Happy New Year 2012 (a unique title wouldn’t you say?)

Thanks to all who have supported me, “listened” to my rants and basically stuck by me even though I can be a right whinging fool now and again. I wish I had a profound post to write about each and every one of you, but you know who you are and I’m pretty sure without you I’d have crashed and burned a lot harder than I actually did.

Especially Katie, Karen, Emilie, Penny, Alinda, Lynda, Angie,Tracy, Donna, Elisha, Brooke and Paola– Thanks for being a pretty constant stream in my life as far as support goes; your comments mean everything to me here and on Twitter or Facebook.

Those are just a few who are continually with me throughout my days whether they are good or bad and I’m so, so grateful that I’ve “met” you all online and that we can share this together.

Looking forward to the next great year – WHO KNOWS what’s in store for us???

9 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2012 (a unique title wouldn’t you say?)

  1. I’m so looking forward to this next year. I feel I’m finally getting things right without much effort. I gained some pounds during my 2 month illness but have lost 5 and am working on the other 10 so I’m slapping myself into shape. I FINALLY can run again and I feel great.

    Your food looks very, very good. It looks healthy and homemade and that’s my fav. I wish you a wonderful new year, my friend. You and your sweet hubby.

    1. Thank you so much Katie. I feel truly blessed that I actually got to meet you and run with you this year. That was definitely a highlight!! I’m glad you can run again and that you are feeling better – I look forward to lots of good things from BOTH of us this year!!

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