Fit Five Friday and the Ultimate Coffee Date – Jan 2024 Edition

I know, I know… it’s very cliché to make that blogging restart again in January, but what can I say? I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but it’s not been *the best year ever* and I’ve just not had the bandwidth. So here we are. Unable to shut the blog down. because *reasons* and wanting to have the connections back with my blogging friends.

Grab our graphic and show the love!

WELOME to Fit Five Friday with with your FIVE amazing hosts – me, My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with Pugs, and The Running Teacher ! Feel free to join in on the fun! And head over here to join the Ultimate Coffee Date with other amazing, supportive and friendly bloggers.

Ultimate Coffee Date – January 2024 Kick Off

I know it’s been a while so I’ll try to catch up as concisely as possible, while trying to maintain a level of reasonable positivity;

If we were having coffee

I’d come right out and say it – work has been super difficult, not so much my actual job, but basically since being bullied in January, it’s not really improved. There are a few other factors as well that just make it unpleasant. I’m working on improving that situation, whether it’s internally or externally solved, I’m not sure yet, so watch this space.

I would of course ask you how it’s going for you and we could either commiserate on work situations / work stress or you’d probably be able to give me some good tips on how to survive in the meantime. I’m open!

If we were having coffee

I’d tell you I had a GREAT parkrun year. Not just with running my own local event but with being able to participate. I managed to run 13 times at my own event, and 25 parkruns in total which is kind of amazing when I’m very often volunteering instead of running. Of the 12 outside of my local, 7 were within the Netherlands, 3 were in Germany and 2 were in Italy. Back in June I also did a “not parkrun” in Paris at the location that was used for parkrun before the government but the events on hold. So yeah, it’s been an excellent parkrun year. My goal for 2024 would be 25 again, and hopefully catch up on the new ones – we have 20 now and the 21st is launching Saturday – plus do a few more in Germany and finally get a couple done in England.

I would then ask you if you’ve been able to try parkrun yet? Would it be something you were interested in? Or do you feel like Saturday morning is for something else?

If we were having coffee

I would definitely ask you how your fitness year was! My initial feeling is that mine wasn’t great but I think I need to really celebrate the successes I had. I had a goal to walk 1km (minimum) every single day for a year and I achieved that! In fact I walked 1031 kilometers last year which is well over the goal per day. I also had a goal to run one 5KM per week last year and since I was sick the whole month of January I had to change that to be the equivalent of 52 5KM runs. Astoundingly I accomplished this. This summer I also wasn’t feeling well physically so I missed a couple of weeks running. My total running mileage in any case was 510KM, quite low but to be honest it’s well over the 5 x 52 that was the goal, almost doubled, in fact.

I did go to the gym consistently for a couple of months, but burnt out pretty quickly. So I’m trying to find a balance in that respect. I also rode my bike some this year, but again less than “normal”. And I was on my spin bike a bit too, but again, not like in past years. I do think the stress and exhaustion are not helping me in this respect, which is wild because normally the exercise helps me COMBAT the stress.

I hope you had a good fitness year or, if you struggled, maybe you can share how you are working on creating a balance for yourself, or if you were injured or unwell how you were able to make it through? It’s nice to share ideas and tips with each other.

If we were having coffee

I’d ask you if you have any Big Hairy Goals this year! So far I haven’t really come up with anything yet. I think just being in a better work situation will free up some space in my head to think about other things. Tell me your aspirations! I can live vicariously through you!

If we were having coffee

I’d tell you I’m excited about the travel year ahead. Already we have stuff planned out until June! Planning weekends away and holidays gives me something to look forward. So far this year we’ve got:

  • Jan – weekend in Vienna for Ron’s birtday
  • Feb – 10 days to the US for my mom’s birthday
  • March – a friend’s Big 60th birthday bash in England + Glasgow weekend to see Simple Minds
  • April and part of May – Malaga with my dad and stepmom
  • June – a wedding in York

Where are you going this year? Any big celebrations you are attending?

What else would you tell me over coffee?

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Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do! 
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

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18 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday and the Ultimate Coffee Date – Jan 2024 Edition

  1. I think that there’s a time when exercise is great for stress, but as we get older, maybe not so much. I’m not saying don’t exercise obviously, but it can be different. And everyone is different.

    I’m sorry that work has been such a cause of stress — but glad you have so many great trips to look forward to! I’m not sure I’d ever get my husband to go anywhere if it weren’t for weddings & funerals.

