Week 5 – Starting with a bang

Update – week 5 and FIRST WEEK of Feb!


Monday – On Sunday, I went to Den Haag to spend some time with my friend Babette. Maybe you remember her from some of my other blog posts? We met each other on Twitter and started running together back in 2013 and most recently we went to Berlin together with her husband and mine to run the Berlin Marathon. Sunday was her birthday and she asked me weeks before if I could come so that we could go out and celebrate. So of course I said yes! Based on previous escapades I thought that taking the day off Monday might very well be a good idea and I was right! A fun night out with another running friend of ours turned into a fun early morning! Luckily I paced myself with the beer and was only tired after about 6 hours of sleep and not hungover.   Babs made me a tasty breakfast and we had some coffee and then it was time for me to head home. I needed to be back in town on time to go see my orthopedist for a follow up on my foot after my surgery in May. On that note: quickest appointment ever. The surgeon was very happy with the result and wasn’t concerned with the “click” my foot makes occasionally so I was sent on my merry way.     After my appointment I headed back home to get ready for training that evening.   On the schedule was 8 x 400’s – not easy, but I did it. Super long day.

birthday shenanigans
birthday shenanigans

Tuesday – super busy at work, worked late, came home to a great meal from hubs (yay!, started too late with studying which triggered a slight meltdown. I then hopped on the bike for 15 minutes to release a bit of stress before I went to bed.

a bit is better than nothing, right?
a bit is better than nothing, right?

Wednesday – yes! Finally made it to the gym! Did the sideways elliptical for 30 min and then some machines to specifically target ab/adductors, glutes, hamstrings and quads and then did some other balance exercises. First gym visit in Feb –

2017-02-02 10.03.33

Thursday – Unfortunately had to work a bit late again today. After work I had sports massage, which I didn’t think I needed but once Eva got her hands on me I could feel the magic working.

Friday – My day off.   Most of the day I spent reading and studying but I took a break to cycle to the station and back for coffee beans. Wish I could get this studying thing down. I feel like I’m cramming too much in at one time. It’s not easy to balance work-school-sport AND have time for your partner, kids or friends.   Friday night was training again; to prepare for our race Sunday, we focused on a heartrate in D1 and D2.

Saturday – I spent the whole day in school. At home I was treated to a lovely pasta dinner and basically got my stuff ready for the next day and hit the sack around 10:30pm.

Sunday – Race Day Midwinter Marathon Apeldoorn! Most of our group had 25KM planned, a few of us 10 Miles and 2 of us (1 being me!) were running the “8 of Apeldoorn”. The weather was crap on Saturday so we were all pleasantly surprised how nice it was on Sunday! The race started at 11:15 but my part was only at 3pm, so I brought some school reading with me and hung out whilst Ron and my teammates and several other running friends were running their races. I thought on Friday, if I was lucky, maybe I could run the 8KM in 50 minutes. After sitting in school all day Saturday though, I figured it would be more like 52 or 53.   When it was finally time, I remembered my deep breathing exercises in the corral so I started out calm and strong and I just kept going! Of the 8, I had a few quite surprising KM’s under 6:00/km and I finished, sweaty but still strong at 49:32!!

and I'm even almost in the middle of the pack!
and I’m even almost in the middle of the pack!


Also super proud of Ron; since he’s being treated for a hernia he hasn’t run super long distances, however, he was not only able to do the 25, he ran an additional 5, going back to pick up Kim while she was running. All in all a successful day for pretty much everyone I knew running Apeldoorn! By the time we got back to Arnhem it was time to eat and no one was prepared to cook anything, so we had a Korean meal at a new restaurant in town.

FOOD – 5/5 days logged on MFP

WATER – 5/5 days target met

EXERCISE – 4/5 days

HOUSEHOLD – 3/5 days something done

NO ALCOHOL – 4/5 days

SCHOOL 4/5 days (1 day in school)

And of course I made a note each day in my journal reflecting on these things plus anything else on my mind. Not a diary entry, just something to jog my memory for the day when looking back (or writing a blog post).


How did your February start? Are you smashing goals already? Kicking ass? Taking names?



8 thoughts on “Week 5 – Starting with a bang

    1. thanks Marcia! I feel like keeping a log and a checklist is really helping me stay on track! feels slightly obsessive but I guess there are worse habits to have!

    1. Right, no alcohol, or rather, minimum alcohol. Empty Calories. While I’m actively trying to lose weight it seems a waste to use calories on booze.

  1. February has had me outside a lot more (already) than January, so I’ve been in a much better mood recently. I can (sometimes) handle the treadmill, but much prefer to be outside.

    1. I would be in a much better mood running outside if it would stop friggin snowing. It snowed AGAIN last night. With my training group I have no choice but to run outside so I do it but it always takes some time to “let go” being annoyed with the weather! Due to my sore knees I’m not running at all in between Runiversity trainings, so there’s no treadmill at all for me this time around.

  2. Good job on your goals.

    I feel like a slacker – haven’t been to the gym in ages.

    Now that I am no longer sick, I can get back out there – if I can find a place to run that doesn’t have a foot of snow!!

    1. yes the snow is causing a lot of havoc in the lives of runners! I hope you can get out soon, Darlene!

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