Positive Post: 1st Monday of the Year Edition

Usually Mondays are fairly tough to get cranked up. A typical Sunday night is to struggle with sleep and/or wake up every few hours and then when it is actually time to get up, there is more struggling taking place. Last night was no exception but I had already had it in my mind that no matter what, I was going to not be cranky in the morning.

Sunday I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. Usually the rush to get my lunch and snacks ready for the next day happens too late, as in somewhere around 9.30 – 10pm when I should be winding down and getting ready for bed. Instead, I spent the afternoon making carrot soup, roasted veggies and quinoa for the week. That means no prepping at all this morning, just making breakfast (steel cut oats courtesy of @foodiemcbody, @eddiemonsoon and @rissamama3) and packing my lunch in my backpack. I will continue to prep in the evening this week so that there is no rushing going on in the morning (this is a source of stress that I would like to eliminate).

I have set up my training schedule on Nike+ for the Half Marathon which means I need to keep the appointments to run so that I will be successful at the end of April in Utrecht. Another thing that I will be doing is going to the gym twice a week. Tuesday evening the Hubs and I will (hopefully) go together (or I’ll go on my own). All of the feedback I have received over several months is that I need a variance in training, ie not just running. I need to strength train as well. I would like to get myelf to the point where I go to the gym on the weekend at least once as well, but let’s not set too many high expectations for myself just yet.

With the stress at work I just need to remember to breathe. Deep, cleansing breaths. I have a new guy starting today but of course it’s quite possibly the worst day to have someone start, but I will get through it with my team. I just need to breathe.

I’ve got the control back this week. No more letting the stress of life, work, lack of sleep get me down. Keeping my appointments with myself will in turn do a lot for my self-esteem and give me a sense of accomplishment. I’m ready!!

What positive things are you doing for yourself this week to set yourself up for success?

6 thoughts on “Positive Post: 1st Monday of the Year Edition

  1. I spent most of the last three weeks of the year sick. So sick that I was unable to work out (and I will usually work out when sick but I was really sick). Today, I return to working out and I can’t wait!

    Even though I managed to lose 6 lbs in December without working out, I did almost no tracking, so part of what I am going to do is return to tracking. I am also going to return to my normal work-out regime. And, (and this is a biggee), I’m going to work at better planning of my meals, especially dinner.

    We’ll see how I do…

    1. and how did your week go? were you able to get some planning in and get a bit more in control?

  2. You’ve started the new year great! Preparing the meals in advance is a great idea and adding strength to your workouts too. I’m starting with strength training too this week.
    Monday, Thursday, Saturday will be for running, Tuesday Pilates and Wednesday strength training. I’m going to start easy with the strength and slowly built it up.

    Good luck for training for the half, I’ve picked up my schedule again too today.

    1. Thanks, you too Fran! I’m struggling a bit with keeping my schedule; Wednesday and Thursday I was just absolutely exhausted and couldn’t manage the 2nd run. I was really sore too from my workout on Tuesday! But I’ll get there. I need to stick to this if I’m going to rock the Half with you :)

  3. Hope those deep cleansing breaths are working well for you as the week progresses! I loaded up on lots of fresh veggies, hummus and fruits to make snacking healthier this week. :)

    1. With the exception of Tuesday (and a bit Wednesday morning) I feel like I managed this week a lot better. Gotta keep breathing!!

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