    I would love to try Parkrun, but it’s not available here (and no, I’m not starting one!).

    1. I do know everyone is different and I’d by lying if I said I wasn’t envious or sad that others my age or older don’t have the same issues I have. But I recognise this and am working on letting go of the things I cannot control. Some days are a success and some not. it is what it is.

      Thanks! i’m working on a solution, though of course not a guarantee that a new job would be better. I have to believe that it most certainly cannot be worse! On the flip side of getting Ron to travel with me I do tend to agree to other things that I may not necessarily be that interested in. It’s all about compromise!

      it’s too bad that the US parkruns are still so few and far between. Even Ron thought we could go to a parkrun while we were visiting Albuquerque in February… the nearest one is in Aspen Colorado LOL – not happening!!

  2. So glad to see you again, via the blog!! Thankfully, my work stress isn’t too bad (just a couple of “key” people that annoy everyone -ie, the boss’ daughter, who doesn’t believe in following procedure for anything, LOL). Sadly, I’ve never done a parkrun, but they look so fun! I’m looking forward to getting more involved in group runs, this year, as I venture down another “new-to-me” path after my house sells ;-)

    1. Thanks Kim! Glad your work stress isn’t that bad. There’s always one annoying person at least though,right? I did see that there was a parkrun in Iowa City but that’s probably a bit far to go for a parkrun. Not that I take that advice, lol! but if I were new to parkrun and a sane person (good combo that I never had) I am not sure I would do it for 5K. Jenn did it though. Just saying hahaha!

      I’m excited for your upcoming group runs, that’s awesome!

  3. Nice to see you again blogging and joining us for coffee! Glad to read that your park runs are going well and that you are feeling better running them. I am also celebrating the achievement I have made and learning to be proud of where I am. Happy new year to you

    1. Thank you Deborah! And well done on all your achievements so far. It’s not always easy to celebrate where we are at the moment.

  4. It’s cool to see your progress against the goals you set last year. You really did well!

    I’m trying to get a London Marathon number and signed up for Destination Races for Berlin so adding those two plus NYC and CA trips planned so far.

    1. Thank you Erica! Hope you at least get into Berlin – it’s “only” a 6 hour drive for me and we LOVE spectating the marathon. Marathon weekend is AMAZING in Berlin <3

  5. I’m sorry to hear about how work’s been treating you. :( I can definitely commiserate on the stress + wish I had good tips for you, but I really hope things resolve soon.

    I had an okay fitness year + managed to hit some of the things I’d wanted to get done, but definitely have a bunch of plans/goals for this year (biggest thing for me is remaining consistent, haha ._. ).

    I hope you have a ton of fun on your travels! If everything works out, I’m hopefully gonna be going to Hawai’i or Mexico (still deciding — I want a warm water location for diving, haha), Australia/Zealand, and China! :]

    1. Thanks Farrah. I hope things are resolved soon too.

      I hear you on the consistency thing too! Glad you managed to hit some goals last year!

      wow your upcoming travel plans definitely trump mine! can I go with you??? Any of those locations will do haha!

  6. It’s always good to hear from you!
    Work stress can suck, especially when your supposed teammates turn against you. I’ve had to deal with some B.S., but at least I’ve got colleagues on my side. I hope things are better in 2024 one way or another.

    1. Thank you so much Coco. Nice that you get it. I wish I had a few colleagues on my side. I mean I do to a degree, but not in my immediate team. It has to get better so it will, one way or another.

  7. Hugs to you! I’m so sorry that your work situation hasn’t improved and I hope you ar able to come up with solutions that bring you peace!

    Lots of great travel for you! We just celebrated Mr PugRunner’s 50th birthday in Duck Key, and A will turn 16 in April. Huge year for these things, no?

    So proud of you for making Parkrun so amazing. What a triumph!

    1. Thanks Jenn. It sucks. No one wants to start a new job and have it be a continuous nightmare. I will find a solution at some point.

      HUGE birthday year for the men this year!!

      parkrun really makes me so happy. have you been able to go back again?

  8. I’m so sorry that your work situation continues to be so difficult. My work as been incredibly stressful as well – I hope we both find some peace this year.

    Congrats on the successful parkruns and your walking streak!

    I’m glad you’re back to blogging :)

    1. Thanks Michelle. Sorry you’ve been dealing with so much stress as well.
      I hope I can at least do the Fridays for a bit, maybe even make it back to the WRD!

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