.5 KM Running -Treadmill Intervals
Wednesday – 8KM walk after work
Thursday – Bodypump 110 AM, 9.5KM walk after work
Friday – 9.4KM Biking AM (errands), 9.25KM walk in the afternoon
Saturday – 9KM run/walk (incl. notparkrun)
Sunday – 22.3KM Bike Ride, 7.65KM walk


I’ve managed to get down to 103 miles left on the Illinois Criss-Cross Challenge. That’s roughly 7.2KM each day until (and including) the 31st of May. So I think Sunday (before/ during/ after this is published, not sure yet) I will do another 9 – 10KM and then drop down to 8 and eventually 7. As much as I enjoy my walks, it’s a lot for me. As soon as I’m home it’s NSAIDS and the foot massage machine.

Though the weather has not been friendly in general , at least there’s been a window of non-rain in the late afternoons so I have been able to almost make the entire walk without the sky opening up on me.

Monday 9KM after work – managed to make it up to the zoo; to be honest it wasn’t that far away but at the time I wasn’t really sure where I was going – ha!

I sent this to my husband to see if he recognised where I was

Wednesday 8KM after work – this was probably my most favorite walk of the week. I’d gone to park Gulden Bodem one time before, but took a different direction that time; this time I went right past the little gnome, up a steep hill and ended up in the green-grass centre of the park (which I didn’t know existed ! GORGEOUS and the weather played nice too! I also went through a different section of Zypendaal, to the right instead of the left (which was direction zoo) and got to enjoy even more beautiful woods, discovering where the ice skating track and an American Football field is in town!

Thursday 9.5KM after work – it was dry but that was it. After raining all day off and on, I realised I had another window of opportunity to walk right after I was done with work. We were not blessed with a blue sky though. Went a slightly different route again, but had to kind of retrace my steps back almost the same way as I went too far and didn’t want to be too late for dinner.

Was too enthusiastic with the sunglasses

Friday 9.25KM midday walk – The sky was blue, the clouds were pretty and puffy but the wind was in full force! I walked over the John Frost bridge again and through Bakenhof along the Lower Rhine. I really love it out there – in the middle of the city but surrounded by the river, green areas, cows, horses and various other animals..

Sunday 7.65KM Walk more on this next week


I’m not that happy with my mid-week run this week as it was on the treadmill, but it is what it is. Could I have run after work instead of one of my walks? I guess. But it was a stress week at work and I didn’t have the energy for it. As it was the treadmill run was after work as well. I did what I could.

Tuesday 6.5KM Interval Run after work – yeah this day was a rainy dud. Definitely didn’t go outside for any reason. This was 500 m warm-up then 1KM run / 500 m recover until 6.5KM.

Sweat is Glamouros

Saturday 9KM total including notparkrun – Once again up at the crack o’ dawn to meet up with the notparkrunners. I can’t believe how lucky we’ve been on Saturday mornings. So far we’ve not ever been rained out. Today there were 8 of us in total, 1 new guy – an expat from England married to a Dutch lady. We ran together and I stopped with him so he could tie his shoe, otherwise I think I would have had another PB – hahaha! About 13 seconds slower than my fastest notparkrun. After the run we headed over to Starbucks to get coffee and socially distance for a bit outside.

I took about 14 photos in total of this group – it was IMPOSSIBLE to get them all to jump at once!

Strength and Biking

If I were to give this week a grade on strength and spin, it would be a C. But there just wasn’t enough time. My walks cost me around 2 hours. I want to finish the challenge, and with work the way it was, something had to give. I may still do a Bodypump session on Sunday.

Tuesday RPM 76 – Team Pie Gym Day! At least we both got to take a decent lunch break to workout together. And I love this RPM release and needed a good sweat session so I’m glad I choose it.

Thursday Bodypump 110 – I set everything up Wednesday night for success; finally got my tush out of bed and was ready to rock at 6:30. I struggled the other mornings to get out but decided today was the day to get a strength workout in no matter what.

Friday 9.4KM Biking (errands) – Finally a decent weather day! I needed to run a few errands so I got Kolette (my Koga F3) out of storage and biked over to my old Pharmacy (yep, we have “assigned” pharmacies based on where your GP is) to pick up my medication and then over to see Kim at NwLooks to pick up my hairgel (it’s all natural made mostly from aloe). Decided to make a big round to try to get to 10KM; close enough. Stopped off at the windmill. #nofilterneeded

oh and went to the bakery as well. How very European.

Sunday22.3KM Bike Ride more on this next week.

This Week In Numbers

Walking: 34.15 KM
Running: 15.5 KM (includes walking intervals, w/u + c/d)
Strength: Bodypump 1x
Cycling: 1 full RPM, 31.7KM biking
Total steps: 99.106 (avg: 14.158 daily)

That’s a wrap!

How was your week? Do you struggle getting all your workouts in when you are busy with work or projects?

13 thoughts on “WRD: Week 18 Another Wonder Weather Week

  1. Yes, it can be a struggle to fit in all the workouts, no argument there. I’m lucky to be an early-riser, so I can usually get it all done before my workday begins. Most days LOL Poor Gustavas spent the entire week in a state of rest (except for short 1-mile roundtrip to the track, for my stair workout). It was just too cold and far, far too windy for any outdoor biking last week.

  2. Amazing that there is an American football field there. Are there a lot of expats in your area?

    We are having the same terrible weather as you. It’s raining here, but we are on the edge of it. There’s also snow flurries in the forecast. Just awful. But it’s going to warm up this week, so hopefully we can get outside soon!

  3. Looks like you had a strong week of workouts despite being busy! Our weather has been crazy lately! We had a quick but intense hail storm yesterday! And now its cool and rainy. Hopefully warmer weather will arrive soon!

  4. The windmill picture is amazing! You cover a lot of kilometers in your walks, impressive! Interesting about the assigned pharmacies.

  5. Good work! That’s hard work to get those walks done this month. I have 107 miles left of my round-Iceland virtual challenge thing but have 153 days left to do it in and that’s running which I find easier to do more of. Our weather was lovely today but that was not forecasted!

  6. Your weather may leave a little something to be desired, but when you can get out, it looks so beautiful there. It sounds like you had a solid week of workouts, in spite of the busyness.
    Glad to hear you have a Starbucks- I guess they’re just about everywhere now!

  7. I’m glad your #notparkrun is going so well — both with the weather and the participation. My “after work: routine is rough — I trudge upstairs to fix dinner, then collapse on the sofa. I should do *something* active.

  8. Group jump shots are tough! It is great to see you out with such a nice big group though. Congrats on organizing. Hope your weather improves this week

  9. You live in SUCH a beautiful area! Even on the Gray days.

    It’s always a struggle to get it all in. I really wanted to do something besides Yoga this morning, but I knew it would be a very long day, traffic onto the island was a mess, and I ended up driving the whole way. 4+ hours.

    You’re doing great with your walks! Hope your feet hold up to the walks.

  10. i’m right there with you about trying to find time to fit in workouts – heck, trying to find time to fit in everything that needs to be done. I really wish there were more hours in the day.

    I never mastered the group jump shot and I’m not sure if I ever will, lol.

    The weather here has been all over the place. This morning it was bright and sunny and now it’s been pouring down rain for over 2 hours.

  11. You can only do the best you can! I do my runs in the morning. Luckily I am a morning person and wake up early, but need to be in bed by 9pm. Looking at the time now it is way past my bedtime. :-)

  12. So that’s where all the rain is! We are in drought conditions here with heightened brush fire risk. Go figure. There was rain in the area yesterday but up North where I am we did not get a drop. Yes, work often impacts my workouts. You do what you can.

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